Appearance of nanotechnology indicates that humans make

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Transcript Appearance of nanotechnology indicates that humans make

in Military Application
• Appearance of nanotechnology
indicates that humans make
progress from micron(微米 )
level penetrates into the
atomic(原子 ), molecular (分
子 )level of the nanometer level,
manipulating single atom and
molecule according to their own
desires finally and realizing
effective control on mesoscopic
world(介观世界). As a
significant technology in 21st
century, although present
condition of nanotechnology is
not mature enough, it still has
obvious potential in military,
greatly stimulating people to
seek nanotechnology
applications in military.
Nano car
Manufacture of Catalysts(催化剂)
The technical principle: Nanometer
particle has a small size and larger
than specific surface area, thus
increasing the contact surface of the
chemical reaction and the surface
effective reaction center can be widely
used as catalyst. Moreover, nanocatalyst has high chemical activity,
complex grain microstructure(微观结构 )
, the unique crystal structure and
surface properties of the nanometer,
which makes catalytic activity and
selectivity higher than traditional
catalyst‘s. Therefore, that nanometer
catalyst takes place of general catalyst
in rocket propellant(火箭推进剂 ) has
become a hot research at home and
Application: Nano nickel(纳米镍粉 ), as
solid rocket fuel reaction catalyst, can
improve combustion efficiency by 100
Nanometer explosive has more advantages
than conventional explosive in
Fuel oil additives which are made of
nanometer material can save fuel and
Improvement in Conventional
weapons and Protective
• 1. The technical principle: Nanotechnology application
adds special properties of materials to products or
formed a special material on a layer, producing a new
• 2. Application: Nanotechnology can make the fragile
ceramic(陶瓷 )becomes tough, achieving similar iron
bending resistance, or having special rigidity(刚性).
• 3. Nanotechnology in manufacture of weapons can not
only greatly improve the penetration and damage of the
warhead on target, but also improve the protective
ability of weapon equipment, and future bulletproof
armor car may enable the missile to fall or spring
The New Weapons of Future
Nanometer Battle Clothing
The Technical Principle:
Comparing with traditional function,
the coating of nanostructure can make
strength, toughness, corrosion
resistance(耐腐蚀 ), wear resistance(耐
磨), thermal barrier(热障 ),
corrosion, oxidation resistance(抗氧化)
and thermal fatigue resistance
performance(抗热疲劳) improve
significantly, and one coating can have
various performances at the same time.
Certain nanoparticles also have some
uses, such as sterilization(消毒),
inflaming retarding(阻燃),
conductivity, insulation. With these
nanoparticles, prevention of biological
coatings, fire retardant coating,
conductive paint and insulating paint
• Compare with Contemporary American Combat Clothing: The
combat clothing which American troops wear has good
bulletproof(防弹), waterproof(防水) performance. But
the shortcomings are obvious, namely, too much weight. And
it can carry out the combat missions under the situation
that a lot of equipments are carried, such as night vision
equipment(夜视仪) and other equipments. The kind of
uniform is bulky, airtight(密闭) and uncomfortable,
restricting the ability of US Army. However, nano uniform
just can solve these problems.
Five Major
Light: excellent ventilation
(透气) function.
Computerization: micro
computer with nano
bulletproof helmet.
Protection Function: High
strength and toughness.
Function of Treatment:
Expansion and contraction of
Function of Stealth:
perception of ambient colors.
Manufacture of Miniature Weapons
• Principle: Nanotechnology can concentrate
sensor, motor and digital intelligent
equipment on one chip, creating a few
centimeters or even smaller miniature
device. Micro actuator(微型执行机构) and
other parts which are made by
nanotechnology, such as nano wheel, nano
spring, nano nozzle(喷嘴), nano bearing(
轴承), micro-sensor, can be made into a
series of new products.
• Application: The United States developed
small intelligent robots. Some of them are
as big as shoe boxes, the others are as
small as coins. They can crawl(爬行),
jump even fly over minefields(雷区),
across the desert or the beach, collecting
information for army or headquarters lived
thousands of kilometers. Micro mechanical
weapons can also be used for Identification
of Friend or Foe, detection of nuclear
pollution(核污染) and chemical agents(化
学毒剂), unmanned reconnaissance aircrafts
(无人侦察机) and so on.
Manufacture of Micro
Satellite and Nano-satellite
• Features:
integrated circuit(专用微型集成电路)
takes place of the system which is
satellite and nano satellite has the
advantages of small volume, light
weight, survival ability and it can
not lost all functions even if it is
attacked. The cost of development is
experimental facilities(实验设施)
and large span workshops; the launch
is easy and no need of large vehicle
emission. A small rocket can be
launched hundreds and thousands,
thus forms the satellite network
through different tracks, realizing
the cover of the surface of the
Raise Stealth Performance(隐身性
能) of Military Equipments
• The Technical Principle: In a wide Spectrum(频谱)
range, some nano solid have a homogeneous
absorption of electromagnetic wave. The absorption
effect of a few ten-nanometer thick solid film is
as same as the prior wave-absorbing material's.
The camouflage coatings black powder developed in
the United States has the absorption rate of radar
is 99%.
• For the moment, there are
several types of nanometer
studied all over the world.
The main type is nanometer
oxide absorber(纳米氧化物吸收
剂 ) , including Fe3O4, ZnO,
NiO, MoO2 and LaFeO3 single
oxide composite oxide nano
powder. They not only have
good wave-absorbing
• ( 吸 波 ) performance, but also
have a suppression of infrared
radiation(抑制红外辐射) and
several kinds of functions. In
which combines the composite
powder of Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2,
TiO2 and polymer fiber(高分子
纤维) has a strong absorption
of infrared band(红外波段).
• The mechanism of nanoparticles insulate
infrared and electromagnetic wave has two
main aspects:
• The size of nano particle is much smaller
than the infrared‘s and radar wavelength’s,
so the wave transmissivity(透射率) of
nanoparticles materials is much stronger
than conventional materials‘. This greatly
reduced wave reflectivity(反射率) and
weakened the received reflection signals of
infrared and radar, achieving the effect of
• The surface area of nanometer particle
material is much larger than conventional
coarse powder's, in a result, the waveabsorbing rate of infrared light and
electromagnetic is higher than conventional
materials'. This reduced the intensity of
the reflected signal of the infrared sensor
and radar. Therefore, it is difficult to
find the object being detected and so the
insulation effect works.
B-2 通体乌黑,无机身、
象“黑色幽灵”。 是目
• Application: If strategic
(战略轰炸机), missiles(导弹)
and the surface of aggressive
aircrafts (攻击性飞行器)are
smeared with nano wave-absorbing
materials, the enemy air defense
electromagnetic wave is absorbed
effectively(B-2 stealth bomber
surface coating contains nano
• It is good to insulation effect
if the nanoparticles are added
into the fuming agent(发烟剂)
and it also insulate underground
headquarters and other important
military facilities if it is
mixed with the soil.
统, 大大提高了飞行员对周
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