Patient Advice and Liaison Service Devon , Plymouth and Torbay NHS

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Patient Advice and Liaison Service
NHS Devon , Plymouth and Torbay
The work of PALS
Patient transport
Health and Wellbeing Boards
Providing information, advice,
resolution of concerns, mediation and
service improvement
Working with the public and staff to
learn and improve services
Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Created to provide a quick and informal route for
patients, carers and staff to raise concerns about their
healthcare services and get their problems resolved
Confidential, based within NHS structures
Seamless help for the public
Using learning from patient experience to improve
and change services
Present in:
 Hospital Trusts
 Community Hospitals & Care
Services Trusts
 Mental Health Trusts
 Ambulance Trusts
 Primary Care Trusts
Role of PALS in PCTs 1
Supporting patients in their relationships
with primary care by mediation,
negotiation and investigation
Maintaining positive working relationships
with contractors and their staff
PALS role in PCTs 2
Helping patients receiving care from a number of services
or who fall between services
Policy - prescribing, funding, national screening, travel
costs, continuing healthcare processes, gaps in provision,
NICE guidance, care pathways and local policy
Commissioning and contracting - feeding in evidence from
patients to improve and monitor provision
Developing patient-focussed policies & information –
Patient Transport, Being Open, Interpretation &
Communication support
Who are our clients?
Voluntary agencies
Statutory agencies
Patient Transport Forum
Who do we share work with?
Devon wide forum
Hospitals trusts , community service
Mental health services
Childrens services
Transport providers
Voluntary sector
Patient groups and PALS clients
Doctors and other staff
Devon County Council
Transport for patients covering
Emergency ambulance transport
Non emergency medical transport
Supported Transport- provided by
ambulance trusts, private
Voluntary sector
Public transport
Independent travel
Aims of new forum policy
To improve services to patients
To improve value for money
To improve partnership working
New Shared Patient Transport Policy
Journeys undertaken to receive services under NHS
Act 2006 which are not primary medical or primary
dental care
Eligibility for transport based on medical need
Eligibility for discretionary assistance with transport
e.g. frequent users
Eligibility for reimbursement under the Healthcare
Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) and the procedure for
applying for reimbursement
Help with cost of travel
Emergency and medical non urgent is
free from NHS
For other options some patients may
have help with their costs
Those on certain means tested benefits
Those with low incomes and moderate/low
Priorities for next steps
Maintain Single Points of Contact- NHS
funding to support role of voluntary sector
Train staff from all agencies
Improve consistency of reimbursement
Expand sharing of vehicles , joint working
and improved management of demand and
booking systems
Single points of contact
Assess patients needs for medical transport
Make bookings for medical transport with NHS
Advise patients on alternative options
Use their local knowledge to solve problems
Monitor problems and liaise with NHS to resolve
for individuals and agencies
Health and wellbeing boards
New, coterminous with local authority areas
Reps from senior councillors and managers for
Health, Childrens Services and Adult Social Care,
Clinical Commissioning Organisations,
Public Health,
District Councils.
Shadow role until April 2013.
Role of the Health and Wellbeing Board
A forum for key leaders from the health, public health and
care systems to work together
To improve the health and wellbeing of the population and
reduce health inequalities.
To understand communities’ needs, agree priorities and
encourage commissioners to work in a more joined up
With a duty to encourage integrated working for the
purpose of advancing the health and wellbeing of the
people in its area.
“Shadow Health and Wellbeing Boards” by April 2012
followed by statutory Health and Wellbeing Boards by April
draw on joint strategic needs assessments and
joint health and wellbeing strategies
establish a wider Health and Wellbeing network to
engage the range of agencies, organisations and
groups that influence the health and wellbeing of
people in Devon
ensure the delivery of improved health and
wellbeing outcomes for the population of Devon,
with a specific focus on reducing inequalities
improve the health and wellbeing of children and
families with complex needs
Useful sources of information
for PALS and Patient Transport
for information on travel cost help
for latest information on Health and
Wellbeing Board