Optional Subjects - St. Louis Secondary School Monaghan

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Transcript Optional Subjects - St. Louis Secondary School Monaghan

• Option 1– Transition Year
presented by Ms Phyl Hughes
• Option 2 – Leaving Cert Established
presented by Ms Anne Lillis
• Option Three – Leaving Cert Applied
presented by Ms Sara Watson
• Questions & Answers
Junior Cert Exam
September 2011
June 2011
Transition Year
Leaving Cert
Leaving Cert
Leaving Cert
Transition Year
2011 – 2012
Followed by
Leaving Cert Established
Leaving Cert Applied
Final Exam – June 2014
Back Ground to Transition Year
• Introduced in 1973
• 163 Schools by 1993
• Mainstreamed in 1994
545 Schools in 2009/2010
• Approximately 28,500 students
• Approximately 75% of all Post Primary School
• This is the path followed by most students in St. Louis.
• Designed to bridge the gap between Junior and Senior cycles
in the school
• Every encouragement is given to students to become involved
in a wide range of activities, which involve teamwork and
personal initiative
• Opportunity to stand back from the exam-focused study and
revision in third year and experience a new style of selfdirected learning
There are opportunities to sample subjects during Fourth Year.
• New skills are acquired in computers, key - board skills and a
wide range of extra-curricular activities, like work experience.
• Transition Year students make their final choice of Leaving
Cert subjects at the end of Fourth Year
• Attendance is checked and monitored in the usual way
• Annual Reports are sent home – this assessment report
reflects the type of learning undertaken in Transition
Year and comments on academic progress, punctuality,
attendance, conduct and application to work.
• Homework is assigned, with an emphasis on project and
group work as well as individual aspirations.
• Students are encouraged to research, assess, process and
present information – skills that are undoubtedly needed
to participate fully in the knowledge rich society that we
live in now.
Transition Year students must attend class between 9.06am and
3.42pm each day. The timetable includes core subjects, additional
subjects, optional subject choices and module choices/guest speakers.
Core Subjects (all students)
• English
• Irish
• Maths
• Home Economics
• Religion
Additional Subjects
• Computers
• Keyboard Skills
• P.E.
Optional Subjects (choose 4)
•Physics & Chemistry
Modules and invited Guest Speakers play a significant part
of the Transition Year Programme
Monday 1.55pm – 3.42pm & Wednesday 9.40am – 12.30pm
Example of 2010 – 2011 Modules
Guest Speakers
•Ceilí Dancing
•Modern Dancing
•Ballroom Dancing
•Log on, Learn
•BT Young Scientist
•European Studies
•Choir/CD Recording
•Baby Care
•Pre-School Care
•Self Defence
•Good Grooming
•Costume Design
•Set Design
•School Web Site
•School Newsletter
•Debating/Public Speaking
•Social Awareness
Safe Socialising
Stress Management
Sports Disability
Coping Skills
Domestic Violence
John Paul II Awards
GROW (Mental Health)
Also on offer during Transition Year:
Work Experience:
• Presently 1 week
• Students select Placement
• Supervised
Community Involvement
Charity fundraising for
•Down Syndrome
•Holly Days
•Daisy Days
•St. Vincent de Paul
•Monaghan Hospice
•Crumlin Children’s Hospital
Musical –
annual performance
•Auditions Cast
•Auditions Chorus
•Auditions Dancers
•Stage Managers
•Props Managers
•Sets Crew
•Hall Committee
•Promotions Committee
•Tickets Committee
Also on offer during
Transition Year:
President’s Award:
• The Gaisce President’s Award
involves individual initiative
and self-directed learning ably
assisting students gain selfconfidence, overcome shyness
while enhancing their personal
• Students follow Bronze and
Silver Challenges during their
time in St. Louis
Activity Trips:
Multi-activity day adventure
trips include activities like
• Orienteering,
• Map Reading,
• Hill Walking,
• Kayaking,
• Rock Climbing,
• Abseiling
•Banana Boating
• Brain Teasing Challenges
•Team Building
Mission Statement of Transition Year
“To promote the personal, social, vocational and
educational development of students and to
prepare them for their role as autonomous and
participative members of society”
Department of Education and Skills
2 year Course
Leaving Cert Established
Final Exam – June 2013
• In St. Louis, Transition Year is optional so
after Junior Certificate students may opt
to go directly into Fifth Year where they
join the students who have already
completed Transition Year
• If you are considering this option, it is
worth remembering the following points.
• All students make their final choice of Leaving
Certificate subjects before Fifth Year
• You will be asked to make these choices in the
next few weeks.
• Exam preparation for the L.C. starts
immediately at the start of Fifth Year
• You will be joining a class which is a mixture of
students coming from Third and Fourth Year
• It is not possible to take up a new language in
Fifth Year.
Subject Options
and Implications
Mrs. Anne Lillis
Career Guidance
Subject Choice
• When choosing a subject it should be one
you like.
• It should be one you will be willing to
work at.
• All subjects require work at Leaving Cert
• Then you should check is it useful for
something you might like to do as a
• Always try to talk to someone who is
doing the subject. What do they like about
Optional subjects
4th Year Choose 4
French ,German,
Art, Music,
•5th Year Choose 4
French, German,
History, Geography,
Art, Music, H.E.
Physics, Chemistry,
Foreign Language
A language is needed to study at some
institutions. The NUI Colleges and
their constituents:
• UCD, UCC, NUI Galway, NUI
• National College of Art and Design
• St Angela’s Sligo
• Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
• Shannon College of Hotel
• Also for Cadetship in The Defence
• If born outside ROI you are eligible
for an exemption from Irish. In this
case Irish or Lithuanian or Polish
etc. satisfies the second language
• In NCAD art satisfies as a 3rd
• UCD, UCC and NUI Galway do not
require a 3rd language for Nursing
• UCD, NUI Maynooth, NUIG and UCC
do not require a 3rd language for
Engineering or some Science
Foreign Language
Can only take French or German
now if studied to Junior Cert.
Spanish if studied in Transition
Year may be continued to
Ordinary Leaving Cert.
Business & Accounting
• These subjects are not usually
required for entry to do a course in
them. It may be difficult for anyone
who does not have a Leaving Cert in
them. Often an Ordinary level B3 is
required in maths.
• Business Studies must have been
studied for Junior Cert to be allowed to
take Accounting
• It is possible to take Business without
having Business Studies in Junior Cert.
• It is possible to take up Art if it
has not been studied for Junior
• It includes the study of Art
History and Appreciation as
well as practical work.
• It is useful for many design
courses and a portfolio is often
• It is a requirement for
Architecture in Ulster University
• History is useful for careers in
Politics, Journalism, Law,
Civil Service, Tourism,
Genealogy, Museum work and
It involves reading and essay
work and requires a project.
• Geography is
• accepted in Trinity as one of the
two required science subjects for
Medicinal Chemistry, Science (Ag
science not accepted with Biology)
and Pharmacy.
• It covers many areas: locational
geography, map reading, the EU and
many topics relating to the world
we live in i.e. global warming etc.
Home Economics
• Home Economics is useful for
careers in Catering, Childcare,
Consumer Advice, Food science,
Nursing, Social Studies,
Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
• It can be taken up now if it has not
been studied for Junior Cert.
• It involves practical work (cookery),
science (physiology), business
(consumer studies), and
construction studies (home design
• The course in music allows
scope for those who are good
performers, good composers
and good listeners.
• It is useful for careers as music
editor, sound engineer, sound
mixer, producer, etc.
• A science is a requirement for many
• It is needed for medicine and other
medical courses like nursing,
physiotherapy, radiography, etc
• It is needed for many Beauty Therapy
Courses and for Hairdressing.
• It is needed for engineering,
architecture, computing,
• Primary Teaching in the UK requires a
• Some courses in Trinity require two.
• For Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary
three sciences are needed in some UK
Which Science?
• Physics is very useful for
technology, computers and
electronics. Some paramedical
courses involve study of it i.e.
radiography, physiotherapy,
• The Architectural Technology
and Radiography courses in
Ulster University require it.
Which Science?
• Chemistry is essential for
Human Nutrition, Dietetics,
Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary
and Pharmacy.
• It is useful for chemical
engineering, biomedical
science, brewing technology,
nursing etc.
Which Science?
• Biology is involved in hundreds
of careers. It is often required
for medical courses particularly
in Trinity and the UK where two
or three sciences are needed.
• It is required for many Beauty
Therapy and Hairdressing
• It is useful for all the
paramedical courses,
Agriculture courses, food
science etc.
Which Science?
Agricultural Science
• Agricultural Science involves the
study of soils, plants and their
function including farm crops and
trees. Farm animals and buildings
are also studied. A project is part
of the exam
• It is accepted in Rep of Ireland as
a lab science but not where a
specific science is required. In
some instances it is not accepted
with Biology.
What Happens Now?
• Students will be asked to make
choices for (a) programmes and
(b) subjects.
• Any student may make an
appointment if they have any
• Parents are also welcome to
make an appointment.
2 year Course
Leaving Cert Applied
Final Exam – June 2013
• LCA is a 2 Year Programme.
• Students go directly from Third Year to
Fifth Year.
• Students are mainly prepared for entry
into the World of Work.
• LCA does allow you to enter 3rd Level
Education, but not directly from secondary
What is
Leaving Certificate Applied?
• It is a distinct, self-contained twoyear Leaving Certificate programme
aimed at preparing students for adult
and working life
• It emphasises forms of achievement
and excellence which the
established Leaving Certificate has
not recognised in the past
Who would benefit most?
• Students who are not adequately
catered for by other Leaving
Certificate programmes
• Students who choose not to opt
for those programmes
• Prepares students for adult and
working life
• Recognise talents of all pupils
• Promotes communication and
decision making
• Applies knowledge and skills to the
solution of real problems
• Vocational Preparation &
• English & Communication
• Mathematical Applications
• Information technology
• Art Craft & Design
• Hotel catering & Tourism
• Drama
• Gaeilge
• Spanish
• Leisure & Recreation
• Social Education
• Science
• ICT Skills
Homework is
Key Course Content
 Student Centred Curriculum
 Continuous Assessment
(Interview/Oral/Written exams)
 Personal and Social Development
 Integration Across the Curriculum
 Team Work
 Basic Skills (literacy)
 Active Teaching/Learning
 Reflection
 Links with the Community
Key Assessment Principles
System levels to Achievable Goals
Good Self Esteem
Gaining Self Confidence
Work Experience
Key Feature
Once a week
Four different placements
over the two years
Credits are awarded for work
Key Benefits
Offered a chance to achieve
Offers opportunity to get a
place in a PLC college
Destination of Students
•Most of our students go to further
education (PLC Colleges and
colleges of Further Education in
Northern Ireland
•National statistics show 25% of LCA
Students go to further education but
we have a much higher percentage
•Possibility to apply through the CAO
to Third Level Universities after PLC
gives educationally challenged
students an opportunity to achieve
This could be the best option for your daughter