Critical Section Problem

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Transcript Critical Section Problem

Process Synchronization
2.The critical-section problem
4.Critical Regions
Concurrent access to Data may result in
data inconsistency
To maintain data consistency we should
have orderly execution of co-operating
In the bounded buffer example, what
happens I we maintain a counter to keep
track of number of items produced
common to producer and consumer
Bounded Buffer
Shared Data: buffer[n],in,out,counter
Producer Process:
produce an item in nextp
while counter==n wait
until false
Bounded Buffer (continued)
Consumer Process
while counter==0 do no-op
counter--; consume item nextc
until false
Statements counter++ and counter-- have to
be done atomically - no interrupt
Critical Section Problem
n processes competing to use shared data
Each process has a code segment called
critical section in which shared data is
Issue: When one process is in critical
section, no other process is in critical
Structure of Process
Critical section
Remainder section
until false
Solution to Critical Section
1. Mutual Exclusion: No two processes are in
the critical section at the same time.
2. Progress: If no process is in the critical
section and a process wishes to enter, that
process cannot be postponed indefinitely
3. Bounded waiting: A bound must exist on the
number of times that other processes are
allowed to enter their critical sections after a
process has made a request to enter its cs and
that process is granted.
Initial Attempts to solve
Only 2 Processes P_0 and P_1
General Structure of Process P_j (other is P_i)
entry section; critical section;
exit section;remainder section;
until false;
Processes may share some common variables
to synchronize their actions.
Algorithm 1
Shared variables: int turn /* turn=j it P_jth
Process P_j
while (turn <> j) wait
critical section;
turn=I; remainder section;
umtil false
Algorithm 2
Shared variables: boolean flag[2] /*flag[j]=true
means jth turn */
Process P_j
entry section: flag[j]=true; while (flag[i]) wait;
exit section: flag[j]=false;
As before satisfies mutual exclusion but no
Algorithm 3
Shared variables: flag[2] , turn;
Process P_j
entry section: flag[j]=true; turn=j; while (flag[i]
and turn==i) wait;
exit section: flag[j]=false;
Satisfies all three requirements- critical thing to
note is turn is a shared variable.
Bakery Algorithm
Critical Section for n processors
Before entering the critical section, process
receives a number. Holder of the smallest
number enters its critical section.
If processes P_i and P_j receive the same
number, if i<j, then P_i is served first else p_j is
Numbering scheme always generates numbers
in non-decreasing order.
Bakery Algorithm (continued)
We use lexicographic order. (a,b) < (c,d) is
either a< c or a=c b< d.
Shared data: Boolean choosing[n]
int number[n]
they are initialized to false and 0 resply.
Bakery Algorithm (continued)
Enter section:
choosing[j] = true;
number[j]=max of numbers +1
for (k=0;k<n;k++) {
while(choosing[k]) wait;
while(number[k] <>0) and
(number[k],k) <number[j],j) wait;
}Leave Section: number[j]=0;
Synchronization Hardware
Test and modify the content of a word atomically
boolean Test-and-set(boolean target){
Test-and-set = target; target = true;
Mutual Exclusion with Testand-set
Shared data: boolean lock (initially false)
Process P_j:
enter section: while (Test-and-lock) wait;
leave section: lock = false;
Synchronization tool that does not require busy
Semaphore S - integer variable
can only be accessed via two indivisible atomic
wait(s): while (s <=0) no-op; s = s-1;
signal(s): s=s+1;
Critical section for n processes
Shared Variable: semaphore mutex;
initial value of mutex=1;
entersection: wait(mutex);
leavesection: signal(mutex);
Semaphore Implementation
Semaphore as a struct
typedef semaphore struct { int value;
ProcessList L }
Two Simple operations:
block - suspends the process that invokes it
wakeup(P) resumes the execution of a
blocked process P
Semaphore Implementation
Wait(S) :
S.value--; if (S.value<0) { add this process
to S.l; block;}
S.value++; if (S.value<=0) {remove a
process from P from S.L; wakeup(P);}
Implementation (continued)
Wait(S) :
S.value--; if (S.value<0) { add this process
to S.l; block;}
S.value++; if (S.value<=0) {remove a
process from P from S.L; wakeup(P);}
Semaphore as General
Synchronization Tool
Execute B in P_j only after A is executed in
Use semaphore flag initialized to 0
code P_i: A ; signal(flag)
Code P_j: wait(flag); B;
Deadlock and Starvation
Deadlock - two or more processes are
waiting for indefinitely for an event that can
be caused by only one of the waiting
processes. S and Q are semaphores.
P_0: wait(S);wait(Q); ..signal(S);signal(Q);
Starvation: A process may never be
removed from the semaphore queue .
Two Types of Semaphores
•Counting Semaphore - integer value can
range over an unrestricted domain
•Binary Semaphore - integer value can range
from 0 to 1 - easier to implement.
•Can implement (simulate) a counting
semaphore using a binary semaphore.
Implementing S as a binary
Data Structures:
binary_semaphore s1,s2,s3;
int c;
s3=s1=1; s2=0;
c=initial value of semaphore
Implementing S (continued)
Wait operation
wait(s3);wait(s1);c=c-1; if (c<0)
{signal(s1);wait(s2); else {signal(s1);}
Signal Operation: wait(s1); c=c+1; if (c<=0)
{signal(s2);} signal(s1);
Classical Problems of
Bounded Buffer Problem
Readers and writers Problem
Dining Philosopher
Bounded Buffer Problem
Shared Data
String Item;
String buffer[];
semaphore full,empty,mutex;
item nextp,nextc;
Producer Process
{ produce an item in nextp;
add nextp to buffer; signal(mutex);
} until false;
Consumer Process
Repeat {
remove an item from buffer in nextc;
signal(mutex); signal(empty);
consume an item in nextc;
} until false;
Readers and Writers Problem
Shared Data: Semaphore mutex,wrt;(=1)
int readcount;
Writer Process:
wait(wrt); write; signa(wrt);
Reader Process
wait(mutex); readcount++;
if (readcount==1) wait(wrt);
wait(mutex);readcount-; if(reacount==0)
signal(wrt); signal(mutex);
Dining Philosopher Problem
Shared data: Semaphore chopstick[5](=1);
entersection: wait(chopstick[j]);
Leavesection: signal(chopstick[j]);