Evaluation PowerPoint

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Core Study 3: Piliavin (1969)
Subway Samaritan
Good Samaritanism: An underground phenomenon?
Evaluation Questions
What did Piliavin conclude?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the method used in relation to
the study?
Identify the sampling technique? Was it representative?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the data gathered in relation
to this study?
Was the study ecologically valid?
What ethical issues were raised by the study?
Was the study useful? Can it be applied to everyday life?
Comment on the reliability of the study
Comment on the validity of the study
Describe one change that you would make to this study and explain how
you think this might affect the outcome?
1. What did Piliavin conclude?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the method used
in relation to the study?
3. Identify the sampling technique? Was it representative?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the data gathered
in relation to this study?
5. Was the study ecologically valid?
6. What ethical issues were raised by the study?
7. Was the study useful? Can it be applied to everyday life?
8. Comment on the reliability of the study
9. Comment on the validity of the study
10. Describe one change that you would make to this study and
explain how you think this might affect the outcome?
Control Measures
•Dispositional Vs Situational Hypothesis
Control Measures
Dispositional Vs Situational Hypothesis
Exam Style
Exam Help
Some top tips....
Know the research method and the field situation
Know the procedure in relation to the victim, model
and observer
Know the key findings
Be able to draw conclusions from the findings
Be able to suggest at least one way in which the study
could be improved, and possible implication of the
suggestion(s) for methodology, ethics, reliability,
validity, usefulness, practicality and so on.
Exam Help
Issues to be considered...
Strength/Weaknesses of field experiments
Strength/Weaknesses of observations as a way to gather
Strength/Weaknesses of snapshot and longitudinal studies
Strength/Weaknesses Q&Q data
Strength/Weaknesses of the sample, models and observers
Validity including ecological validity
Section A: Practice Questions
Describe the sample used in this study and suggest
one strength of this sample (2+2)
Identify four IVs measured in this study (4)
Describe the victims in this study (4)
Describe 2 findings from this study (4)
Describe the term diffusion of responsibility in
relation to this study and suggest why diffusion of
responsibility was not found in this study (2+2)
Section A: Exam Questions
January 2009
Identify one of the model conditions. (2)
Outline one finding from the model conditions. (2)
June 2009
Outline two ethical issued raised by the subway Samaritan study by Piliavin,
Rodin and Piliavin. (4)
January 2010
Describe one quantitative measure recorded by the observers. (2)
Outline the findings of one of the quantitative measures recorded. (2)
Section A: Exam Questions
June 2010
What is meant by the term diffusion of responsibility? (2)
Outline one reason why diffusion of responsibility was not found in this
study. (2)
January 2011
Outline two practical problems that may have occurred in the subway
Samaritan study by Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin. (4)
June 2011
Identify the four independent variables in the subway Samaritan study by
Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin. (4)
Section A: Exam Questions
January 2012
Describe how the individuals played the role of the victim. (4)
June 2012
The subway Samaritan study by Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin, the victims were
dressed identically as a control.
Explain how one other control was used in this study. (4)
January 2013
Define the term field experiment. (2)
Outline one advantage of using a filed experiment in this study. (2)
Section A: Exam Questions
June 2013
Describe the different roles played by the victim. (4)
June 2014
Outline how data was recorded in this study. (2)
Suggest one weakness of the way data was recorded in this study. (2)
Section B: Practice Questions
Outline the incident that formed the basis for this study
Outline how observation was used to gather data in this
study (4)
With reference to this study, describe one strength and
one weakness of observation as a way to gather data
Outline the procedure followed in this study (8)
Describe the key findings of this study (8)
Suggest two ways this study could be improved, and
consider the implications of your suggestion (8)
Section B: Exam Questions
June 2009:
What was the aim of your chosen study? (2)
Describe the method in your chosen study and give one
advantage of using this method. (6)
Describe two ethical issues raised by your chosen study. (6)
Explain one reason why the researchers needed to break ethical
guidelines and one reason why they should have not done so. (6)
Suggest how your chosen study could be made more ethical. (8)
Outline the implications of the ethical changes you have
suggested for your chosen study. (8)
Section B: Exam Questions
June 2012:
What was the aim of your chosen study? (2)
Describe the sample used in your chosen study and
suggest one weakness of using this sample. (6)
Outline the procedure used in your chosen study. (6)
Outline the findings of your chosen study. (6)
Discuss the reliability of the findings of your chosen
study. (6)
Identify and evaluate two possible changes to your
chosen study. (10)