Life during world war two

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Transcript Life during world war two

Focus on Anne
 Children
are innocent victims of war. They can lose
parents or are injured or killed in crossfire. Some
are captured, imprisoned or die of starvation. Many
become orphans.
 One child dies every three minutes in armed
conflict in our world today. Is that hard to believe?
 Over the last ten years, about 1.6 million children
have been killed in war battles in their countries.
 Anne Frank lived through a war and we are going to
find out more about her today.
 What
do you know about Anne Frank already?
 Which war did Anne live through?
 Do you know what a Concentration Camp is?
 Do you know where Anne lived?
 Do you know how old Anne was?
 Do you know why we know so much about Anne
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl living in Holland, during
World War II. She lived in the city of Amsterdam and
had to go into hiding from the Germans for fear of
being sent to a Concentration camp.
 She went into hiding in the secret attic of a building in
Central Amsterdam on the 6th of July 1942.
 She took ‘Kitty’ with her, a red and white tartan diary
she had received on her 13th birthday.
 During her two years in hiding, Anne wrote in her diary
every day.
 Unfortunately Anne and her family were eventually
found by the Germans and she later died in a
concentration camp.
were prisons that were set up
by the Germans in order to get rid of
people. During the war, 6 million
Jews were murdered in
Concentration Camps. They were
put into gas chambers and poisoned.
 Anne’s
diary is a wonderful form of primary
evidence from the past.
 When we study something that is a direct
link to the past, we call it a primary source.
 An example of this is a video of someone, a
photograph, a sound recording of a speech or
something as simple as a letter that someone
 Primary evidence is extremely valuable to
historians and we are going to examine
evidence and work as historians now.
July 1942,
 Margot and I started packing our most
important belongings into a satchel. The first
thing that I stuck in was this diary, and the
curlers, handkerchiefs, schoolbooks, a comb and
some old letters. Preoccupied by the thought of
going into hiding, I stuck the craziest things in
the satchel, but I’m not sorry. Memories mean
more to me than dresses.
 Ann
wrote this 2 days after entering the annexe.
What do you think of what she brought with her?
 24
December, 1942
 Believe me, if you’ve been shut up for a year and
a half, it can get too much for you sometimes.
But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how
unjust or ungrateful they may seem. I long to
ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel
young and know that I’m free, and yet I can’t let
it show.
 What
would you miss the most if you were forced
into hiding in a secret room?
 11
April 1944
 The time will come when we’ll be people again
and not just Jews!... We can never be just Dutch
or just English, or whatever, we will always be
Jews as well. And we’ll have to keep on being Jews,
but then, we’ll want to be.
 Do
you think Anne is happy to be a Jew? Why
does she feel they are not ‘people’?
 15
July 1944
 I see the world being slowly transformed into
wilderness. I hear the approaching thunder that,
one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering
of millions. And yet when I look up at the sky, I
somehow feel that everything will change for the
better, that this cruelty too will end, that peace
and tranquillity will return once more.
 What
is the feeling of this extract? Does Anne
really hear thunder? How much do you think Anne
knows about what is going on? How can you tell?
Anne Frank
 Name
some ways war can affect children.
 Why did Anne Frank’s family go into hiding?
 What did Anne call her diary? Why might she
have named her diary?
 Which diary entry was the most powerful, in
your opinion?
 If Ann was 13 when she went into hiding, how
old would she be if she survived?
 Can you think of intolerance in the world
today? Name them.