Legislative Grassroots Network - American Student Dental Association

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Transcript Legislative Grassroots Network - American Student Dental Association

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What is ASDA’s LGN?
• ASDA’s Legislative Grassroots Network is dedicated to
increasing dental student understanding of and
involvement in legislative processes – locally and
• Works to inform Congress how proposed legislation
affects us as students and as future professionals as
well as how it affects our patients and the practice of
Structure of the LGN
ASDA Board of
ADA Council
on Government
Chair of the
of Directors
This structure helps get the information
to all ASDA members, thus enhancing the
grassroots involvement
What does the LGN do?
• National Dental Student Lobby Day
• Held annually in Washington, D.C.
• Meet with members of Congress to discuss issues agreed upon by
• State Lobby Days
• State-related issues
• Meet and Greets
• Legislative leaders in the state Congress
• Prominent figures in the ADA or ADPAC
• ADPAC membership
• Provides legislative information
• To become informed advocates for the profession
What is ADPAC?
• ADPAC is the American Dental Political Action
• It is the bipartisan legislative arm of the American
Dental Association
• ADPAC provides a political voice for thousands
dentists and dental students who care about their
patients and the profession
In a nutshell…ADPAC is:
• A way of Protecting the profession
• Providing “Preventative Care” for the profession
• A Powerful force for the profession
It’s the cheapest form of insurance for the entire
dental profession that you can buy!
What is a ‘PAC’?
• Political Action Committees allow for like-minded
citizens to pool small amounts of money into a
common fund
• Money is contributed to candidates who support their
• Every politically involved organization has a PAC
By pooling resources, dentists and dental students
have a broader, more sustained impact on the
political process
How ADPAC benefits you
• ADPAC has created relationships that benefit the ADA
• ADA lobbyists are able to communicate the concerns
of our profession to lawmakers who are involved in
drafting and voting on health care legislation
ADPAC helps ensure that dentists have a voice on
Capitol Hill
How ADPAC benefits you
• Health care legislation affects:
• Student loan scholarships and loan repayment programs
• Expanding community dental health programs
• Dental faculty recruitment and retention
• Reimbursement rates for dentists
• Workforce diversity
• Small Business Laws
• Scope of Practice
Why do candidates value ADPAC
• The top priority for an elected official is re-election
• Elections are expensive
• 2008: Senate = $8 million per race
• 2008: House of Representatives = $1 million per race
• In 2010-11, ASDA donated over $9,000 to ADPAC!
Congressmen provide an attentive ear to
organizations who help them get re-elected
Why should I join ADPAC?
• What is happening on Capitol Hill most certainly
affects how you practice dentistry today and 20 years
from now
• Where you practice
• Who compensates you
• The materials you will use
• How you practice
• What your staff can and can’t do
“Our political involvement is as critical as any continuing education
we might take” – Dr. Jeff Parrish, former ADPAC Chairman
Some Current Issues on the Table
• [These are examples you can research to talk about –
feel free to edit accordingly – visit
www.ada.org/advoacy for current issues]
• The “Amalgam Debate”
• The FDA in 2009 ruled amalgam as “safe and effective” for use in
• Advocacy groups want the FDA to re-open the issue to look at the
• Water Fluoridation
• Dental Therapist models nationwide
• Minnesota, Missouri
Why should I join ADPAC?
• Joining ADPAC is an investment for yourself and your
• Student membership = only $5
• Student + spouse = only $7.50
• Student Capitol Club membership = $50
• Membership goes for the academic year
• Capitol Club members get a thank you gift for your
What does my $5 do?
• Legislators don’t want to make laws for all dentists if
they think ADPAC’s opinions only represent a minority
of the profession
• A greater percentage of member representation gives
dentistry political leverage
ADPAC does not “buy votes” – these monies go to
candidates’ campaigns who support oral health
Join us! Thank you!
• Visit the Legislative Action Center at
http://capwiz.com/dental to sign up for alerts
• Contact your Legislative Liaison for any information
• Visit www.ada.org/advocacy for the most current
• Visit www.asdanet.org for ways to get involved!