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Transcript SAD2-UML_Lecture_4[1..


4 th Lecture Class Diagram in Construction Phase Patterns Case Study Lecturer: Dr Dimitrios Makris ( [email protected]

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Last week

  Class Diagram   Basic Notation Review Some Advanced Notation Other Static Views  Package Diagram  Workshop: Class Diagram (Conceptual Modelling) 2

Summary of this session

   Class Diagram in Construction Phase Patterns Case Study 3

Class Diagrams in Construction phase (Design)

  Add implementation details  Classes, operations, attributes, multiplicity, navigability, visibility, etc.


  Exploit interaction diagrams Use patterns (“GRASP”, “Gang of Fours’s”) 4

Exploit Interaction Diagram

       Collaboration diagram or Sequence diagram?

Work in parallel on both Interaction & Class diagrams Identify new classes Add operations Add multiplicity and navigability Enhance attributes Determine visibility 5


    Patterns are general solutions to common problems Part of software development method, not part of UML GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns) by Graig Larman  Expert, Creator, Controller, Low Coupling, High Cohesion, Polymorphism, Pure Fabrication, Indirection, “Don’t Talk to Stangers”.

Gang of Four’s Patterns by E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson & J. Vlissides  25 patterns divided in 3 categories according to their purpose (creational, structural, behavioural) 6

Some GRASP Patterns

      Expert Creator High Cohesion Low Coupling  Law of Demeter Controller Façade Class 7

GRASP: Expert

   Problem: “Who, in the general case is responsible?” Solution: Assign a responsibility to the information expert -- the class that has the information necessary to fulfill the responsibility. e.g: Assign calculate_total() behaviour 8

GRASP: Creator

  Problem: Who creates?

Solution: Assign class B the responsibility to create an instance of class A if one of the following is true:   B contains A B aggregates A    B has the initializing data for A B records A B closely uses A  e.g: New PurchaseOrder has been created. Which class is responsible for creating its order lines?


GRASP: High Cohesion

   Problem: How to keep complexity manageable?

Solution: Assign responsibilities so that cohesion remains high.

e.g: Consider the LiftController class. Is it cohesive?


GRASP: Low Coupling

   Problem: How to support low dependency and increased reuse?

Solution: Assign responsibilities so that coupling remains low.

e.g: What are the disadvantages of this class diagram? How can they be solved?


Law of Demeter: Don’t Talk to Strangers

  Use the “Law of Demeter” to reduce coupling.

Within a method, messages can only be sent to the following objects:   The this object (or self ).

A parameter of the method    An attribute of self.

An element of a collection which is an attribute of self.

An object created within a method 12

GRASP: Controller

  Problem: Who handles a system event?

Solution: Introduce a controller class which will be between the actor and the other classes.

 E.g: Should “Race” be responsible for displaying its details?


Façade Pattern


Case study

Let say that we want to develop a email client program!

How will we use the UML diagrams through an iterative-incremental development process?


Recall the Unified Process Stages

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase   Capture Requirements Model Domain  Design Architecture Construction Phase  Analysis    Design Coding Testing Transition Phase 16

Inception Phase

     Inception Phase Elaboration Phase   Capture Requirements Model Domain  Design Architecture Construction Phase     Analysis Design Coding Testing Transition Phase We have already done that by deciding that we will develop an email client application 17

Use Case Diagram

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase    Analysis Design Coding  Testing Transition Phase 18

Conceptual Model (Class Diagram)

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase Capture Requirements   Model Domain  Design Architecture Construction Phase    Analysis Design Coding  Testing Transition Phase 19

Package Diagram

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase Capture Requirements    Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase    Analysis Design Coding  Testing Transition Phase  If the scope of the project is large, then we can split it into smaller manageable pieces, using the package diagram 20

Use Case Full Text

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase   Analysis Design Coding   Testing Transition Phase Pre-requirements: An Account exists and is selected Post-requirements: Email sent to the SMTP Server, Message copied to the Outbox Folder Main Success Scenario: The User selects “Compose Message”. The user edit the fields “To:”, “Cc:”, “Subject”, “Message”. Then, the user selects “Send Message”.

Exceptions: SMTP Server undefined or cannot connect, “To:” undefined Alternative Scenario: The user selects “Send Message Later”, instead of “Send Message”.


Activity Diagram

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase   Analysis Design Coding   Testing Transition Phase 22

Sequence Diagram

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase   Analysis Design Coding   Testing Transition Phase 23

Dynamic views in Construction Phase

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase    Capture Requirements Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase   Analysis Design   Coding Testing Transition Phase  Other Dynamic Views can be used for the Analysis and the Design Step, e.g:    Collaboration Diagram (Communication in UML2.0) State Diagram Interaction Overview Diagram 24

Implementation Model (Class Diagram)

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase    Capture Requirements Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase Analysis     Design Coding Testing Transition Phase 25


    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase    Analysis Design Coding  Testing Transition Phase    From Class Diagrams to Class Definitions From Dynamic Views to Method Definitions Packages in Java, C++ and C# 26

From Class Diagram to Class Definitions

public class OrderLine { private int Quantity; private SKU SKUOrdered; } public OrderLine(int qty, SKU product); public int GetQuantity(); public int SetQuantity(int qty); public float Subtotal(); 27

From Interactive Diagrams to Method Definitions


public double GetTotal() { double total=0; OrderLine line; for (int i=0; i

Test & Party!

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase    Analysis Design Coding  Testing Transition Phase 29

Construction Phase iterations

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase  Capture Requirements  Do the same for each Use Case   Model Domain Design Architecture Construction Phase     Analysis Design Coding Testing Transition Phase 30

Promote and Sell the System!

    Inception Phase Elaboration Phase   Capture Requirements Model Domain Construction Phase  Analysis    Design Coding Testing Transition Phase 31


   The implementation model is easily derived from the conceptual model and the sequence/collaboration diagrams.

Patterns are standardised solutions to common problems A case study illustrated the usage of UML in different steps of the Unified Process.


What is next?

 This week  Workshop on Class Diagram (Implementation Model)  Next week   Feedback on workshop exercises Discuss the assignment 33