Performance Evaluation Process

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Transcript Performance Evaluation Process

Review Period:
January 1 , 2014 – December 31 , 2014
 No separate login required! The online PE system is now
available through myUK with just a single click.
 Process for completing PEs for Transferring Employees! It is
the supervisor’s responsibility to complete the employee’s PE
depending on where the employee worked for the majority of
the calendar year.
 Campus Core Competencies were part of the PE process last
year but we were not required to rate employees on these
competencies. This year we are required to rate employees on
the campus core competencies, however the ratings will not
count towards the employees’ overall PE scores.
December 2, 2014 –
2014 PEs will be available
December 22, 2014 –
Deadline for A&S supervisors
to submit position description updates to A&S HR/Payroll
January 16, 2015 –
Deadline for A&S HR/Payroll to
submit updates to UK HR on position descriptions in order
to be part of the 2014 PE process
February 18, 2015
– A&S deadline for supervisors to
submit completed online PEs to allow for second level
March 2, 2015
– University deadline to submit
completed online PEs
1. Once PEs are available on Dec 2, supervisors
should check to ensure they have access to the PEs
for their direct reports.
- Contact A&S HR/Payroll Office with reporting issues
2. Employees and supervisors should review the MJRs
and Essential Functions to ensure accuracy. Any
discrepancies should be discussed with supervisor.
- Contact A&S HR/Payroll Office to update/correct any MJRs
and/or Essential Functions
- Position descriptions requiring changes in duties of 50% or
more will need prior review/approval from the Chief of Staff
before changes can be submitted to the UK HR office.
3. Job Standards should be determined by the supervisor
with input from the employee before the employee
completes his/her Self Evaluation. Job standards from
last year will not roll to this year’s PE. If job standards
from the 2013 PE are appropriate for this review
period, they can be copied from the 2013 PE which are
still available.
Step 1 –
UK HR releases PEs
Step 2 –
Direct reports and MJRs/Essential Functions are
reviewed by employees/supervisors and updated
by A&S HR/Payroll if necessary
Step 3 –
Job standards are determined and entered on PE
(or copied from previous year if appropriate)
Step 4 –
Employee completes and submits Self Evaluation
Step 5 –
Supervisor reviews, adds comments, rates
performance, and advances to the “Send to 1:1
Meeting” status
Step 6 –
PE is parked at the 1:1 Meeting step to allow second level management review before the 1:1 Meeting is
Step 7 –
Supervisor will meet with each employee to review
the PE after the second -level review/approval
Step 8 –
Supervisor can make edits to the PE after the 1:1
Meeting and then “Send to Employee for Signature ”
Step 9 –
Employee can add comments and sign electronically
which sends the PE form back to the supervisor
Step 10 –
Supervisor can add final comments and sign
1 = Does Not Meet Expectations
- employee did not consistently meet the job standards
- performance needs improvement in areas of consistent weakness
- employee requires close supervision to meet expectations
- if employee fails to improve, corrective action may be recommended
2 = Meets Expectations
- employee consistently met the job standards
- results were timely and accurate and were produced with minimum supervision
- employee recognized and adjusted well to changes in work situations and assignments
- solid, good performance was the employee's norm
3 = Occasionally Exceeds Expectations
- employee periodically exceeded the job standards
- employee achieved results above expectations
- employee showed exceptional performance and effort from time to time
- performance is sustained and uniformly high with thorough and on time results
4 = Consistently Exceeds Expectations
- employee clearly and consistently exceeded the job standards
- exceptional performance and effort was the employee's norm
- employee achieved results well beyond expectations
- employee contributed unique, innovative and workable solutions to projects and/or problems
 While Self Evaluations are required for each A&S staf f, it is up
to the supervisor whether or not their direct reports are
required to self-rate themselves.
 As in previous years, perfect overall ratings of 4.0 require a
letter of justification from the supervisor ( and possibly
second-level supervisor if appropriate ) to the Dean.
 If an employee receives a rating of “1” on a specific MJR, a
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) must be completed.
Please work with the A&S HR/Payroll Of fice on this process.
A&S HR/Payroll Office: [email protected]
PE Website:
Step-by -step guides for employees and supervisors:
Training is available through UK HR, however we will schedule
special training sessions specifically for A&S supervisors and
Reminder: Please contact A&S HR/Payroll with reporting changes
and position updates.