Effective Feedback

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Effective Feedback
• GCU faculty members are responsible for
ensuring students master the objectives of
the course. This is accomplished, in part,
by effective feedback.
Required Feedback Elements
Graded and
Scored Rubric
What areas
Adherence to
GCU Style
What did the
student do well?
• The course curriculum specifies the
content and objectives required for each
assignment deliverable.
• The Assignment criteria for each course
deliverable is clearly defined and provides
explicit detail relative to the submission
Sample Assignment Criteria
BIB-105 Module 3: Assignment
1) Individual:
a) The Kingdom of God Is Like…
i) Read the article by Tame listed in the Readings. Note how the author
encourages readers to find contemporary metaphors for the Kingdom of God.
ii) Write an essay (500-750 words) on contemporary metaphors for the
Kingdom. Choose two different metaphors, one from the article and one from
your own experience, for the Messiah and the Kingdom of God. Elaborate on
the characteristics of the Messianic Kingdom of God as Jesus taught and
modeled it. Especially focus on the specific teachings on the Kingdom in the
assigned readings for this module. This paper should show your understanding
of Jesus' teaching of the Kingdom and His role as Messiah.
iii) You must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the Niswonger
text and the Bible.
iv) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style
Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
v) Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of Module 3.
Grading for Content
Return Feedback
Graded and
Scored Rubric
GCU Style Guide
Review Turnitin
Turnitin (TII)
TII submissions are required for all assignments over 500 words in length.
TII is not required for Journals, Study Guides, PPTs or Excel files.
TII Originality Reports must be reviewed for percentage matches.
Properly cited information will appear as a match.
Quotes and references will and should generate a percentage match.
Very high percentage matches should be reviewed. Reference the “Reporting
Plagiarism” lecture located in the Faculty Resource Center for further details.
TII detailed tutorials are located in the Faculty Resource Center.
TII is a learning tool for students!
Providing Feedback on Assignments
• Did the student meet all the objectives as specified in the
Assignment Criteria – in terms of both content and format?
• Instructors are encouraged to embed comments in the body of
essays and similar assignments, as appropriate, to help students
identify key areas of strength and areas needing improvement
• Comments should indicate what the student did well, in addition to
noting areas for improvement.
• Comprehensive feedback should be provided to the student within 7
days of assignment submission.
• Effective, constructive feedback assists learners in mastering not
only the subject matter, but also assists them in mastering the tenets
of academic rigor.
GCU Assignment Grading Rubrics
• GCU provides an array of Assignment Grading rubrics
that are used in assessing submissions.
Auto Rubrics
GCU Analytic
Auto Rubrics
• Many courses utilize Auto Rubrics that are built into the
online classroom.
• If an Auto Rubric is provided for an assignment, it must
be used for grading submissions.
• Auto Rubrics contain pre-determined point values
allocated to various aspects of content and
formatting/mechanics expectations.
GCU Analytic Rubrics
• An array of GCU Analytic Rubrics have been designed
by GCU and have been made available to all faculty.
• The GCU Analytic Rubrics are located in the Faculty
Resource Center along with a tutorial demonstrating how
to use them.
• The GCU Analytic Rubrics have been programmed in
• Once the rubric has been graded, it should be returned
to the student as a file attachment.
Faculty Generated Rubrics
• If an assignment does not have an Auto Rubric, instructors have the
option of using a GCU Analytic Rubric or a rubric of their own
creation based on the assignment criteria to grade the assignment.
• If an instructor has created assignment specific rubrics, they must
be uploaded to the classroom prior to the start of the class.
• All rubrics must address content, format, adherence to APA as
applicable, and Grammar, Usage, Mechanics and Spelling (GUMS).
• Rubrics ensure that grades earned are objective rather than
subjective, and provide students with a better understanding of how
the grade was earned.
Returning Feedback to Students
• Completed feedback (which may include embedded
comments, summary comments and a graded and
scored rubric) must be provided to all students via the
assignment dropbox in the classroom.
• Completed feedback must be provided to students within
7 days of receipt of the assignment submission in the
The Assignment Feedback Cycle
Return Feedback
Graded and
Scored Rubric
GCU Style Guide
Review Turnitin
Effective Feedback and Academic Integrity
• All members of the faculty at GCU have the
responsibility to honor academic integrity by not merely
editing assignments for grammar, spelling, punctuation,
and word choice or citation errors.
• Evaluation of learner comprehension, application of
content and evidenced critical thinking skills are
essential components that are necessary to honor
academic integrity and learning.
• Students earn grades. Faculty do not give grades.
• When providing summary comments, faculty members
should employ the Sandwich method.
• Summary comments should provide a brief global
overview of the submission, and begin with letting the
student know what they have done well.
• Areas that need improvement should then be addressed.
• The summation should conclude with positive comments
to the learner.
• Tone is extremely important when providing feedback.
• As these techniques are employed, it creates a solid
foundation for students to be receptive to areas that may
need improvement.
• Feedback should be positive, constructive and timely.
• Although instructors have a 7 day timeframe to provide
feedback, students are seeking validation as to what
they have done well, and areas that need improvement
prior to preparing the next assignment submission.
• Effective feedback should not break a student’s spirit!
Rather, it should serve as a learning and growing
opportunity to assist each individual as they progress
through the course.