Patria India Presetation ( 20-03-2012 ) Powerpoint

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Transcript Patria India Presetation ( 20-03-2012 ) Powerpoint

Want to own a home…
in your motherland?
- Wish to partner with us to gain
Heavy Price appreciation in a
property ?!?
- Use it Royally while on vacation?
- Want to earn recurring Income
Rather than recurring Expenses?
- Want to get your Apartment
managed by professionals ?
Don’t want any hassle like:
Tenancy related:
Tenant not paying rent or not vacating the property at the time
of short visit of NRI or at the time of sale
Safety related: Illegal encroachment by unknown third party
Maintenance related:
• Paying maintenance charges, light Bills, water Taxes, telephone Bills, legal charges,
other recurring expenses and penalties
End up with expenses rather than income from the investment
Management related:
During Vacation Trip:
Misuse by person who is entrusted with keys
• Wasting time in cleaning apartment, ensuring supply of water, electricity and other
utilities while on vacation rather than enjoying the trip
Spending time: in finding servant to clean apartment or utensils, laundry, availing
internet, getting TV cable connection etc.
Staying at relative’s house at the cost of privacy and facilities
Staying in hotel in spite of having own residential property
So… Invest in PATRIA…
The Service Apartment Project …
• Apartment having 2 or 3 Bed Rooms, Hall & Kitchen
• Total 86 Apartments constructed in 5768 Square Yards:
– 20 – 3 Beds of 1741 Square feet of super built up area
– 66 – 2 Beds of 1010 to 1142 Sq. ft. super built up area
Luxuriously Furnished Apartment – Ready to use like that
at Durban Beach front, Dubai or Florida
Having major modern amenities such as: Swimming Pool,
Health Club, Games, Food, Internet, Reception,
Attendant, Security etc.
What Patria offers . ? . !
• you have free accommodation while you are on vacation
• You earn higher rentals while you are not using
• You always get your own or equivalent apartment available to you
when you plan your visit in advance
• It may be termed as investment in Real estate:
– A unique combination of domestic as well as business investment
– A blend of regular recurring rental income and heavy price appreciation
• Risk free investment as Property is let on hire for short periods just
like hiring hotel room and hence does not carry high risk of non
vacating occupant
It is always clean and well maintained
You can have choice to order your favourite food and you can cook
your own food
You can watch your favourite TV programs & use internet
No need to remember paying electricity, telephone or water bills
No hassle for day to day requirements
Where is the Service Apartment?
Why at Rajkot?
• Earning through price rise from “Patria - Service Apartments” at
Rajkot enables investor to buy property at their native place in India
when they eventually return back permanently from overseas
Rajkot is ranked 22nd in the world’s fastest growing cities in urban
areas from 2006 to 2020 (Source – Retrieved in Dec. 2007)
4th largest city in Gujarat having million plus population (1.7 Million)
People migrate heavily from nearby villages being financial hub of
Saurashtra so population doubles in every 20 years
Massive infrastructure development
Hub for many businesses and industries like Original Equipment
Manufacturing for Mahindra & Mahindra, Mercedes, Tata etc. Gold &
Diamond Ornaments , Imitation Jewellery, Saree Printing, Machine
tools, Oil Engines, Edible oil, Tiles and Sanitary ware
Prosperous and peaceful
First of it’s kind “SERVICE APARTMENTS” being introduced at Rajkot
Very Huge scope for Real estate investment …
Why Very huge scope?
• Land: is acquired at Attractive price
• Very Strategic Location:
 Only 800 meters away from Rajkot Airport
 Near Race course – In the heart of the city
Non availability of luxurious Apartments:
 Which replaces expensive hotel rooms
 Equipped with major modern facilities
 No players: New concept for Rajkot
Ever growing Demand: due to
 Air traffic – Daily 4 flights from Mumbai
 Much cheaper than same sized & same quality hotel room
Recurring Income: earn rental income while you are not
High appreciation: Investment in Residential units in India
have appreciated much higher than any other investment
avenues world over
The Scheme for you
• Purchase: You are acquiring the apartment at Rs. 8.4 Million as an
out right owner. It is not a time share.
• Sale Deed Registration:
– Apartment shall be registered in your own single or joint name
• Apartment Size:
– 1010 Square Feet Super Built up (2 Beds, Hall & Kitchen)
• Price without Furnishing:
– Rs. 6,500 per Sq. Foot, Approx Rs. 6.6 million
• Payment:
25% Down payment of Rs. 1.6 Million and rest in 5
equal 3 monthly installments of Rs. 1 Million each
• Payment at the time of Registration of Sale Deed:
(Approximate Amount in Rupees)
400000 Registration
200000 Service Tax
200000 Common Fund
1 Million for Furnishing
• Profit Sharing: 50:50 (Recurring net rent)
Recurring Rental Income
Days - Rented
Days surrendered to Co.
Net Earning Days
Earning from renting
To Apartment owner @ 40%
1300000 1650000
520000 660000
1. Calculation is based on Rent of Rs.5000 per day for 2 Bed Room Apartment accommodating 6 people.
2. Apartment owner gets 50% share in profit, out of which 40% is distributed immediately on renting the
3. Profit share from remaining 10%, from management company shall be additional income at the year end as
excess of income over expenses will be distributed proportionately to apartment owners (share holders in
management company)
4. Figures are yearly figures and shown at different occupancy levels
5. Since it is limited liability company, you will not share losses beyond your contribution to share capital
6. To calculate Letable days maintenance period of 15 days have been deducted (365-15=350)
Expected Returns from investment
(Projection for 5 Years)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Grand
Expected Occupancy
80% Total
Direct Rent receipt @40%
Free stay every year (Worth)
Appreciation in Aptt. Value
Total Gain
Yearly gain
Yearly Gain in Percentage
1. We have considered first operational period from last quarter of 2013.
2. Accounting year is considered to be from 1st April to 31st March.
3. Figures shown are conservative however actual return may very favourably.
4. We have assumed that the apartment is being sold in 2017 and the value of apartment in early
2017 to be Rs. 151,00,000 net after deducting all expenses, renovation & commission. However
last 50 years data show far more appreciation.
5. We have assumed that investment in fully furnished apartment is Rupees 8.4 Million and the
same is invested from day one however return will increase as investment will be as per payment
6. We have not considered additional income to be received from Company on letting of Common
plot as well as income from membership of swimming pool which will further increase return on
investment to the apartment owner.
Some more reasons to invest…
• No Loss Guarantee: Repayment of original amount of investment in
Rupees is assured in writing by a Director which ensures safety to
your hard earned money rendering partnership in profit only and thus
your investment becomes Risk free
Money at call: You can withdraw your money at any time (Refer
conditions of withdrawal)
Repatriation: Repatriation of investment is allowed by Government
Trustworthy Promoters: Politically & Socially well placed Promoters
Refer Separate attachments
Professional Management: Refer Bio Data of Promoters
Growth: Be a part of very fast developing group of Rajkot
Accounts: We maintain crystal clear and Transparent Accounts
Information: You can have access to information about your
balances, construction, furnishing and earning from the same
Access: You can know the progress of your investment any time via
internet/fax/phone/letter or in person
Confidential: We maintain confidentiality of every investor
Your Ideal Gain
• You can very well expect appreciation for your investment:
 21% - Yearly growth which includes:
 Recurring Rental income Approx. Rs. 380,000 @60% occupancy in a
year as a 50% share of apartment owner @Rs. 5,000 rent a day
 Free stay worth Rs.100,000 every year
 Saving on account of recurring expenses
 Share of income from management Company
 Favourable exchange rate fluctuation which allows you more dollars for
same rupees in future
During your short trips to Rajkot (To investors of $1 Million and above:
 Chauffeur driven car
 Mobile phone
You have property lying at safe place out of your country
We provide help on Banking, Legal, Taxation & Foreign exchange regulations
including Tax returns and repatriation formalities
Your Maximum Loss
• Opportunity cost for the money you invest
Interest earned on Fixed Deposit with banks
– 0% to 7% per year
Investing in other avenues
(To be Reduced by net Rental income)
• Adverse Exchange Rate Fluctuation, if any
(Frequently Asked Questions)
What are the rules of letting?
What if Apartment can’t be rented for long?
What are the modalities of settling accounts?
Who are the Promoters?
How Promoters guarantee?
What are the conditions for withdrawal?
Please refer separate sheets for the answers
How to Proceed?
• Participation: We will prepare a Memorandum of
• Investment: You will send your amount of participation in
your own bank account which will be adjusted for
scheduled payments
• Private Limited Company: A company shall be earmarked
to carry on management and you will be allowed
proportionate shares in the company as per the size of
your apartment
• Sharing in Rental Management:
Borne by
Managing Team
What are you waiting for . . ?
Service Apartment in
it Royally while on vacation
Heavy Price appreciation @
No Risk
from lucrative
Real Estate Market in India
Send your Remittance & Documents to:
Kalpak Maniar
M/s. Arvindkumar Maniar & Co. - Chartered Accountants
South Africa office:
11, Johannes Dr., Hannops Park Ext. 3,
Old Johannesburg Rd., Centurion, Pretoria.
Tel./Fax: 012 653 1322 Cel.: 072 5757 390
India office:
‘Abhay Nivas’, 14, Panchnath Plot, Rajkot, India – 360 001.
Office: (+91 281) 2445800 or 2445700 or 2444599
Home: (+91 281) 2477800 or 2477700 or 2449254
Cel.: +91 90674 79095
Fax: +91 281 2443599
e-mail: [email protected]