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Media representations of
social class
The Monarchy
Rare to see any criticism of the monarchy, or the individuals
within it, from the mass media – according to Nairn.
In other words, the media is pro-monarchy & tends to portray
them in favourable ways.
There is national obsession with the ‘Royal Family’, with the
media positively focusing on every trivial aspect of their lives.
For example, the BBC & ITV even have ‘royal correspondents’.
Diana’s marriage to Charles is one particular event which the
media gave great attention to; William (pin-up prince) & Harry
(hero prince) regularly feature on the covers of glossy
It was only with the Queen’s handling of Diana’s death that she
began to receive some media criticism.
The media coverage of the Queen’s Jubilee in 2002 reinforced
the idea of the Queen as epitomising British national identity.
Harry & Charles accused of casual racism in 2009, which the
media quickly forgave & diffused.
Prince's apology for racist term
Prince Harry has been forced to apologise for his behaviour in the past
Prince Harry has apologised for using offensive language to describe a
Pakistani member of his army platoon.
The News of the World has published a video diary in which the prince
calls one of his then Sandhurst colleagues a "Paki" in his commentary.
St James's Palace said he had used the term three years ago as a nickname
about a friend and without any malice.
The prince filmed parts of the video and in another clip, he is heard calling
another cadet a "raghead".
The prince had to apologise in 2005 for wearing a swastika armband to a
party, which offended many Jewish people.
The Upper Class
Popular films & tv drama portray this social group in
a nostalgic way, as representing an important aspect
of British life.
The ruling elite often characterised as being
honourable with good breeding.
The media rarely portray the upper classes in a
negative light, or draw attention to inequalities in
wealth or pay.
Hierarchy & wealth are actually celebrated, the media
almost continuing the myth that Britain is a
meritocratic society & that these people are deserving
of their position in society.
The celebrity upper class
The media celebrate celebrity culture & its excesses.
Newman explains the media devotes much time to examining
the lifestyles of the celebrities. Examples include the spreads
done in ‘Hello’ at a celeb’s wedding or birth of a new child.
Advertisements overfocus on luxury cars, luxury holidays that
only the wealthy can afford.
There are even magazines that focus exclusively on upper
class leisure pursuits; ‘Country Life’ & ‘Tatler’.
Newman also notes an enormous time is spent in the print &
broadcast media on business & stock market information,
again something which is of more concern to the upper classes
– not of interest to ordinary working people.
The middle classes
The middle classes are overrepresented on tv. In most
dramas, middle class families are dominant (not in
soap operas).
Some major British newspapers (Daily Mail, daily
Telegraph) are aimed at the middle classes & their
consumption patterns (garden design, home
Many stories focus on how the middle classes are
concerned about the decline in moral values among
other social groups.
Many of the experts in the media are often middle
The working classes
Popular working class characters
According to Newman, there are very few comedies, films or
television drama that focus on the everyday lives of the
working class.
When they are featured, it is often in an unflattering or pitying
manner. Can you think of examples?
Newman says when the news focuses on the working class, it
is generally to label them as a problem. Common stories focus
on them as welfare cheats or criminals, with working class
youths particularly given a tough scrutiny. This often leads to
moral panics.
The general content of w/c papers like The Sun & The Star are
focused on trivial issues, with little reference to inequalities.
Reporting of unemployment, poverty & single parenthood (all
of which most affect the w/c) tends to make out it their own
fault – rather than a consequence of government policy.
Positive representations of the
working class
Films like ‘The Full Monty’ & ‘Brassed Off’
have been very successful & have portrayed
working class life & problems in a dignified &
supportive way. Issues such as inequality have
also been addressed within the context of these
The Underclass
Newman argues that the news media tends to portray
poverty & the underclass in a negative &
stereotypical way.
Poverty often portrayed via the stats!
The media has also been to the forefront of using
terms like ‘chav’ to imply their poverty is
Hayward & Yar argue the label ‘chav’ is now used by
papers & websites as a term for young poor people.
Lawler says the term is a sign of disgust & contempt
for a certain group of people & their situation.
The most famous chav of them all!
Stereotypical images of Vicky Pollard includes
the wearing of tracksuits, bling, bad attitude &
low intelligence.
Generally the underclass is portrayed by the media as
consisting of irresponsible parents with ‘out of
control’ children, living in council housing, relying on
welfare benefits & probably indulging in criminal
Webster says such media representations send out the
message these people are social scum.
Even respectable papers, like The Sunday Times,
were using terms like NEET (not in education,
employment or training) when discussing antisocial
What does this term imply?
What message does Shameless send
out about poverty & the underclass?
The Jeremy Kyle Show is a British version of
the Jerry Springer Show where poverty &
unfortunate situations are treated as an aspect
of entertainment.
Media representations of the powerful (upper
& middle classes) tend to be more positive
than the working classes & poor.
What can be then say about the media?