STAC Card Training 931KB Sep 04 2013

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Transcript STAC Card Training 931KB Sep 04 2013

Safety Task Analysis Card (STAC) Training

Updated 3/2013

Pre-Task Analysis

Pre-task Analysis is the behavior of…

 Thinking about the task to be performed  Thinking about the hazards associated with those tasks  Thinking about ways to eliminate and control those hazards 

This Pre-task Analysis is then documented by filling out a STAC card

Why do we do STACS?

Eliminate injuries

 It has been proven that since the implementation of this tool there has been a reduction in the OSHA rate 

Identify tasks from job scope

Identify hazards associated with each task

Identify ways to eliminate and control those hazards

STACS Must Always Be filled Out At The Job Site

STACS should be reviewed, updated, or re-STAC when conditions change

Change in weather

Change in job scope

Change in surroundings


Issues and Expectations


 Job with no STAC 


 All Maintenance, Contractors, and Engineering Solutions working on any job on the Dow site must have a correct, current STAC to cover that job. It is the responsibility of the employee, his supervisor, and the contractor safety contact to make sure this happens

Issues and Expectations


 Same STAC card being copied day after day 


 To complete an adequate job of task analysis each individual must take a “fresh” look at each job each day to be completed, the hazards associated with that job and any surrounding conditions that may impact the safety of the individual worker or other members of the crew. This can not be accomplished by copying yesterday’s STAC.

Issues and Expectations


 STAC being filled out at the beginning of the day and not making changes later in the day as the job scope changes.


 Each individual’s STAC must be current and identify those tasks being accomplished at any given time during the day. As tasks are added or changed the STAC must reflect those additions or changes.

Issues and Expectations


 Foreman/Crew leader signing off on poor STAC cards: tasks too broad, hazards not specific, little or no effort to identify eliminations or controls.


 It is the responsibility of the Foreman/Crew leader to verify the STAC is of good quality before signing/approving the STAC card.

Foreman/Superintendent Accountability

Foreman/Superintendent will be held accountable for the quality of their employees’ STAC cards. STAC cards are encouraged to be turned in to foreman/crew leader at the end of shift and given to the Safety Contact and retained for audit purposes. STAC cards should be kept by the company for 7 days.

Unacceptable Observations

An unacceptable observation will be issued to your company for the following, but not limited to:

 Task being performed is not listed on STAC  No/wrong date on STAC  Foreman/Crew Leader not signed off on STAC  Employee conducting hands on work not having STAC  No STAC insert or wrong date on STAC insert  Task too broad


Outside of STAC

                               


Safety Task Analysis Card (STAC)

I commit to follow the rules, policies and procedures under all circumstances and will not take any shortcuts for any reason.

Today's Date:


Start Time:


My Name:


My Company Name:


My Foreman/Crew Leader/Coach:


My Job Location:


I listed all co-workers in my crew and before beginning work I will discuss hazards, eliminations and controls so we do not get injured or cause any incidents.

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

At Risk Employee Only Information: Yes or No

I started the At-Risk program on: Date ________________ I have completed the At-Risk test: Date________________

Job Site Emergency Plan:

1. What Chemicals am I working around: (List) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. What is the wind direction: (check often) 7am/pm ___________ 9:30am/pm______ 12:30am/pm _______ 2am/pm_________ 3. Evacuation assembly point is______________________ 4. Nearest eye wash/shower station is:________________ 5. Nearest intercom or means of communication Location is:______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Control Room or Work Authorizer’s Phone # is: ____________________________________________________


    

Initial Information

 Worker must have correct date and time, specific job location, and members of co-workers in the crew

At Risk Information

 This section is ONLY for “at risk” employees. If your are not an “at risk” employee just circle “No”

Job Site Emergency Plan

 Worker must fill out all chemicals in the working area that he/she may have the potential for exposure to

Wind Direction

 The worker should check wind direction frequently and note on STAC card (could be after breaks or lunch or obvious weather change)

Phone Number

 The worker should list the control room or the work authorizer’s phone number

                                  

Outside of STAC

Immediately report any incident or emergency situation to the facility you are working at!

In plant phone / Emergency call: 66666 Non-Emergency: 82112 Outside plant location phone / 979-238-2112 Chemical Emergency Communication GAS RELEASE

– Continuous Blast ------------------------- Cancels safe work permits. Sounded only by the department at the point of release


– Series of Short Blasts -- -- -- -- -- - Evacuate according to your permits


– Series of 3 Short Blasts --- --- -- Evacuate according to your Unit Emergency Plan


– Series of 3 Long Blasts ------ ------ ----- Return to work area and have all work permits renewed before work is resumed

Level Alert System Chemical Emergency Communication Impact – A Safety or Health Hazard Level 0

An incident is in progress, which can be handled with the boundaries of the block/unit.

No impact is anticipated outside of the block/unit.

Level 1

An incident is in progress, which can be handled within the boundaries of the plant site.

No impact is anticipated outside of the site.

Level 2

An incident is in progress, which


that it can be handled within the boundaries of the plant site.

However, the community could be affected.

Level 3

An incident is in progress, which


affect areas outside of the plant site.

A full emergency condition exists for areas outside of the site.

 Emergency Information Provided for Reference    Emergency/non emergency phone numbers for inside/outside plant Chemical Emergency Horn Information (Gas Release, Alert, Evacuate, All Clear) Chemical Emergency Impact Levels (0,1,2,3)

                               



What hazards from your job need to be communicated to other workers in the area: List:________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Personal Protective Equipment

What is the required PPE that I will need to use to protect me from being injured: List:________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Mobile Equipment Hazards

List all mobile equipment you have been trained for and will be operating on this job: (Forklift, Aerial Lift, Truck, etc…) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ What are the hazards in the area that I am operating this equipment? (piperack, power lines, critical equipment, uneven surfaces, etc…) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Hand Safety

These are my potential hand hazards and this is what I will do to mitigate these hazards: ____________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

What is your reason for working safe today?

___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Foreman/Crew leader/Coach reviewing and approving STAC: Signature:





      Communication  Worker should list any hazards that could come into play with other workers in the area. (ex. Overhead work, hydroblasting, hot work, etc) Personal Protective Equipment  Worker should list ALL PPE required to perform their task safely Mobile Equipment Hazards  For any mobile equipment being used in the task the worker should be fully trained and listed in this section  Workers should list any hazards in the area of using this equipment Hand Safety  Worker should list potential hand hazards and list his/her plans to mitigate these hazards Making it Personal  Worker should note his/her reason for working safely today STAC Card Approval  Foreman/Crew leader/Coach should sign here once he has reviewed the card and agrees it is a quality STAC card

Inside of STAC

Inside of STAC

                    

List Job Description: __________________________ List 3-4 specific job tasks below and also address the special emphasis Task 1.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 2.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 3.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 4.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Special Emphasis:

_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________  Worker must list his/her job description  Worker must list 3-4 SPECIFIC job tasks   Examples of Specific Tasks  Cut 1” rebar with metal hacksaw  Cut 12” alloy pipe with band saw from existing pipe rack Examples of too broad of tasks  Cut rebar/tie rebar  Cut pipe, grind pipe  Special Emphasis  Worker will be required to address the special emphasis when provided one by Contractor Safety or by the facility

Inside of STAC

                    

List Job Description: __________________________ List 3-4 specific job tasks below and also address the special emphasis Task 1.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 2.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 3.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Task 4.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Special Emphasis:

_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________  TASKS Workers should list tasks that are considered to be high risk activities. Some low risk tasks may not be considered a task:    Get permit Prepare tools Set up job site    Housekeeping Clean up area Walk the job site

                              

Inside of STAC


Also identify the hazards for the Special Emphasis 1A.

___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________  

HAZARDS Worker must list hazards that are specific to the tasks

  Examples of Specific Hazards    Strain to back while lifting scaffold boards Cuts to hands from burrs on pipe Tripping over air hoses in area Examples of Non-Specific Hazards    Slips/Trips Cuts Strains

Worker must also list a Line of Fire for each task identified

 Example – Pinch points to hands while moving pipe to jack stand

                             

Inside of STAC


























































___________________________________________________   


is the removal of the hazard from the work area


is the reduction of the risk associated with the hazard (PPE, etc.)

Worker must list an elimination and control for every specific hazard and line of fire identified

  Examples of Elimination –   Use rigging to lift heavy load File sharp edges before handling pipe Examples of Control –   Minimize lifting loads/use proper lifting techniques Wear leather gloves when handling pipe

STAC Scoring System

Why have a STAC Scoring System?

To measure strength and progress in task analysis – Individual and Company

To identify weak points and address with focused training/coaching

STAC Scoring System

Outstanding –

STAC card filled out completely front and back. Card listing four specific tasks derived from your work plan, listing 8 different specific hazards, and a line of fire hazard associated with each task. Then a control and elimination for all the hazards that worker has identified. STAC very thorough and well thought out.

Acceptable –

Front of card looks good, tasks are listed. Hazards were identified for each task. The controls and eliminations are reasonable for the hazards .

Unacceptable -

Not filling out a STAC before beginning work, performing task not identified on STAC, date changed, front incomplete or inaccurate information, no special emphasis, no signature of foreman/crew leader, vague task or hazards, no controls or eliminations for hazards identified, less than three task and six hazards associated with those tasks.

                               

Outstanding STAC

Safety Task Analysis Card (STAC)

I commit to follow the rules, policies and procedures under all circumstances and will not take any shortcuts for any reason.

Today's Date :

_3/15/13 _______

Start Time:

__ 7:00 AM ____

My Name:

____ John Smith ___________________________

My Company Name:

___ The Pipe Company ___________________

My Foreman/Crew Leader/Coach:

_ Joe Safety___________

My Job Location:

___ A-1800 ____________________________

I listed all co-workers in my crew and before beginning work I will discuss hazards, eliminations and controls so we do not get injured or cause any incidents.

___ T. Newton , B. Alexander, J. Finley ____________________ ___________________________________________________

At Risk Employee Only Information: Yes or No

I started the At-Risk program on: Date ________________ I have completed the At-Risk test: Date________________

Job Site Emergency Plan:

1. What Chemicals am I working around: (List) ___Chlorine, Hydrogen, and Caustic_______________ _____________________________________________________ 2. What is the wind direction: (check often) 7am/pm ___ S ________ 9:30am/pm__ S ____ 12:30am/pm __ SW _____ 2am/pm__N_______ 3. Evacuation assembly point is ___A-1800 Permit Building____ 4. Nearest eye wash/shower station is :__#16 in SE Corner by D-101 _____ 5. Nearest intercom or means of communication Location is :___Intercom west of safety shower (use a number if available)________________ _____________________________________________________ 6. Control Room or Work Authorizer’s Phone # is: ___8-5555_____________________________________________

                               

Outstanding STAC


What hazards from your job need to be communicated to other workers in the area: List : Sparks in the area from grinding and welding Maintain a safe distance _____ _ when possible___________________________________________________

Personal Protective Equipment

What is the required PPE that I will need to use to protect me from being injured: List : Hard hat, steel toe shoes, side shields, hearing protection, gloves, and escape respirator, Face Shield ___________________________

Mobile Equipment Hazards

List all mobile equipment you have been trained for and will be operating on this job: (Forklift, Aerial Lift, Truck, etc…) Will be using a fork lift to remove pipe and steel off of flatbed_ truck and locate into lay down area_____________________ ____________________________________________________ What are the hazards in the area that I am operating this equipment? (pipe rack, power lines, critical equipment, uneven surfaces, etc…) Will have to move pipe into tight area with pumps and critical_ equipment in area, verify its on the Permit for Critical equipment_

Hand Safety

These are my potential hand hazards and this is what I will do to mitigate these hazards: Burns to hands- Allow pipe to cool and wear leather gloves. Crush hands- Don’t put hands between pipe and jack stand _______________________________________

What is your reason for working safe today?

I have a wife and two children that I want to see grow up ____________________________________________________

Foreman/Crew leader/Coach reviewing and approving STAC: Signature

: Joe Safety

Date: 1/15/13


                            

Outstanding STAC

List 3-4 specific job tasks below and also address and Address One Line of Fire for Each How Can the Hazard be Controlled? the special emphasis Also identify the hazards for the Special Emphasis Task 1

. Unload Pipe With fork lift 1A. Caution when backing up equipment, vehicle and People E1A Use mechanical lifting device_____ Layout 8” pipe to be cut to size 1A. Muscle sprains from lifting pipe into jack stands E1A Use mechanical lifting device_____ C1A Get help and use proper lifting techniques 1B. Loud noises in process areas from running pumps, E1B Loud noises can not be eliminated steam blowing, and crane running C1B Wear earplugs in affected areas LOF Pinch points to hands and feet from moving pipe E/LOF Use tag line when moving pipe into jack stand C/LOF No hands between pipe and jack stand

Task 2

. Cut 8” pipe with band saw 2A. Metal shavings in eyes from cutting pipe with saw E2A Cut below eye level and work up wind C2A Wear goggles when using band saw (above) 2B. Wrist strain from prolong use of band saw E2B Cut in neutral position, waist high C2B Take breaks, alternate person cutting a bevel LOF Cuts to hands or body while band saw in motion C/LOF No adjustments on saw unless it is unplugged

Task 3

. Use 4” 7” grinder to smooth out ends and shape 3A


Cuts to body from sharp Grinder kickback E3A Allow pipe to cool and avoid touching pipe C2 Barricade areas around grinding and cutting E/LOF Position body away from Saw impact C3A Wear leather gloves and long sleeves 3B. Potential fire to paper, wood from sparks in process E3B Remove trash and wood from area C3B Wet down floor and use fire watch LOF Cuts/ Abrasions to hands or arms from grinding wheel E/LOF Keep both hands on grinder handle

Task 4

. Rig pipe from jack stand and fly into rack 4A. Dropping load from improper rigging/defective chokers 4B. Trips/falls from extension cords/uneven areas Where is the Threading machine in the task? C/LOF Make sure wheel is tight and guard in place E4A Use rigging plan/inspect equipment C4A Warn others and barricade area E4B Clean work site before making lift C4B Avoid walking on uneven areas

Special Emphasis

: Housekeeping LOF Pinch points to hands while repositioning chokers or shackles 1. Tripping over threading machine extension cords 2. Slipping on loose material from grinding/cutting C1 Flag all tripping hazards/note on JEP (NOT FOR HAZARDS) E/LOF Communicate with operator 100% of time C/LOF Wear leather gloves while handling slings E1 Avoid placing cords in walk ways E2 Sweep area frequently

                       

Acceptable STAC

List Job Description: Install 8” galv. pipe into pipe rack List the Hazards Found for Each Task How Can the Hazard be Eleminated?

List 3-4 specific job tasks below and also address and Address One Line of Fire for Each How Can the Hazard be Controlled? the special emphasis Also identify the hazards for the Special Task 1

. Layout 8” pipe to be cut to size


1A. Muscle sprains from lifting pipe E1A Use mechanical lifting device_ C1A Get help 1B. Loud noises in process areas E1B Loud noises can not be eliminated C1B Wear earplugs LOF Pinch points to hands and feet from moving pipe E/LOF Use tag line into jack stand C/LOF No hands between pipe and jack stand

Task 2.

Cut 8” pipe with band saw 2A. Metal shavings in eyes 2B. Wrist strain from prolong use of band saw E2B Cut in neutral position C2B Take breaks LOF Cuts to hands or body while band saw in motion E2A Work up wind C2A Wear goggles E/LOF Position body away from impact C/LOF No adjustments on saw unless it is unplugged

Task 3

. Rig pipe from jack stand and fly into rack

Special Emphasis

: Housekeeping


A. Dropping load from improper rigging/defective chokers 3B. Trips/falls from extension cords/uneven areas LOF Pinch points to hands while repositioning chokers or shackles 1. Tripping over threading machine extension cords 2. Slipping on loose material from grinding/cutting E3A Inspect equipment C3A Barricade area E3B Clean work site before making lift C3B Avoid walking on uneven areas E/LOF Communicate with operator 100% of time C/LOF Wear leather gloves E1 Avoid placing cords in walk ways C1 Flag all tripping hazards/note on JEP E2 Sweep area frequently C2 Barricade areas around grinding and cutting

                       

Unacceptable STAC

List Job Description: Install 8” galv. pipe into pipe rack List the Hazards Found for Each Task How Can the Hazard be Eleminated?

List 3-4 specific job tasks below and also address and Address One Line of Fire for Each How Can the Hazard be Controlled? the special emphasis Also identify the hazards for the Special Emphasis

1A. Muscle sprains

Task 1

. Layout pipe 1B. Loud noises LOF Pinch points E1A Use lifting device_ C1A Get help E1B Can not be eliminated C1B Wear earplugs E/LOF Use tag line C/LOF No hands between pipe and jack stand

Task 2.

Cut pipe

Task 3

. Rig pipe

Special Emphasis

: Housekeeping 2A. Metal shavings in eyes 2B. Wrist strain LOF Cuts


A. Dropping load 3B. Trips/falls LOF Pinch points 1. Tripping over threading machine extension cords 2. Slipping on loose material from grinding/cutting E2A Work up wind C2A Wear goggles E2B Better position C2B Take breaks E/LOF Better position C/LOF No adjustments on saw unless it is unplugged E3A Inspect equipment C3A Barricade area E3B Housekeeping C3B Walk carefully E/LOF Communicate C/LOF Wear gloves E1 Avoid placing cords in walk ways C1 Flag all tripping hazards/note on JEP E2 Sweep area frequently C2 Barricade areas around grinding and cutting

Practice Time

Please take this time to practice filling out a quality STAC card.

Each person should fill out a STAC card for a job that he/she might perform in the field.