Transcript Red Pathway

Year 9 Pathways
and Options
for KS4
Mr Darren Luckhurst
Deputy Headteacher – KS4
Red Pathway
What are Pathways?
• There are 6 different Pathways
• Pathways offer students different ways of
achieving maximum success in KS4
• Some Pathways offer different subjects
and others offer different kinds of support
• Placing students on their Pathway helps
guide them to taking a range of subjects
they will be successful in and ensures they
have the support and challenge required
for exam success
Which Pathway and why?
We have used a range of data to decide which
Pathway will give each student most success:
- Key Stage 2 SATs results
- Current levels in the CORE subjects
- Progress made over KS3
- Progress made through Year 9
How will the Red Pathway support
your child?
• Ensures students study a minimum of 8
GCSEs, with the opportunity for 9 or 10
• Options include more challenging courses
such as Triple Science (bio, chem, physics),
Economics and Computer Science
• Subjects teachers know they should be
pushing Red Pathways students to achieve
A*/B grades at GCSE.
• Students are encouraged to take the Ebacc
subjects to support University applications
‘The English Baccalaureate’
• There are different ways of measuring student
success in exams. The Government is now looking
at how many C+ grades students achieve and how
much progress they make from KS2.
• ‘Ebacc’ is another measure of exam success. It
requires a C+ pass in English, Maths, Double
Science, Humanities (geography or history) and
MFL (Spanish). There is no certificate.
• Some Universities may require the ‘EBacc in future.
• Students in Red pathway should think seriously
about the ‘Ebacc’.
• However students must achieve a C+ grade in all
subjects for it to count.
Keeping doors open
Russell Group Universities
• Google ‘Russell Group Informed Choices’
GCSE choices may effect
university choices
English and maths
are very important
B grades and higher are important
Consider choosing a language
Some universities have specific
requirements e.g.
All students study
the Core subjects
English and English Literature
9 periods
9 periods
Science (double)
10 periods
4 periods
PSHEE and RS - during tutor time and
PSHEE days
Core Subjects in Red Pathway
English and English Literature GCSE
GCSE double Science
Option to study Triple Science
GCSE maths and possibly statistics on
advice from maths teachers
• Potential 9/10 GCSE’s
Red Pathway Options
• Each student will select 4 options subjects
• Each student will study 3 of these
• Each Option will have 6 X1 hour lessons
over the fortnight
• Most students will complete their courses
at the end of Y11 when they will take
examinations in May or June
• You CAN take subjects in KS4 that you
have not studied in Year 9
Making the right choices
• We offer comprehensive information,
advice and guidance to support students
in making the right choices. But their, and
your participation, is key to this process.
Options subject based assemblies
Pathways booklet
Options Evening
Tutor Activities
Kudos/Careers IT session
Individual interviews on request
Completing the Options Form
1. Get the right advice and information. Read the
Options Booklet and talk to subject teachers,
students and tutors. Don’t rush!
2. Use the internet - future careers, college
courses, University courses
3. Decide on your top four Option choices thinking
about future careers
4. Place a 1 in the box next to your top choice and
2 ,3 ,4 in the next choices
5. Hand it to your tutor on time
The Options Form
You must
select at
least 1 of
You will study 3 option choices in KS4.
You must select at least ONE subject from the
Option Choice A list, but you can select more.
Rank your top 4 choices from the following by placing
the numbers 1 to 4 in the corresponding boxes. (1 = first choice)
Option Choice A
Computer Science (EBacc)
History (EBacc)
Geography (EBacc)
Spanish (EBacc)
Triple Science (EBacc)
Other Options
Economics and Business Studies
Religious Studies
Media Studies
Food Technology
Product Design
Do not hand in your Options
form before 17th March!
Completed forms must be handed
in to your tutor (no one else) by
Friday March
GCSE and BTEC Courses
• We offer two key types of qualification at
- GCSEs are mainly theoretical with end of KS4
- BTECs have a more practical focus, with
portfolios of work produced over 2 years, and
minimal exams. They are equivalent to 1
• Both are accepted by colleges and employers
Thank you for listening