ISO Rules 9.1 Transmission Facility Projects

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ISO Rules 9.1 Transmission Facility Projects
Industry Workgroup Meeting
January 16, 2013
• Welcome and Introductions
• Objective for this module (NID and PPS cost estimates)
• Workgroup meeting logistics
• Overview of NID and PPS activities for cost estimating purposes (led by
ATCO and AltaLink)
• Review and discuss terms and proposed concepts/changes
• Next steps
Working Group Members
• ADC – Colette Chekerda
• AESO – Evelyn Kelly, Fred Ritter, Rob Senko, Bill Strongman, Kelly
• ATCO Electric – Natalie Bunting, Steve Ambeault
• AltaLink – Darcy Fedorchuk, Gord Chalk, Janette Yearsley
• ENMAX – Shiv Kumar, Mike Wong, Stan Danko
• EPCOR – Suresh Sharma, Travis Robinson
• IPCAA – Jake Cheng
• Similan Consulting Inc.– Jana Mosley
• Suncor – Baly Farmahan
• TFCMC – Henry Yip
• TransAlta – Anirban Bosu
Prepare required changes to: ISO Rule 9.1.2; associated information
documents; templates; or business practices to improve the quality and
accuracy of cost estimates and enable the AESO:
• to appropriately evaluate alternatives for potential transmission
solutions to address a Need;
• to enable cost estimate “reasonableness” assessments and project
scope reviews to support TFO FA filings; and
• to provide quality and enhanced transparency of cost reporting to the
AESO’s stakeholders.
Workgroup Meeting Logistics
Wednesday January 30, 2013 - Edmonton
Wednesday February 20, 2013 - Calgary
Wednesday March 13, 2013 - Edmonton
Wednesday March 27, 2013 - Calgary
Wednesday April 10, 2013 - Edmonton
• 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
• Alternate between Calgary and Edmonton
– Can the Edmonton meetings be hosted by ATCO or EPCOR?
• Conference call capability
Roles and Expectations
• Workgroup members
– Attend all meetings or fully brief alternates
– Obtain feedback from your organization with regard to all
discussion items
– Organizes and leads the meetings
– Posts the presentation on the AESO website following each
• No meeting minutes prepared or posted
– Makes the final determination on changes to ISO rules,
information document, template and business practice
– AESO posts a summary of proposed changes on the AESO
website for industry
Overview of NID and PPS activities
• Discussion led by
– ATCO Electric
– Altalink
Terms for Review
• Baseline Cost Estimate
– Accuracy
– Scope Change
• Assumptions
• Contingency
• Facility Costs
– Material Costs
– Labour Costs
– Turn-key Costs
• Non-Facility Costs
– Distributed Costs
– Owners
– Other Costs
• Escalation
Terms for Review
Defined terms from ISO Rules 9.1.2 TFO Obligation to Provide Estimates
and Proposals:
• NID Estimate means a document to be completed substantially in the
form of the “Needs Application Cost Estimate” posted by the ISO on its
• Project means the project generally described as any one of the
following: (i) the means or manner by which a constraint or condition
affecting the operation or performance transmission system could be
alleviated as identified in a NID approved by the EUB pursuant to s. 34(3)
of the Act; (ii) the request for system access service pursuant to s. 5(5)(b)
of the TR; (iii) all the transmission facility proposals referred to in s.
35(1)(a) of the Act with respect to a specific approved NID; or (iv) the
“transmission line”, as defined in the HEEA, which has been approved by
the EUB pursuant to the HEEA.
Terms for Review
Defined terms from ISO Rules 9.1.2 TFO Obligation to Provide Estimates
and Proposals:
• Service Proposal means a document to be completed substantially in the
form of the "Proposal to Provide Service" posted by the ISO on its
• Service Proposal Estimate means a document to be completed
substantially in the form of the “Service Proposal Estimate” posted by the
ISO on its website.
Base Line Cost Estimate
• Interpretation:
– The $100M becomes the project baseline cost at the NID
estimate stage once accepted by the AESO, and
– It is understood and accepted that the actual project costs
could vary between $70M and $130M
Base Line Cost Estimate
• Interpretation:
– The baseline cost is adjusted to $105M at the PPS stage once accepted by the AESO, and
– It is understood that the actual project costs could vary between $94.5M and $126M
– The AESO does not reconfirm the NID preferred alternative because the PPS estimate accuracy
levels are within the +/-30% accuracy levels of the NID estimate
– If the PPS estimate accuracy levels are outside the +/-30% accuracy levels of the NID estimate then
the AESO must reassess the preferred alternative which could lead to:
Requesting the TFO to perform further work on the PPS; or
Accepting the PPS; or
Declining the PPS and re-starting the project.
Base Line Cost Estimate
• Interpretation:
– The baseline cost is adjusted to $110M at the PPS stage once
accepted by the AESO, and
– It is understood that the actual project costs could vary between
$99M and $121M
Base Line Cost Estimate
• Base line cost estimate includes:
– Project cost, plus
– Contingency, plus
– Escalation
• The base line is prepared in current dollars
– The cost variance is the difference between the base cost/adjusted
base cost and actual costs
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define the base line cost?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information
Assumptions, Contingency, Scope Change
Assumptions, Contingency, Scope Change
• Assumptions include items such as:
– Length of line
– Geotechnical conditions
– Outages can be accommodated when needed
– Lack of validation of earthwork quantities
– Construction contractor availability and bid price
– Pipeline and environment mitigation
– River, high-way, line crossings
– Use of a helicopter
• Assumptions do not items such as:
– Scope changes
– Design criteria change
– Legislative change
– Extraordinary events (such as major strikes, natural disasters,)
• For discussion:
– Should a checklist of assumptions be developed for
consideration on every project so there is consistency
• Contingency:
– Stems from assumptions; assumptions lead to a risk assessment
which could result in the need for a contingency amount
– Contingency is included in the base line cost estimate
– Allows for items such as conditions or events for which the state,
occurrence, or effect is uncertain and that experience shows will likely
result in additional costs
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define contingency?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
– Should there be an threshold associated with contingency, i.e.
• Cannot be more than X% of the base line cost
Scope Change
• A scope change is:
– Functionality/costs not contemplated in the project scope and
translated into the baseline cost or contingency
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define scope change?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
Facility and Non-Facility Costs
• Facility Costs
– Labour – engineering, site preparation and survey, construction,
– Material - by component
• Non-Facility Costs
– Owners Costs - PPS, FA, land
– Distributed Costs – procurement, project management, construction
management, contingency
– Other Costs – AFUDC, E&S
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define distributed costs?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
Distributed Costs
• Distributed costs includes:
– Procurement - the labour costs required in the purchasing of project materials
– Project management - labour required to manage projects as well as the partial cost of
building space, utilities, etc
– Construction management (labour only)
– Warehouse, yard, (include in distributed costs or elsewhere?)
– Logistics – camp and office (include in distributed costs or elsewhere?)
– Helicopters, lay down yards (include in distributed costs or elsewhere?)
– Escalation
Suggest removing from distributed costs and include as a separate line item
– Contingency
Suggest removing from distributed costs and include as a separate line item
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define distributed costs?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
Owners and Other Costs
• Owners costs include:
– Preparing the cost estimates (NID and PPS)
Includes the labour related to any engineering required to prepare the cost
Includes the labour related to preparing the PPS Proposal (word document)
– Preparing the facilities application (includes AUC 007 requirements, i.e. PIP)
– Regulatory proceeding associated with facilities application
– Land costs
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define distributed costs?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
Owners and Other Costs
• Other costs include:
– Allowance for funds used during construction (“AFUDC”)
– Engineering and Supervision
This is an AUC approved percentage which is applied to projects
Includes costs such as warehousing, accounting, fleet, office space, project
management costs that are not specific to a project, supervision and
engineering not specific to a project
It does not include costs that can be allocated directly to a project
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define distributed costs?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
Labour and Material Costs
• Labour Costs – engineering, site preparation, survey, brushing, right of
way preparation, construction, commissioning, installation, minor tools to
support construction, rental of equipment and tools, stringing a conductor
– Internal
– Contractor
• Material Costs – includes only the costs for the material, no labour associated
with procuring the materials (includes FOB)
• Turn-key – some project costs are turn-key where both labour and
material are consolidated
– Converter station –material and installation
– Typically third party
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to formally define turnkey, labour and material costs?
– Is it sufficient to provide an explanation in the Information Document?
• Escalation includes:
– Changes in the cost or price of specific goods or services in a given economy
over a period specific to an item or class of items (not as general in nature).
– Driven by changes in technology, practices, and particularly supply-demand
imbalances that are specific to a good or service in a given economy.
– Transmission project costs are estimated using current dollars
– Escalation is used to allow for increases in the cost of material and labour
during the project time period; escalate current costs into the future, not risk of
labour availability (contingency)
• For discussion:
– Can all TFOs use an agreed upon index for purposes of escalation?
– If so, what would this index be?
NID Cost Estimate – Valid Time Period
• For discussion:
– Is there a need to establish a consistent time period regarding validity of the
NID cost estimate?
– If so, what is the time period?
– Does this time period need to be set out in a rule?
– What impact, if any, does this have on the preparation of the NID cost
ISO Rules 9.1 Terms
• NID Estimate
• Project
• Service Proposal
• Service Proposal Estimate
• Questions for discussion:
– Is there a need to update these definitions to improve the
quality and accuracy of cost estimates?
Next Steps
• Discuss the “discussion items” within your organizations
– Bring back organizational views to the January 30 meeting
• Alignment with proposed changes or alternate
Thank you