Transcript Chapter 5

Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 One of the assumptions of the classical linear
regression (CLRM) is that the variance of ui, the
error term, is constant, or homoscedastic.
 Reasons are many, including:
The presence of outliers in the data
Incorrect functional form of the regression model
Incorrect transformation of data
Mixing observations with different measures of scale
(such as mixing high-income households with lowincome households)
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 If heteroscedasticity exists, several consequences
 The OLS estimators are still unbiased and consistent, yet the
estimators are less efficient, making statistical inference less
reliable (i.e., the estimated t values may not be reliable).
 Thus, estimators are not best linear unbiased estimators
(BLUE); they are simply linear unbiased estimators (LUE).
 In the presence of heteroscedasticity, the BLUE estimators
are provided by the method of weighted least squares (WLS).
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 Graph histogram of squared residuals
 Graph squared residuals against predicted Y
 Breusch-Pagan (BP) Test
 White’s Test of Heteroscedasticity
 Other tests such as Park, Glejser, Spearman’s rank
correlation, and Goldfeld-Quandt tests of
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 Estimate the OLS regression, and obtain the squared OLS residuals
from this regression.
 Regress the square residuals on the k regressors included in the model.
 You can choose other regressors also that might have some
bearing on the error variance.
 The null hypothesis here is that the error variance is homoscedastic –
that is, all the slope coefficients are simultaneously equal to zero.
 Use the F statistic from this regression with (k-1) and (n-k) in the
numerator and denominator df, respectively, to test this
 If the computed F statistic is statistically significant, we can reject
the hypothesis of homoscedasticity. If it is not, we may not reject
the null hypothesis.
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 Regress the squared residuals on the regressors, the squared
terms of these regressors, and the pair-wise cross-product
term of each regressor.
 Obtain the R2 value from this regression and multiply it by
the number of observations.
 Under the null hypothesis that there is homoscedasticity,
this product follows the Chi-square distribution with df
equal to the number of coefficients estimated.
 The White test is more general and more flexible than the
BP test.
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example
 What should we do if we detect heteroscedasticity?
 Use method of Weighted Least Squares (WLS)
 Divide each observation by the (heteroscedastic) σi and estimate the
transformed model by OLS (yet true variance is rarely known)
 If the true error variance is proportional to the square of one of the
regressors, we can divide both sides of the equation by that variable
and run the transformed regression
 Take natural log of dependent variable
 Use White’s heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors or
robust standard errors
 Valid in large samples
Damodar Gujarati
Econometrics by Example