The Networked Teacher upload

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The Networked Teacher

Google doc ACEC conference 2012 Anne Mirtschin @murcha

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Key considerations

Why Networking is Important!

• • • • • • • • You will be googled/stalked PD 24/7 share conversations/learn from and with each other stay up to date with trends in education, grab new ideas get help with issues/problems NOW!

supportive friendship group “the global brain” an increasingly important and essential element of successful 21 st century education.

A digital badge

murcha • • •

Profile Brand Badge

Don’t Be an Egg!

User names


Authenticity, visibility, attracts attention.

• • • • In your profile share: online sites eg blogs, websites etc twitter handle, linked in profiles Passions Interests

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Teacher Blog

Class Blog

Networking through conversations

Hello! One of my students always uses her mobile for taking notes of her home assignment.

Response to post on mobile phone use • Hi Anne, I am sorry, I have just seen your question. I know, some schools don’t allow mobile phones at school at all. Mobiles are not allowed during state exams. There are no rules about them in my school. Neither my students nor I make phone calls during lessons unless it is necessary. You know, I am teaching students with disabilities. In fact, I can’t remember them using their phones rather than show me some picture and speak about them, or take notes, or record themselves. I think, it is better to make good use of technology than to ban it in class.

All my students have mobiles, even the one with palsy who has difficulty using his hands. He has iPhone (has had several versions, in fact), iPad and some other gadgets at home. My kids are used to dealing with different keyboards during their face-to-face lessons.

My student Mary uses the app ‘Заметки’ on her Samsung Mobile TV. The word means ‘notes’ in English. She is taking exams this week, I will ask her to show the app to me next week.\


• • •

Arun Basil Lal

| Edit | May 7, 2012 at 6:19 pm | Reply Its fun to see that you are actually letting students do this, I dont see a reason why you shouldn’t.

When I was in the university, we used to do this to copy (lets say) “notes”, but mobile phones in general were frowned upon by the staff. Of course, all of them had one of those in their pockets, still for some reason, we werent allowed to have one.

Too Young for Technology

Culture Shock


| April 16, 2012 at 10:57 am | Reply Hi Anne, thanks for replying to my culture shock survey. It’s interesting what things bring us down. Food and regular (in our countries at least) rituals and holidays seem to be the things we really miss abroad. I’d love to read your responses to any of the questions. I’m happy to share the information I get, and your comment about hoping to incorporate the answers into a curriculum has made me wonder about how children, exchange students or those who move with their families, experience culture shock.

Rach’s blog post

Skippy post

Lorraine Leo comment

Wiki - eportfolio

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The archives

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Classroom Stories


• Apps for students on Melbourne Work Experience The result


International Dot Day

International Dot Day

Teacher Sourcing

World Dot Project (Scratch)

• • • • • • • • • [10:56:31 AM] Living Maths: Daivd and Anne,... have you considered using a google doc.,.. let the kids read and ask questions and you type all your responses - it will be nice to keep the "evidence“ APZhYSMo0TmhLlyxw8UVnos/edit [11:01:28 AM] Living Maths: map in ... now its too easy ;) [11:03:38 AM] Living Maths: Chicago = coghaci [10:57:07 AM] David Karnoscak: See you then. Just knock on my door when you are ready.

[10:58:18 AM] Living Maths: A true and you can load maps in it and you can insert QR codes too [10:59:18 AM] Living Maths: and you can make an anagram from the letters in your state's name and let them unjumble the,m Or for 10 grade cnelstnriaiogssuiottahicaldoeieimfca [11:17:49 AM] David Karnoscak: wow..I don't think even grad students could figure it out.

Mystery Skype


Student Reflections

Do you teach or have any knowledge of the native wars between the americans, seminoles, iroquois, cherokee etc, in the times of george washington?

Blogging Challenges

• • Teacher Challenge Student Blogging Challenge

Skype in Education


A valuable network – the students

Online webinars

• Tech Talk Tuesdays:

• eT@lking:

• Classroom2.0 LIVE

Online Conferences

• K12 Online Conference • Global Education Conference • Library 2.0

• Web2.0

5 tips

1. Join some sites eg twitter, classroom2.0, the global education collaborative etc 2. Lurk online – read blogs– watch conversations, trends, read, follow tweets, hashtags!

3. When confident, interact, ask questions, add comments.

4. Attend free online webinars or conferences and soak up the learning.

5. Share your knowledge and experience with your network– everyone has a story to tell.

• • • • • • • • •

Where to find others!


Flat Classroom Projects Educators’ Guide to Innovation Global Education Collaborative the Australia Series the Australia e-Series facebook group School beyond the walls Global Classroom Look for new and trending social networking sites eg pinterest