Transcript Attendance

Jackie Beaulieu, HCEA Executive Vice President

HCEA 2013


of the


Research Underwriters

Why is this important?

Understanding big picture trends

empowers you

to make better informed decisions.

Total Attendees

Reported in 2012

Flying Physicians Association Association for Play Therapy Blepharospasm Research Foundation

Attendance swings for two large events

Medical meetings represent over 400 specialties

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) AdvaMed Code of Ethics Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (AFSSAPS) American Medical Associaiton (AMA) Best Practices on Exhibitor Designated Contractors Canada Food & Drug Act


Canadian Pharma Code Code for Interactions with Companies Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS) Department of Healthcare and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) EFPIA Codes of Practice EucoMed Code of Ethical Business Practice Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Guidelines for U. S. Healthcare Conventions HCEA Convention Housing Position Statement IFPMA Americas Region IFPMA Asia & Pacific Region IFPMA European Region IFPMA Middle East and Africa Region International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association (IPCAA) International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

…industry codes, guidelines and laws by state and country

Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance (MITA) OIG Guidance PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals Physcian Payment and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Physcian Payment Sunshine Act (2009) Prescription Drug Advertising and Promotional Labeling - DRAFT GUIDANCE Product Name Placement, Size, and Prominence in Advertising and Promotional Labeling Regulatory Acts Sponsorship Solicitation Guidelines Statments and Guidelines TSEA/HCEA Standard on Electronic Output Files Washington, DC SafeRx Law


State of the Industry

Meeting Trends Economic Trends Future Outlook Industry perspective from multiple viewpoints

Meeting Trends

Top 50, Attendance, Exhibits, Space Cost, International

Attendance Growth in the Top 50, 2011 to 2012 Note: HCEA updates historical data as reported, which is reflected in successive reports. In some instances where professional attendance has not been supplied HCEA applies a standard baseline average ratio to the organizer’s reported total attendance.

Attendance Growth in the Top 50, 2012 vs .2007

Professional attendance is nearly back to pre-recession levels.

Note: HCEA updates historical data as reported, which is reflected in successive reports. In some instances where professional attendance has not been supplied HCEA applies a standard baseline average ratio to the organizer’s reported total attendance.

Attendance Trends in CEIR Index Healthcare Sector vs. Overall Exhibition Industry, Index of Attendees, 2009=100

Attendance Growth in the Top 50 Professional attendance growth for some, not for others.

Attendance Growth by Meeting Category Large Meetings: 4,000+ Total Attendees

International Attendance Growth From meetings with 10,000+ total attendees

1998 2003 2008 2011 2012 23.6% 19.9% 29.0% 25.2% 25.3%

*Percentages from 1998 and 2003 include smaller sample sizes and historical estimates by event organizers.

Exhibit Hall Trends in Exhibits and Net Sq. Ft.

Large Meetings: 4,000+ Total Attendee Note: Exhibit figures have been adjusted from 2006 forward to reflect updated reporting definitions.

10x10 Space Cost Trends from 1997-2012 Space cost maintains increases.

Medical Meeting Location Trends

2011 and the last five years

Medical Meeting Location Trends 2012 Top 20 Destinations

9 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 18 18 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 San Diego Orlando New Orleans Philadelphia San Francisco Anaheim/Los Angeles Boston Chicago Las Vegas Washington Atlanta Denver Phoenix Scottsdale San Antonio Miami/Miami Beach Dallas Baltimore New York Seattle

2010 Top 20 CEIR Destinations

1 2 3 4 5 6 16 17 18 19 20 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Las Vegas Orlando Chicago New York Atlanta San Diego Wash. DC Boston Dallas Houston San Francisco San Antonio Denver New Orleans Nashville Austin Phoenix Los Angeles Philadelphia Anaheim

Medical Meeting Timing Trends

When are medical meetings most often held?

Timing Trends for All Meetings

All meetings held from the 2010 CEIR census.



Economics, Dow Jones, GDP

Dow Jones Titan Index of Healthcare

Source: Dow Jones

National Healthcare Expenditure (% Change)

Despite multiple recessions, annual national healthcare expenditures from 1960 through 2012 have increased.

CEIR Total Index vs. Quarterly Real GDP

Year-on-Year % Change

Future Outlook

What do your colleagues think?

Healthcare Exhibitor Outlook In 2014, do you anticipate that your company will exhibit: 58 Companies Reporting

Healthcare Exhibitor Outlook In 2014 do you expect that your spending in the following areas will increase, decrease or have no change?

58 Companies Reporting

Medical Show Organizer Outlook

In 2014, do you anticipate that your primary conference attendance will:

28 Associations Reporting

Medical Show Organizer Outlook

In 2014, do you expect that your net square footage will:

28 Associations Reporting

Medical Show Organizer Outlook

In 2014, do you anticipate that the number of your exhibits will:

28 Associations Reporting

Future Outlook

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing healthcare exhibitors in the coming year?

1. Budget constraints/cost management 2. Regulations/Guidelines 3. Traffic in hall / attendee interaction 4. Exhibitors not being creative enough to adapt how they interact on the show floor 5. Show organizers not being creative enough to make the exhibit hall more compelling

Future Outlook

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing healthcare conventions in the coming year?

1. Traffic in hall / attendee interaction 2. Budget and cost implications 3. Regulations/Guidelines 4. Sustainability of the current convention/exhibit model

Industry Issues Success Trends



between show organizers and exhibitors to make the exhibit hall compelling, cost conscience and valuable.

Exhibitors who are being

proactive in re-inventing

how they weave education and science into their exhibit experience to attract HCPs.



of turning exhibit halls into ecosystems of clinical and scientific exploration for HCPs.

New era of learning and engagement

The industry continues to

rise to the challenge

of re-inventing the medical meeting and exhibition experience.

Jackie Beaulieu, HCEA Executive Vice President

HCEA 2013


of the