internal and external validity factors

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Transcript internal and external validity factors

EDRS 5305
Campbell and Stanley (1966)
Two general criteria of research designs:
Internal validity
External validity
 Definition:
refers to the
extent to which the changes
observed in the DV are
caused by the IV.
Internal Validity
?s of internal validity cannot be
answered positively unless the
design provides adequate control of
extraneous variables.
 Essentially a problem of control.
 Anything that contributes to the
control of a research design
contributes to its internal validity.
Internal Validity
1. History: specific events or conditions,
other than the treatment, may occur
between the 1st and 2nd measurements
of the participants to produce changes
in the DV.
2. Maturation: processes that operate
within the participants simply as a
function of the passage of time.
Internal Validity
3. Pretesting: exposure to a pretest may
affect participants’ performance on a 2nd
test, regardless of the IV.
4. Measuring instruments: changes in the
measuring instruments, in the scorers, or in
the observers used may produce changes
in the obtained measures.
Internal Validity
5. Statistical regression: If groups are
selected on the basis of extreme
scores, statistical regression may
operate to produce an effect that could
be mistakenly interpreted as an
experimental effect.
Internal Validity
6. Differential selection of participants:
important differences may exist between
the groups before the IV is applied.
7. Experimental mortality: occurs when there
is a differential loss of respondents from
the comparison groups.
Internal Validity
8. Selection-maturation interaction:
Some of these internal validity threats
may interact. Frequently arises when
volunteers are compared with
Internal Validity
9. Implementation: sometimes implementing
the IV threatens internal validity.
Experimenter bias effect
10. Participants’ attitudes: Hawthorne effectattention was positive; John Henry effectexert extra effort
Controlling for Threats to
Internal Validity
1. Random assignment
2. Randomized matching: match on as many
variables as possible and then randomly
assign one member of the pair to the IVother goes to the control group.
3. Homogeneous selection: select samples that are
as similar as possible on some extraneous
variable (e.g., IQ; age)
4. Building variables into the design: include the
extraneous variable as one of the IVs examined
(e.g., gender)
5. Analysis of covariance: removing portion of
performance that is systematically related to an
extraneous variable.
6. Using participants as their own controls:
participants are in each of the experimental
conditions, one at a time.
External Validity of Research
Refers to generalizability or
representativeness of the findings.
 Question addressed here is:
 To what groups, settings, experimental
variables, and measurement variables
can these findings be generalized?
Types of External Validity
1. Population external validity: identifying the
population to which results may be
2. Ecological external validity: concerned with
generalizing experimental effects to other
environmental conditions (i.e., settings).
Types of External Validity
3. External validity of operations:
concerned with how well the
operational definitions and the
experimental procedures represent the
constructs of interest. Would the same
relationships be found if a different
researcher used different operations
(i.e., measures) in investigating the
same question?