Addison`s Disease

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Transcript Addison`s Disease

By Ben NeJame and Zach Gardell
-An Endocrine or hormonal
disorder that occurs when the
adrenal glands do not produce
enough of certain hormones
Symptoms include bronzing of the
skin, worsening fatigue, lose of
appetite, severe dehydration, and
weight loss
Can be fatal if left untreated
It includes the underproduction of
hormones that the adrenal cortex
The Adrenal gland,
specifically the adrenal
cortex, is the gland
Addison’s disease
develops when the level
of adrenal cortex
hormone is low due to
hyposecretion (lack of
 Adrenocorticotropic
 Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
 Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
When Addison’s disease goes into affect, the
Anterior pituitary produces excessive but
ineffective amounts of Adrenocorticotropic
(ACTH) to the adrenal cortex thus hindering
its ability to produce and release hormones
(Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids).
Since there is no ACTH to stimulate the
adrenal cortex to release its hormones, the
adrenal cortex can not release hormones to
regulate processes in the body.
Within a normal negative feedback loop involving the adrenal
cortex the following would happen:
The hypothalamus releases hypothalamic inhibitory or
releasing hormones to the anterior pituitary.
The anterior pituitary then releases ACTH to the adrenal
The adrenal cortex will then release Glucocorticoids (to raise
blood glucose levels or to replenish glucose during or after
stressful situations) or Mineralocorticoids (to reabsorb
sodium and excrete potassium in order to balance water in
the body).
When their functions are completed, the target tissues of the
hormones will release their own hormones back to the
hypothalamus in order to stop the release of hormones to
affect the body.
This represents a negative feedback loop in which the
mechanism fluctuates around homeostasis.
Hormone of
target tissue
Target tissue
In Addison’s diseases, the feedback loop is disrupted.
The anterior pituitary releases excessive yet ineffective
amounts of ACTH which is supposed to stimulate the
adrenal cortex.
The adrenal cortex as a result is affected negatively and
does not release Glucocorticoids or Mineralocorticoids.
Since Glucocorticoids are not produced, glucose cannot be
replenished when stressful situations occur.
Since Mineralocorticoids are not produced, there is a lack
of sodium and water in the body thus leading to severe
Also, because ACTH exists in excessive yet ineffective
amounts, bronzing of the skin occurs because ACTH is
linked to melanin production.
Excessive and
ineffective amounts of
Adrenal cortex
hormones are not
"Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison's Disease." NIDDK. National Institutes
of Health, 2009. Web. 27 Mar 2012.
Mader, Sylvia S. Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology. 5th.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005. 444. Print.
Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison's Disease. 2009. Diagram. NIDDKWeb.
28 Mar 2012.
Image Collection: Skin Problems. 2005. Photograph. Medicine.netWeb.
28 Mar 2012.
Vitiligo. 2011. Photograph. Healthfiles.netWeb. 28 Mar 2012.
More Addison's Disease Information. 2009. Diagram. EmpowHERWeb. 28
Mar 2012. <>.