AP 2 Columbus and de Las Casas Primary Source Work

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Mr. Weber


 1. What do you think of our textbook?

 How much did you read?

   What did you like?

What did you not like so much?

What did you find difficult?  2. How many pages do you anticipate reading tonight?


 Activator, agenda, and objective (10 minutes)  First Americans Lecture / Chapter Outline (20 minutes)  Columbus and De Las Casas reading (15 minutes)  European’s View of Native Americans – observing primary sources (20-30 minutes)  “Voices of Freedom” primary source analysis (30-45 minutes)  APPARTS primary source strategy (10 minutes)  Exit ticket and homework (5 minutes)


 You all will…  Examine the transatlanic encounters between Europeans and American Indians, focusing on Spain’s empire and the Pueblo Revolt.

 (From CollegeBoard’s AP topic #2).  Analyze primary sources and record your observations in writing.

Give Me Liberty!

Ch. 1 Presentation (20-30 minutes)

I. First Americans

A. Arrival of Native Americans

- Gradual settlement across Americas - Environmental change and rise of agriculture

B. Aztec and Inca Empires


I. First Americans (cont’d)

North American Indians  

Wide-ranging and evolving societies

Mississippi Valley

Ohio River Valley


West Coast

Great Plains


Northeast Interrelations among Indian societies

  

Trade Diplomacy War

D. North American Indians




Distinguishing factors among Indian societies

Political organization

Religious beliefs


Absence of shared identity Common characteristics among Indian societies

Spiritual outlook

Place of ritual

    

Views on natural and supernatural Views on secular and religious Conceptions of property Relative lack of material inequality Systems of gender relations European disdain for Indian customs and values

II. Indian freedom, European freedom

Indian conceptions of freedom

Basis in collective belonging, self-determination, mutuality Absence of basis in individual autonomy, private property European incomprehension of

European conceptions of freedom

Christian liberty Freedom from sin No freedom of religious choice Freedom and inequality in early modern England Emphasis on ordered, hierarchical society Gender hierarchies Class hierarchies Unequal distribution of freedoms

 

III. Start of European expansion

Initial aims  

Commercial sea route to Asia Circumvention of Islamic middlemen

Slavery and Africa  

Traditional patterns of African slavery Acceleration of slave trade following European arrival

Eastward expansion  

Portugal’s exploration, extension of trading empire

West Africa

Cape of Good Hope

 

Far East Portugal’s colonization of Atlantic islands

India Sugar plantations

Slaves from Africa

Westward expansion 

Voyages of Christopher Columbus

Quest for westward route to Asia

Sponsorship of Spain

 

First Spanish presence in New World

Settlements at Hispaniola

Explorations by Amerigo Vespucci First English and Portuguese presence in New World

John Cabot (Newfoundland)

Pedro Cabral (Brazil)

    

IV. Spanish conquest of New World

Motivations  Demographic consequences

Acquisition of wealth National glory Spread of Catholicism

 “Columbian exchange” of goods and people The Conquistadores 

Vasco Nú ň ez de Balboa’s expedition to Panama, the Pacific

Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition around the world

 

Hernán Cortés’s conquest of the Aztecs

Background on Aztec empire

Defeat, devastation, subjugation of the Aztecs Francisco Pizarro’s conquest of the Incas

 

Background on Inca empire Defeat, devastation, subjugation of the Incas

 Devastation of Indian population 

Breadth and magnitude





Spanish conquistadores murdering Indians at Cuzco, in modern-day Peru. The Dutch-born engraver Theodor de Bry and his sons illustrated ten volumes about New World exploration published between 1590 and 1618. A Protestant, de Bry created vivid images that helped to spread the Black Legend of Spain as a uniquely cruel colonizer.

VI. The Spanish Empire

Spain and the Indians 

Dual agenda of saving souls and exploiting labor

External restraints on brutalization of Indians

 

Pope Paul III’s ban on Indian enslavement

Bartolomé de las Casas’s

Destruction of the Indies

Spanish reforms of colonist-Indian relations

 

Abolition of Indian enslavement Abolition of



Implementation of


system Continuing abuse of Indians

Colonial labor system at end of sixteenth century  

Involuntary wage labor by Indians Slave labor by Africans

Emergence of Black Legend image of Spanish colonizers Spanish explorations of North America 



 

Strategic bases Religious conversion

VI. The Spanish Empire

Spanish explorations of North America


Exploratory expeditions Juan Ponce de Léon Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo Hernando de Soto Cabeza de Vaca Francisco Vásquez de Coronado 3.

Devastation of Indian communities 4.

Establishment of Spanish settlements In present-day Southeast In present-day Southwest

VI. The Spanish Empire

Pueblo Revolt 

Sources of Pueblo resentment of colonial authorities

Labor exploitation

Pressure to convert to Catholicism

 

Assault on Pueblo religious traditions Failure to protect Pueblos from drought, external attacks

The 1680 Revolt



  

Leadership Unity of Pueblo rebels Defeat and ouster of Spanish colonizers

Pueblo Revolt


Aftermath of revolt

Eradication of Spanish cultural presence

  

Collapse of Pueblo unity Return of Spanish colonial rule Easing of colonial practices toward Pueblos

         

VII. The French and Dutch empires

Overall significance The Dutch empire 

As part of Atlantic rivalry with Spain Establishment and scope of

Place within Dutch commercial empire Modesty of, compared to Spanish empire

Conceptions of liberty and toleration

The French empire 

Social and economic arrangements Initial aims Initial obstacles

Limits of growth Establishment and scope of

Relations with Indians Relations with Indians Social and economic arrangements Limits of growth

European’s Thinking about Indigenous Peoples

 Christopher Columbus: 

Rethinking Schools

, pp.89-102 

Lies My Teacher Told Me

, pp.38-39.  De Las Casas 

History of the Indies

European’s View of Native Americans

 What do you see?

 (Write down only observations based on the document).

European’s View of Native Americans

Voices of Freedom

 Turn to pp.38-39 in Give Me Liberty!  In groups examine either Bartolome de Las Casas’ History of the Indies or Josephe’s “Declaration of Joseph.”  Answer the following questions:   1. Observation: What kind of document is it? What is the title? Who is the author? When was it written? For what audience was it written? 2. Expression: What do you find interesting or important about this document? Is there a particular phrase or section you find particularly meaningful or surprising?  3. Connection: What does this document tell us about life at the time it was written? What ideas of freedom are apparent in the document?

Primary Source Strategy: APPARTS

Exit ticket


 Continue reading Give Me Liberty! Ch.1 pp.1-40 due Tuesday.

 Zinn reading questions.  Prepare for debate tomorrow.