來擁戴主為王Crown Him With Many Crowns 來擁戴主為王寶座聖羔

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Transcript 來擁戴主為王Crown Him With Many Crowns 來擁戴主為王寶座聖羔


Crown Him With Many Crowns

來擁戴主為王 寶座聖羔無雙 來聽天上歌聲高揚 美音壓過群響 我心醒來同唱 頌主洪恩浩蕩 歡呼主為獨一真神 世世代代無疆

Crown him with many crowns The Lamb upon the throne Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns all music but its own Awake my soul and sing of him who died for thee And hail him as thy matchless King Through all eternity

來擁戴主為王 祂有不朽永生 擊敗陰間復活得勝 聖徒不至驚恐 主今昇上天庭 我眾頌其尊容 藉主捨命永勝死權 聖民樂享安寧

Crown him the Lord of life Who triumphed o’er the grave And rose victorious in the strife For those he came to save His glories now we sing Who died and rose on high Who died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die

來擁戴主為王 祂是和平之王 普天之下戰爭停息 和平統治四方 救主永遠長存 百花齊放芬芳 環繞救主釘痕腳前 千秋萬世盛放

Crown him the Lord of peace Whose pow’r a scepter sways From pole to pole that wars may cease and all be prayer and praise His reign shall know no end And round his pierced feet Fair flow’rs of paradise extend Their fragrance fair and sweet

來擁戴主為王 祂有慈愛 慈愛無量 手足肋旁昔被創傷 今顯何等輝煌 救主無比尊榮 竟為我捨生命 讚美尊貴榮耀救主 直到永遠無窮 救主無比尊榮

Crown him the Lord of love Behold his hands, his hands and side Those wounds yet visible above In beauty glorified; All hail, Redeemer, hail! For thou hast died for me Thy praise and glory shall not fail throughout eternity. All hail, Redeemer, hail!

「來擁戴主為王,寶座聖羔無雙」這就是 復活節的真義。這首詩歌是

Matthew Bridges

所寫的,據我們所知,當用無數冠冕擁戴 復活的基督為王,如此寶貴的觀念是所提出 的,因為單一冠冕對我們的基督是絕對不夠 的。

Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne!

That’s what we do at Easter! So far as we know, Matthew Bridges, who wrote the hymn we have just sung, was the first to have had the beautiful thought that the risen Christ should be crowned with many crowns because one crown could not possible be enough.

Charles Wesley

也有同樣的說法,他寫著 「但願萬口歡聲高唱,頌揚救主我主。」 即使是萬口歡唱,是無數冠冕,似乎仍不足 表達復活節的喜樂。我們真的很難找到適當 的詞來形容復活節,

Charles Wesley had a similar thought when he wrote, ”O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise.” A thousand tongues, many crowns, and still our Easter joy seems so inadequately expressed.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of expression would be adequate for such a time as Easter.

復活節是神對你我愛的表現,這是我們深知 深信的。「神愛世人甚至將祂的獨生子賜給 他們。」這是何等偉大奇妙的事,我們也 領受了復活的喜樂,

Easter is the very heart of all we believe, the very soul of all we know about God’s love for us. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.” What a remarkable thing for God to have done! And we love to be joyful about that.

但復活節不全是喜樂的事蹟,在這中間有 復活,有在小樓上的晚餐,不遠之處,還有 黑暗的墳墓,不可忘了的是那第一頂冠冕, 是荊棘所編成的。

But before our Easter joy can truly be complete, we must also remember that not all the events of Easter were joyful. There was the resurrection, of course, but before it there was the upper room and, not far away, a darksome tomb…and we have to remember that the first crown of Easter was made of thorns.


/A Table Waits

晚餐備辦於樓頂房廳間 倚近死蔭墓邊 和撒那今變做受釘死 上帝聖子受死 祂著舉起沉重的十架 頭戴荊棘冠冕

A table waits in an upper room close by a darksome tomb Hosannas fade into crucify The Son of God must die A cross is waiting that must be borne As must the crown of thorn

“父何事放束我?” 赦免伊 因為不知所做 主在祈禱 學生睡沉沉 所疼的人背叛祂 救主生命在此將結束 背叛的人親嘴 “

Hast thou forsaken?” will be his cry When comes the time to die Disciples sleep while the Savior prays and one he loves betrays The Savior’s life now has come to this A bitter traitor’s kiss









Would I have slept while my Savior prayed?

Have I my Lord betrayed?

Would I have joined in the “Crucify!” And sent my Lord to die?

晚餐備辦於樓頂房廳間 倚近死蔭墓邊 和撒那今變做受釘死 我主走向死亡 我主走向死亡

A table waits in an upper room close by a darksome tomb Hosannas fade into crucify My Lord goes forth to die My Lord goes forth to die

當主耶穌禱告時,我們會睡著嗎?我們會在 人群中喊著「釘死祂!」,將主耶穌送上 十架嗎?今天我們慶祝復活節,是隔著一段 非常安全的距離—兩千年,沒有任何事可 證明我們不會是那不認主的彼得,

Would we have slept while the Savior prayed? Would we have joined in the “Crucify!” and sent our Lord to die? We celebrate Easter from the comfortable distance of two thousand years, with no real proof that we would not have been a Peter who denied,

或是沉睡的門徒,甚至是那賣主的猶大, 我們無法知道答案,但有件事是我們確知的 耶穌邀請祂最初的門徒,包括猶大,與祂共 進晚餐共用麵包和酒,祂對他們說「你們 如此行,是為著紀念我。」

or a disciple who slept, or even a Judas who betrayed. We can not know. But we do know that Jesus asked his first disciples, including Judas, to join him at the table and share the bread and wine. And he said to them, and to us. “Think of me, and remember.”


/Come and Remember

看主的晚餐已為你擺設 來 請來紀念祂 主曾說吃這餅為紀念我 紀念我曾將生命為你捨

The table of the Lord is set for you Come, come and remember Take this bread and remember, Jesus said Remember how I suffered in your stead

紀念我如何愛你 紀念我如何死 主曾說吃這餅為紀念我 主曾說來喝這杯為紀念我 記念我寶血傾流

Remember how I love you, remember how I died Take this bread and remember, Jesus said Take this cup and remember, Jesus said Remember my blood was shed

記念我如何愛你 記念我如何死 主曾說喝這杯為記念我 這時刻靈得飽足得安慰 記念我捨命使你得完全

Remember how I love you remember how I died Take this cup and remember, Jesus said Let this time feed your spirit, calm your soul Remember how I died to make you whole

記念我如何愛你 記念我如何死 這時刻靈得飽足 這時刻靈得飽足 這時刻靈得飽足 這時刻靈得飽足

Remember how I love you remember how I died Let this time feed your spirit Let this time feed your spirit Let this time feed your spirit Let this time feed your spirit

這時刻靈得飽足得安慰 看主的晚餐已為你擺設 來 請來記念祂 來 來記念祂

Let this time feed your spirit, calm your soul The table of the Lord is set for you Come, come and remember Come and remember

接著,來到十架前;曾經,有位不知名的 詩人如此寫著:當基督降世時,他們借了 張床,讓祂安臥,當主進城時,他們借了 匹驢,供祂乘坐 ; 但祂所戴的冠冕,所釘 上的十架,卻是祂自己的,十架是祂自己的 And then there was the cross. A poet , whose name has been lost to us, once wrote these words: They borrowed a bed to lay his head when Christ the Lord came down; They borrowed an ass in a mountain pass for him to ride to town; but the crown he wore and the cross he bore were his own. The cross was all his own.

在祂走向墳墓途中,祂借了間房間,和門徒 共進晚餐。他們借了墳墓,將祂安葬;借了 裹屍布,將祂包裹,但祂所戴的冠冕,所釘 上的十架,卻是祂自己的,十架是祂自己的 He borrowed a room on his way to the tomb where he and his disciples would eat; They borrowed a cave to be his grave, and they borrowed a winding sheet. But the crown he wore and the cross he bore were his own.

The cross was all his own.


/The Shadow of the Cross

看救主十架的陰影遮蓋曠野山嶺 悲慘痛苦死亡所在凡若願意可來 凡若深信就能得著靈魂安息福氣

The shadow of the cross is cast across a barren hill A place of suff’ring pain and death Where all may come who will And those who come in faith will find a haven for the soul

救主為我犧牲生命心靈得著醫治 在救主十架的陰影是聖潔的所在 活命的光大照光明 上帝平安同在 上帝平安同在

For here it was the Savior died That hearts might be made whole Where falls the shadow of the cross That place is holy ground For there the light of life shines through And peace with God is found And peace with God is found

看救主十架的陰影超越歲月時間 凡若願意可得安慰不再驚惶憂傷 看救主十架的陰影心靈尋著幫助

The shadow of the cross still falls Across the span of years To touch the hearts of all who come And lay at rest their fears For in the shadow of the cross The soul finds its release

展翅飛向盼望之光 飛向永遠平安 在救主十架的陰影是聖潔的所在 活命的光大照光明 上帝平安同在 上帝平安同在

To wing its way toward hope and light And God’s eternal peace Where falls the shadow of the cross That place is holy ground For there the light of life shines through And peace with God is found And peace with God is found

救主十架的蔭影,籠罩著每個人的生活, 歷代以來,多少詩人、藝術家以此為題材, 發揮他們的想像創作才能當我們渴望快快得 享受這喜樂時,不要忘了,若無十架蔭影, 便無復活的光輝。

The thought of the shadow of the cross falling upon our lives is a powerful image…one that has captured the imagination of artists and poets for centuries. And as much as we would like to move quickly on to the rejoicing and alleluias, we have to remember that there would be no light of resurrection without the shadow of the cross.

在下面這首大家所喜愛的詩歌中,如此寫著: 「投入磐石陰影中。」接著,是我們 每人所渴望的情景「神聖十架的蔭下,是 我安樂之鄉。」

One of our best-loved hymns about the cross calls it “the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land.” And then the hymn writer says, as we all must, and as we will do now - ”I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place.”


/ Beneath the Cross of Jesus

在主寶架清影中 我願腳步立定 好像盛暑遠行辛苦投進磐石蔭影 又像曠野欣逢居處 長途喜見涼亭

Beneath the cross of Jesus I long to take my stand The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land A home within the wilderness A rest along the way

到此得息肩頭重擔 養力奔赴前程 神聖莊嚴的十架 我常抬頭仰望 雙眼如見寶血流下 為我捨身死亡

From the burning of the noontide heat And the burdens of the day Upon the cross of Jesus My eye at times can see the very dying form of one who suffered there for me

熱淚滿眶寸心欲裂 兩事仔細思量 仔細思量我本不配蒙恩 思量主愛非常 神聖十架的蔭下是我安樂之鄉

And from my contrite heart with tears Two wonders I confess I confess the wonder of his glorious love and my unworthiness I take, O cross, your shadow for my abiding place

主面光華輝煌照耀 何需別有光亮 世界虛榮不足貪圖 得失無須計較 但將罪惡看為羞恥 寶架看為榮耀 哦 主的十架

I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of his face Content to let the world go by To know no gain or loss My sinful self my only shame My glory all the cross The cross of Jesus

馬太福音如此記載… 「到了晚上,有一位財主名叫約瑟,是亞利馬 太來的,他也是耶穌的門徒。這人去見彼拉多, 求耶穌的身體;彼拉多就吩咐給他。 The Gospel according to Matthew tells us that… “When evening was come, there came a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple. He went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus, and Pilate commanded it to be delivered to him.

約瑟取了身體,用乾淨細麻布裹好,安放在 自己的新墳墓裡,就是他鑿在磐石裡的。 他又把大石頭滾到墓門口,就去了。」然後 ...

And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock, and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed.” And then…

「安息日將盡,七日的頭一日,天快亮的時 候,抹大拉的馬利亞和那個馬利亞來看墳墓。 忽然,地大震動;因為有主的使者從天上下 來,把石頭滾開,坐在上面。 “ In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

他的相貌如同閃電,衣服潔白如雪。天使對 婦女說:『不要害怕,我知道你們是尋找那 釘十字架的耶穌。他不在這裡,照祂所說的, 已經復活了。你們來看安放主的地方。』」 His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow. And the angel said to the women, Fear not, for I know that you seek Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here, for he is risen as he said. Come and see the place where the Lord lay.”

如此一字之別,就成了復活節的意義…你們 來看安放主的地方;不是安葬主的地方。 祂不在這裡,照祂所說的,已經復活了。 And in one word, Easter was born-come and see where the Lord lay, not come and see where the Lord lies. He is not here,, He is risen as he said.

來主墓前 /Come to the Tomb 復活清晨來到墓前 不帶眼淚和傷痛 因死亡不再掌權 今唯有歡喜高興 哈利路亞 ! 主復活 ! 祂已打敗死權 哈利路亞 ! 主復活 ! 我要與祂同活 Come to the tomb on Easter morn but not with tears and sadness For death is not the victor here Here there is only gladness Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives that death may die Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives and so shall I

復活清晨來到墓前 聽天使宣告喜訊 祂已復活祂不在此 祂擊敗死亡權勢 哈利路亞




祂已打敗死權 哈利路亞





Come to the tomb on Easter morn come hear the words once spoken He is alive, He is not here Death’s fearful pow’r is broken Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives that death may die Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives and so shall I

復活清晨來到墓前 不帶眼淚和傷痛 永遠生命由此開始 當將此喜訊傳頌 哈利路亞




祂已打敗死權 哈利路亞




我要與祂同活 哈利路亞





Come to the tomb on Easter morn but not with tears and sadness Life springs eternal from this place go forth and tell your gladness Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives that death may die Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives and so shall I Alleluia! Christ arose! He lives and so shall I

復活節的真喜樂在於:主活著,我們也與祂 同活。馬太告訴我們,那日清晨,那些婦女 離開墳墓,將天使的話告訴耶穌的門徒。他 們所說的話,成了某位作家所說的「復活團 契的暗語」 。 And at last we come to the full joy of Easter. He lives, and so shall I! Matthew tells us that the women left the tomb that morning to share with Jesus’ disciples the words that would become what one writer has called “the password of the Fellowship of the Resurrection.”

從那日以後,當基督徒快樂地彼此問安說: 「主已復活。」回答則是肯定的:「祂確實 復活!」今天,即使我們沒有無數冠冕,或 是萬口可歡唱,我們仍然可以唱哈利路亞復 活頌。基督我主已復活!是的,祂確實活著! Whenever Christians met one another after that day, the happy greeting was, “The Lord is risen.” And the joyous answer was, “He is risen indeed!” And now, even though we do not have many crowns or a thousand tongues, we can sing our Easter alleluias. Christ the Lord is risen today! He is risen.. indeed!


Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

基督我主已復活 哈利路亞 天使世人齊述說 哈利路亞 高唱快樂凱旋歌 哈利路亞 諸天大地同唱和 哈利路亞

Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia!

Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!

Sing, ye heav’ns and earth reply: Alleluia!

榮耀君王墓中起 哈利路亞 死亡毒鉤在那裡 哈利路亞 主捨命救眾靈魂 哈利路亞 死亡權勢今何存 哈利路亞

Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!

Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!

Dying once, he all doth save, Alleluia!

Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

愛之救贖已完成 戰爭完畢主得勝 死亡豈能封主墳 基督開了樂園門 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 哈利路亞

Love’s redeeming work is done Fought the fight the battle won Death in vain forbids him rise Christ has opened paradise Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia!



/ congregation please join )

耶穌帶領我必隨 哈利路亞 跟從元首結成隊 哈利路亞 新造人像主一樣 哈利路亞 同復活同升天上 哈利路亞

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!

Foll’wing our exalted Head , Alleluia!

Made like him, like him we rise , Alleluia!

Ours the cross, the grave, the skies , Alleluia!



/ congregation please be seated)







哈利路亞 哈利路亞







Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia!