First Staff Development - NYLT Leadership Academy

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Transcript First Staff Development - NYLT Leadership Academy

Staff Development
NYLT Syllabus
• Course -120 days
– Staff Orientation Meeting
• Course -90 days
– First staff development weekend
• Course -60 days
– Second staff development weekend
• Course -30 days
– Third staff development weekend
Staff Orientation Meeting
• 1 day
• Presentations
Overview of NYLT
Communicating Well I
Finding Your Vision I
Developing Your Team
The Leading Edge
First Staff Development Weekend
• 2 Days
• Presentations
– Setting Your Goals
– The Teaching EDGE
• Activities
Getting to Know Me Game
Geocache Wide Game
Model PLC practice
Troop meeting practice
Scout’s Worship Service
Second Staff Development Weekend
• 1 Day
• Presentations
Solving Problems
Valuing People
Resolving Conflict
Making Ethical Decisions
• Activities
– Quest for the Meaning of Leadership practice
– Problem Solving Round-Robin practice
Third Staff Development Weekend
• 2 Days
• Presentations
– Communicating Well II
– Finding Your Vision II
• Activities
Schedule run-through
Leading Yourself identity game
Presentation Practice
Opening Campfire practice
Scout’s Worship Service
Otetiana Council
• December
– Staff Recruitment Complete
• January
– All Course Overnight
• March - April
– Individual Course Meetings
• May
• Presentation assignments, Activity Assignments, Schedule Review
– All Course Weekend
• June
– All Course Set-up Day
• The 3 days before course
– Individual Staff Development
All Course Overnight
Team Building and Bonding
Operation Name and Patch decision
Review the three programs
Pass out Syllabi
All Course Weekend
• Model
– Troop Guide presentation
– Instructor presentation
• Workshops
– NYLT “The Big Picture”
– Developing SMART Visions
– What does EDGE really mean?
• Practice
Quest for the Meaning of Leadership
Orientation Trail
Getting to Know Me Game
Scout’s Worship Service
The 3 Days before Course
• Practice, Practice, Practice
– Presenters give every presentation in-order
Full length version
Peer review
Technical checkout
Embeds concepts in Staff
– Run through Troop activities
Quest for the Meaning of Leadership
Model Troop Meeting
Model PLC
Scout’s Worship Service
Minsi Trails Council
Overall Schedule
• Staff Recruitment in October and November
• First Staff Development - Half day meeting in November or
• Second Staff Development - Day in January
• Third Staff Development Weekend in February
• Fourth Staff Development Weekend in March
• Practice sessions by District between staff developments
• Set up day prior to Start of Course
First Staff Development
Half day in November or early December
Distribute staff guide
Overview of course
Example presentations – Communicating Well and Finding Your Vision
Assign staff to the two Troops
Review course promotions
Each Troop staff meets
 Position Assignments
 Assignments for next staff development
 Staff Quest
Second Staff Development
• Full Saturday in January
• Goals:
Developing Your Team
The Leading EDGE
Review Staff Quest
Use of GPS
Setting Your Goals
The Trainers EDGE Staff development presentation
Promotion of Course
Third Staff Development
Weekend in February (Fri. through Sun. at Camp)
The Teaching EDGE
Plan Opening Campfire and practice Staff Quest
Geocache Wide Game- Prepare and Practice
Troop meetings preparation
Solving problems
Practice problem solving round robin
Valuing People
Resolving Conflict
Team Games
Getting to Know Me game
Inter Faith Worship Service
Model Patrol Leaders’ Council
Assignments for next staff Development
Practice Sessions
Fourth Staff Development
Weekend in March (Fri. through Sun. at Camp)
Making Ethical Decisions
Prepare for Precourse meeting
Precourse meeting with Scouts, Parents and Scoutmasters
Communicating Well Part Two
Troop Assemblies and Troop meetings
Review Entire Schedule
Leading Yourself
Finding your Vision
Orientation Trail preparations
Opening Campfire Rehearsal
Final Assignments
Practice Sessions
Course Set Up
• Two Days Prior to Course - April
 Food Delivery and Quartermaster Setup
 Select Staff Arrive
• One Day Prior
 Full Staff Arrival
 Set up of Training Areas
• What are the priority goals of Staff Development?
• Should staff development be exactly as in the syllabus?
• How do you accommodate youth that have family, school and
sporting obligations?
• Should Staff Development be a 4 month activity?