4_Health inequalities - eduBuzz.org Learning Network

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Transcript 4_Health inequalities - eduBuzz.org Learning Network

Study Theme 2: Wealth and Health in the UK
Learning Intentions:
• Understand that inequality in health exists
• Be able to give specific examples as evidence that
inequality in health exists
• Start making links to what you have already learnt about
income inequality
Pupil as Teacher
A volunteer(s) has to summarise the last lesson
and question the class on what was studied.
Evidence of Inequality in Health
• The gap in life expectancy at birth between Kensington and Chelsea
and Glasgow is to 13.5 years for males and from 11.8 years for
This meant boys born in Glasgow between 2008 and 2010 could
expect to live until 71.6 years. Girls born in the city at the same time
had a life expectancy of 78 years.
The ONS said this suggested "that health inequalities across the UK
are increasing".
The latest ONS analysis shows that under 18 conception rates were
highest in the most deprived parts of England in 2009–11.
Males in the most advantaged areas can expect to live 19 years
longer in ‘Good’ health than those in the least advantaged areas.
Taken to extremes a Glaswegian man can expect to receive £50,000
less in state pension than a man from Harrow, comparing the place in
Scotland with the lowest life expectancy with England's longest-lived
ONS - Health Inequality
Write down 3 key facts about life
expectancy in the UK
Life expectancy for both males and
females in Kensington and Chelsea is
the highest in the UK.
North/South Divide Scotland
• Life expectancy shows a growing north-south divide
• Men in London can live up to 14 years longer than their
Glaswegian counterparts
Glasgow is on a par with life expectancy in Albania and
Women continue to have a longer life expectancy than men,
although in some parts of the country the gap between the
sexes is narrowing fast.
London has had the biggest increase in life expectancy*
However, the figures reveal huge differences between the rich
and poor parts of the capital. Life expectancy at birth for males
in Kensington and Chelsea is 85, but just a few miles away in
Lewisham and Newham male life expectancy is less than 77.
Write down 3 key facts about
the North South Divide
• Glasgow remains the local authority with the worst record on
both male and female life expectancy, although it did see a rise
from 71 to 72 for males between 2007-2010
• Glasgow also has remarkably lower life expectancy for males
than other areas in Scotland, such as Edinburgh where it is 77.
• Inequalities in health outcomes are apparent between areas
with different levels of deprivation, with premature mortality
from cancer and from coronary heart disease higher for those
living in the most deprived areas.
• Between 2000 and 2009, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
mortality rates in the under 75s fell by 45% in Scotland overall,
but only by 36% in the most deprived areas.
1. What place in Scotland has the
lowest life expectancy?
2. Provide statistics on life
expectancy to make a comparison
between two cities in Scotland.
Health Inequalities: Research
British Medical Journal (BMJ), said: "The last time in the
long economic record that inequalities were almost as high
was in the lead up to the economic crash of 1929 and the
economic depression of the 1930s," researchers said.
Marmot Review 2010 for England said People with higher
socioeconomic position in society: have a greater array of
life chances and more opportunities to lead a flourishing
life. They also have better health. The two are linked: the
more favoured people are, socially and economically, the
better their health.
UCL 2012 study Health inequalities in London are severe,
between London boroughs there are life expectancy gaps
of 9 years for men.
: Audit Scotland Report
that wealth
health in
The Audit Scotland report, Health inequalities in
Scotland says that while overall health has improved in the
past 50 years, deep-seated inequalities remain. Deprivation
is the key determinant, although age, gender and ethnicity
are also factors.
Equally Well 2008
• Scotland's health is improving. But there are big differences
between rich and poor. In 2006, men could on average expect
67.9 years of healthy life and women 69 years. In the most
deprived 15% of areas in Scotland, though, men could only
expect 57.3 years of healthy life and women 59 years.*
More babies born to mothers living in the most deprived fifth of
areas have a low birth weight than those born to mothers living in
the most affluent areas: 9% compared to 5%.
People struggling with poverty and low income have poorer
mental health and wellbeing than those with higher incomes.
There are large and increasing inequalities in deaths amongst
young adults due to drugs, alcohol, violence and suicide.
These are just a few examples; there are many others detailed
throughout this report.
Equally Well Review 2014
• The Task Force heard evidence that while the health
of Scotland is improving, it is doing so more slowly
than other European countries.
• It heard evidence that a new approach to health
inequalities has to be widely adopted to accompany
actions which address the wider inequalities in society.
• The Task Force also heard evidence that despite many
similarities, Glasgow and the West of Scotland were
experiencing many more deaths than comparable cities
and regions in the UK.
Inequality in Happiness
• Blackpool is the place with the highest use of antidepressants
in England.
The lowest rates of antidepressant use are predominantly in
Blackpool also emerged as England's unhappiest place in the
well-being survey data, with 36% of adult residents giving a
score of 6/10 or less when asked to rate how happy they were
the day before.
Well-being statistics released last week showed islands in
north of Scotland to be least anxious
Leicestershire, inner London, Middlesbrough, South Ayrshire
and Peterborough most anxious
Children and Health
• Children who have a healthy start in life, especially the
early years, grow up to be healthier adults.*
• However, an Audit Commission report, Giving Children a
Healthy Start, says that the health outcomes for under-5s
have improved only marginally since 1999.
• The inequalities gap between under-5s from rich and poor
families has barely changed over the last decade, and
despite the government investing £10.9bn.
• Proportionately, 12 times more children in the most
disadvantaged 10% of small neighbourhoods are being
looked after in care than in the most advantaged 10%.*
Impact of Inequality
The ever-increasing gulf between rich and poor in Britain is
costing the economy more than £39bn a year, according to
a report by the Equality Trust thinktank.
The effects of inequality can be measured in financial terms
through its impact on health, wellbeing and crime rates,
according to statisticians at the independent campaign
In a more equal UK, people could expect an extra eight and
a half months of healthy life expectancy while rates of poor
mental health could improve by 5%, valued at £24bn.
Create an infographic which
clearly shows links between
poverty and poor health.
Finally, what can we conclude?
• You are the a government minister responsible for the
economy and you have to prepare for a debate with the
health minister in Parliament.
• You have been presented with the infographic showing
the link between poverty and poor health.
• You need to prepare an alternative argument, what other
factors can you come up with as causes for poor health.