Develop Strategic Plan - Frederick County Public Schools

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BOE Information Session

Developing a long term strategic plan for FCPS

S E P T E M B E R 2 4 T H , 2 0 1 4 D R A F T

FCPS is working to draft a focused, coherent and actionable strategic plan to guide the school system over the next five years. Strategic Planning - Rationale and Objectives FCPS Situation

Most school districts navigate a number of challenges and competing interests:

Increasing Diversity of Student Population and Need Tightening Budgets Rising Accountability Strategic Planning Benefits

A coherent strategic plan helps navigate the growing number of challenges by:

• • •

Prioritizing a focused and actionable set of the most important levers

for improving performance

Aligning all stakeholders

on a clear path forward over the next few years Providing a guidance document to

drive allocation of school system’s limited resources

(financial, human capital and others)

Growing Regulation 2

The design of the strategic plan is a multi-month process. Project Workplan


Phase I - Design Conduct Needs Assessment

1 month

Gather and analyze quantitative data

on what is working well and areas in need for improvement 

Utilize information from district’s stakeholder engagement efforts

to identify pressing issues to be addressed within the strategic planning process 

Conduct additional stakeholder interviews

to better understand district priorities 

Form steering committee

and organize project kick-off

Develop Strategic Plan

4-5 months

Refine long term aspirational goals

for FCPS 

Draft a theory of action

about what it takes to raise achievement and make the vision a reality 

Develop priorities

in line with • the drafted theory of action

Current focus

Finalize specific and measurable targets

related to district priorities (measurable goals) •

Incorporate community feedback

into the drafted plan

Phase II - Implementation Implement

9-12 months

Draft a detailed action plan

for implementation: o o o Delineate roles and responsibilities Establish implementation timelines Determine plan to track and monitor progress •

Create templates/framework for schools to create school-level improvement plans

in accordance with the overall strategic plan •

Develop management dashboard

to track and monitor progress on each strategic goal/objective


FCPS convened a steering committee dedicated to developing the strategic plan. Steering Committee Membership



Theresa Alban Mita Badshah Zakir Bengali Tracey Franklin Chris Horne April Miller Jeanine Molock Leslie Pellegrino Randy Perrell Larry Phillips


Superintendent Middle School Principal BOE Member High School Principal Curriculum Specialist (Pre K -5, Math) BOE Member Director of Research, Development and Accountability Executive Director of Fiscal Services Elementary School Principal Custodial Services Specialist


The development of FCPS’ strategic plan has bene guided by a comprehensive framework. Strategic Planning Framework Aspirational Goals Theory of action Priorities

Measurable Goals

(related to the priorities)


Definitions Aspirational goals


Definition of where the organization wants to be in future

Theory of action


Set of beliefs, policies, and practices connected by logic rules. Belief around why something will be successful



Broad thematic areas of focus

Measurable goals: Specific and

measurable targets related to district priorities

Questions What does success look like?

What do we believe will help us achieve our aspirational goals?

How will we support the theory of action?


Responsibilities Timelines Initiatives: Specific actions related

to each priority that help to achieve the measurable goals

What needs to happen by when and by whom?


The steering committee has revised aspirational goals statements based on feedback provided by the BOE at their June 12 meeting. Aspirational Goals


1 Broad Thematic Category

Student achievement:


Effective and engaged staff:


Resource allocation:


Community involvement:

Goal Statement FCPS will equip each and every student to be an engaged citizen and an empowered learner to achieve a positive impact in the global community. FCPS will hire, support, and retain staff who champion personal, professional, and academic excellence.

FCPS will utilize all resources strategically and responsibly to achieve identified outcomes and inspire public trust. FCPS will nurture relationships with families and community members, sharing responsibility for student success and demonstrating pride in our school system. 6

The development of the theory of action has been a multi-step process involving feedback and guidance from members of the steering committee. Theory of Action Development Process Phase I - Design Conduct Needs Assessment

1 month

Gather and analyze quantitative data

areas in need for improvement on what is working well and 

Utilize information from district’s stakeholder engagement efforts

to identify pressing issues to be addressed within the strategic planning process 

Conduct additional stakeholder interviews

to better understand district priorities 

Form steering committee

and organize project kick-off

Develop Strategic Plan

4-5 months

Refine long term aspirational goals for FCPS

Draft a theory of action

about what it takes to raise achievement and make your vision a reality •

Develop priorities

in line with the drafted theory of action •

Finalize specific and measurable targets

related to district priorities (measurable goals) •

Incorporate community feedback

into the drafted plan

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

DRAFT • Discussed key beliefs with Superintendent, utilizing case studies from other districts and past FCPS initiatives • Drafted initial theory of action based on preliminary themes put forth by the Superintendent • Sought feedback from steering committee members on the initial draft • Refined theory of action draft based on feedback


The theory of action represents FCPS’ fundamental belief about achieving its defined goals. FCPS Theory of Action



• Creates a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement throughout the district using clear indicators of performance, and • Recognizes that schools and school communities are the centers of student learning, and • Invests in staff at every level of the organization who work to ensure highest quality teaching and learning occurs in every classroom, and • Empowers all leaders to adapt districtwide parameters to the local context in order to achieve set goals;


FCPS staff members will become exceptional leaders who support one another to ensure all students are successful


The steering committee has drafted and refined potential priorities through a multi-step process. Priorities Development Process Phase I - Design Conduct Needs Assessment

1 month

Gather and analyze quantitative data

areas in need for improvement on what is working well and 

Utilize information from district’s stakeholder engagement efforts

to identify pressing issues to be addressed within the strategic planning process 

Conduct additional stakeholder interviews

to better understand district priorities 

Form steering committee

and organize project kick-off

Develop Strategic Plan

4-5 months

Refine long term aspirational goals for FCPS

Draft a theory of action

about what it takes to raise achievement and make your vision a reality •

Develop priorities

in line with the drafted theory of action •

Finalize specific and measurable targets

related to district priorities (measurable goals) •

Incorporate community feedback

into the drafted plan

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

DRAFT • Steering committee members individually drafted possible priorities via homework assignment • Steering committee and Superintendent ranked multiple priority topics during group activity • Steering committee provided input on sample priorities through small group phone conversations • Steering committee further refined and finalized priorities as a group


The current priorities have been drafted with several specific qualities in mind.

Characteristics of a Well Crafted Priority Quality Focused Description

• Priorities should focus on a

short list of high impact activities

that are most likely help FCPS meet its goals, given the school system’s specific context, challenges, and opportunities DRAFT • Priorities should paint a

clear picture to all stakeholders

about the school system’s focus

Clear Aligned

• Strong priorities

promote cross-collaboration and alignment

between the work of various departments and levels of the organization • It should be possible to

measure progress

toward achieving each priority

Measurable 10

FCPS’ priorities describe specific areas of focus for the school system in order to achieve the aspirational goals.


1 Thematic Category

Student achievement

Goal Statement

FCPS will equip each and every student to be an engaged citizen and an empowered learner to achieve a positive impact in the global community.


Effective and engaged staff FCPS will hire, support, and retain staff who champion personal, professional, and academic excellence.

3 4

Resource allocation Community involvement


• FCPS will provide all students high quality instruction that fosters creative thinking, complex problem solving, and collaboration.

• FCPS will provide curriculum, instruction, and enrichment that raises achievement for all students and closes achievement gaps. • FCPS will support growth for all staff and enable them to advance continuously as highly effective professionals. • FCPS will implement strategies to recruit, hire, and retain a high quality and diverse workforce. FCPS will utilize all resources strategically and responsibly to achieve identified outcomes and inspire public trust. • • FCPS will ensure equitable distribution of resources based on the varied needs of students and schools. FCPS will continue to promote clear communication and transparency in allocation of funds.

FCPS will nurture relationships with families and community members, sharing responsibility for student success and demonstrating pride in our school system. • • FCPS will develop, encourage, and maintain community participation in district initiatives to support student success. FCPS will equip staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to engage students, families, and the community and build trust in the district’s goals, priorities, and initiatives.


The next phase of work will involve extensive outreach to the community to seek input and encourage feedback on the draft of the strategic plan. Timeline of Community Engagement Phase I - Design Conduct Needs Assessment

1 month

Gather and analyze quantitative data

on what is working well and areas in need for improvement 

Utilize information from district’s stakeholder engagement efforts

to identify pressing issues to be addressed within the strategic planning process 

Conduct additional stakeholder interviews

to better understand district priorities 

Form steering committee

and organize project kick-off

Develop Strategic Plan

4-5 months

Refine long term aspirational goals

for FCPS 

Draft a theory of action

about what it takes to raise achievement and make the vision a reality 

Develop priorities

in line with the drafted theory of action •

Finalize specific and measurable targets

related to district priorities (measurable goals) •

Incorporate community feedback

into the drafted plan DRAFT

Step 1

Board to review progress

on strategic plan

Step 2

• FCPS to conduct

public roundtables

with different community stakeholders

Step 3

• FCPS to

engage broader public

through different communication strategies

Step 4

• Steering committee to review community feedback and

refine plan Step 5

Board to vote

on aspirational goals and priorities


Community engagement around the strategic plan will focus on seeking input from the public via a variety of different communication channels. Community Engagement Efforts Around Strategic Plan


Key Objective

The goal of the community engagement effort will be to ensure that diverse perspectives are incorporated into the draft strategic plan and that the larger community and school leaders are aware of, engaged, and united behind the goals and priorities A number of communication channels will be utilized, including:

FCPS Website

The website will serve as the central repository for all information on the strategic plan.

An email address and/or a pre structured feedback form will be setup on the website, allowing any member of the community to provide feedback directly to the steering committee

Social Media Channels

Social media channels such as Facebook, twitter, etc. will be another way to build awareness around the strategic plan and to encourage

public feedback

Roundtable Discussions

The steering committee will hold a series of public roundtable discussions in which small groups of parents/students, representatives of community organizations and FCPS staff will be invited to share their opinion and feedback. Broader public will also be able to listen and share their comments at the end of the group discussion.


Roundtables will be structured to seek high quality feedback and diverse perspectives. Sample Roundtable Agenda

DRAFT 5 min Welcome


15 min Background on process, goals, theory of action, and priorities 70 min Discussion on proposed goals, theory of action, and priorities 30 min Public comment and wrap up •

Board of Education Role

• BOE members are

invited to attend

all roundtable discussions BOE will

vote on the revised plan

after the community feedback has been incorporated


Roundtable discussions were scheduled to accommodate a variety locations, times of day, and days of the week.

Roundtable Locations and Times

DRAFT 2 4 5 3 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 •

Date and Time

Monday, October 13 4:00pm – 6:00pm • Monday, October 13 7:00pm – 9:00pm • Thursday, October 16 10:30am – 12:30pm • Thursday, October 16 7:00pm – 9:00pm • Tuesday, October 21 6:00pm – 8:00pm • Wednesday, October 22 8:30am – 10:30am •


Urbana High • Brunswick High • Bernard W. Brown Community Center (Frederick) • Middletown High • Catoctin High • Central Office Board Room




A large number of community groups representing diverse perspectives have been invited to participate in the roundtable discussions. Community Organizations Participating in Roundtables


Organization Type

Parents Students Business stakeholders Community groups County services FCPS employees

Sample Invitations

• • • • PTA Council of Frederick County Frederick Classical Charter Trustees Special Education Citizens Advisory Council SGA representatives • • Chamber of Commerce Fort Detrick • • The Religious Coalition of Frederick Eliminating the Achievement Gap • • Frederick County Manager Frederick County Sheriff’s Office • • Teachers of the Year FCTA, FASSE, FCASA


FCPS Mission and Vision 18