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Transcript Name of Presentation
Meaningful Use Stage I
Class III
Menu Objectives
Shannon Earhart, RRT
Michelle Koressel, CPC
Solutions Development Senior Analysts,
Menu Set Objectives
5 of the following 10 objectives must be satisfied
At least one of the selected objectives must be a public health
The following objectives are considered public health objectives:
OBJ 302I: Submitting Electronic Syndromic
Surveillance to public health agency
*Development-health agencies currently do not have interfaces available
OBJ 302K: Submitting Electronic Data to Immunization Registries
Common term definitions
EP-Eligible provider
Unique patients-If the patient is seen by the EP more than once
during the reporting period, that patient is included in the
denominator once
Denominator- The number of patients that meet the objective
Numerator-The number of patients from the denominator that have
documentation in the medical record which satisfies the objective
Transition of Care-Responsibility for the patient's care of a
particular condition to the receiving physician
OBJ-302H Clinical Lab test results
More than 40% of all clinical lab tests results
ordered by the EP during the reporting period
whose results are either in a positive/negative
or numerical format must be documented as
structured data
Satisfied by lab interfaced results
*Labs in Microbiology are excluded
OBJ-304D Patient Reminders
More than 20% of all unique patients 65 years
or older or 5 years old or younger must be
sent an appropriate reminder during the
reporting period.
eMessenger or Letters
*Must be in category of follow-up, preventative care,
or health maintenance
OBJ-302M Patient Education
More than 10% of all unique patients seen by
the EP must be provided patient specific
education resources.
Satisfied by Treatment > Education
OBJ-304I Transition of Care
The EP who transitions or refers their patient
to another setting or provider of care must
provide a summary of care record for more
than 50% of transitions of care and referrals
Automatically attach current progress note
and medical summary to outgoing referrals
* Print or Fax with attachment or via Peer to
OBJ-302J Medication reconciliation
when there is transition of care
More than 50% of transitions of care in which
the patient is transferred into the care of the
EP, must perform medication reconciliation
Appointment for New Patient in which EP is
assuming care>Transition of Care check box
Current Medications>Medication Verified
check box
OBJ-302B Drug formulary checks
The EP must have enabled this functionality
and have access to at least one internal or
external drug formulary for the entire
reporting period.
Check Rx eligibility and set formulary from
Appointment or Treatment screen
*Not represented on MAQ
OBJ-302I Generate list of patients
by specific condition
Generate at least one report listing patients of
the eligible professional with a specific
Registry>Demographics and ICD
*Not represented on MAQ
OBJ-304G Providing timely electronic
access to health information
More than 10% of all unique patients seen by the EP
must be provided timely (available to the patient
within 4 business days of being updated in the
certified EHR technology) electronic access to their
health information subject to the EP’s discretion to
withhold certain information.
*Requires patient portal which has not yet been
*Not represented on MAQ
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