HITEC - Città di Torino

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HITEC – Hebron
Innovation Technopark
Feasibility study index
Kick off meeting mission
from the12th to the 15th May 14
HITEC | Feasibility study index
1 - Context analysis
a) Legislative framework: Palestine Innovation Policies
Law on the Encouragement of Investment (Law No. [1] of 1998 and
Innovation policies: PIPA (Palestine Investment Promotion Agency)
b) Hebron economy context: statistics in Hebron about
• Activity sectors,
• Companies,
• Human resources,
• Graduate people
Municipality of Hebron, PCBS - Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
HITEC | Feasibility study index
1 - Context analysis
c) Palestine Innovation actors & futures and on-going initiatives:
Main innovative sectors, actors and initiatives in Palestine :
Palestine Polytechnic University (Hebron)
Youth Development Resource Center (Hebron)
EnterVentures (Birzeit University)
Palestine Information and Communication Technology Incubator – PICTI and
Palestine Business and Innovation Center - PBIC (Ramallah)
Al Qattan Center (Gaza)
Palestine for a New Beginning
Business Development Centre in Palestine
Technology Incubator at An-Najah
Korean Palestinian IT Institute of Excellence – KPITIE
Palestinian IT Association - PITA
d) External stakeholders – International donors operating in research
and innovation
e) Local economic, innovation and business needs :Chamber of
Commerce – PPU - local companies
HITEC | Feasibility study index
2 - Analysis of the Italian experience
a) Evolution of the Technopark business model
Description of the technoparks model and evolution in Italy
b) Best practices in Innovation-related local policies
Presentation of some best practices developed to foster innovation
at local level
HITEC | Feasibility study index
3 - Roles of the main local stakeholders
Brief description of the local stakeholders and of their role in the
a) Hebron Municipality
b) National Government
c) Hebron Chamber of Commerce
d) Universities
HITEC | Feasibility study index
4 - HITEC Concept
a) Main functions
Incubator: to foster business creation
Companies settlement: physical concentration of technology
based business
iii. Network/cluster creation: to support measures for innovation
b) Target/market : sectors, companies,...
c) Services for the different functions: Incubator, Companies
settlement and Network/cluster
d) General business model description
Proposals to be defined with the local partners
HITEC | Feasibility study index
5 - HITEC Governance
a) Definition of the involved actors: who? In what way?
b) Role of the different actors
c) Management of the HITEC: Description of the management
system of the HITEC
d) Legal form
Proposals to be defined with the local partners
HITEC | Feasibility study index
6 - Business Plan
Economic and financial analysis related to the implementation
of the HITEC in order to:
• Support the decision-making process
• Understand the economic and financial frame that the
operation involves
HITEC | Feasibility study index
7 - Infrastructure plan
a) The site
Location: description of the potential site/s proposed by the local
partners (may 2014)
Access infrastructures (roads, rails and airports)
iii. Main characteristics (surface, geometry, zone, security procedure,...)
b) Spaces organization
HITEC | Feasibility study index
8 - HITEC implementation
General indications and best practices for HITEC implementation,
a) Fundraising
b) Attraction of investors
c) Realisation steps
d) Marketing
HITEC | Feasibility study index
9 - HITEC brochure
a) Logo
b) Contents
Davide Damosso
[email protected]
+39.011.2257224 / +39.349.0799803