Work life balance Conference in Prague

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„Work life balance” Conference in Prague
Work life balance on the
Polish Job Market
Iza Michaliszyn
HR Competencies Consultant
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Many changes took place on the Polish Job Market.
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These changes refer to:
Polish economy, organisations, people *„Problem równowagi między pracą a
życiem osobistym (WLB) na tle tendencji w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi”
In terms of economy we could mention:
globalisation, informatisation, cultural diversity, customer
orintedness, dynamics of demands on the job market
In terms of organisations, we can say about:
intellectual capital, key competencies, limitation of hierarchy,
new HRM systems
In terms of people we may refer to:
knowledge/ expertise of employees, no typical form of job,
teamwork, dealing with stress, work-life balance
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Human Capital is nowadays one of the most important
resources in economy
Human Capital should be treated as an asset
Human Capital is an indispensible condition in terms of
building a business and a market advantage as a:
resource of productivity, flexibility, creativity, innovation.
But often Human Capital in Poland is not treated as a
business advantage!
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Main consequences of these changes for Polish Job Market
necessity for the employees to adapt to on-going companies'
uncertainty of employment
necessity of dealing with new professional roles and
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It causes many problems e.g. an outstanding stress, working
beyond one's capabilities, neglecting one's private life and
personal needs.
As a consequence, it leads to disturbing work life balance.
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From my experience I would say that most companies do not
offer work life balance programs. Some companies propose
these programs as a regular element of job contract
(especially international organizations know, that programs
like these are useful and may determine business results), but
many of them treat them as employees' individual matter.
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Why some companies propose these programs:
because some employees and teams are crucial for the
employee's leaving leads to problems and necessity of a new
– often expensive – recruitment/ training process
company loses its investment
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happy, satisfied employees work more effective!
*„Problem równowagi między pracą a życiem osobistym (WLB) na tle tendencji w zarządzaniu zasobami
ludzkimi prezentacja, Aleksander Pocztowski, Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, 2007,
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What these companies do in terms of work life balance?
*”Innowacyjne formy zatrudnienia, równowaga między życiem osobistym a pracą – narzędziem skutecznej
they give their employees more autonomy
they promotes one's responsibility (empowerment)
they underline cooperation between managers and staff
they adapt one's professional duties to one's personal
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How do they do this?
by matching employees’ and companies' values and goals
by identifying one's professional and private roles
by being open to new forms of cooperation
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by knowing that effectiveness does not depend on the amount
of time spent on tasks but on energy invested!
It will result in a higher level of motivation to job, to get success,
to be willing to stay in a company.
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Tools that allow to implement work life balance programs:
flexible working hours (at company's office, client's office,
employee's home, traveling, an individual schedule)
part-time job
unpaid leave
job on demand
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Tools that allow to diversify work life balance programs:
employees' education (also in terms of time management,
setting the right priorities, knowing one's individual needs
better – e.g. coaching)
unpaid seminar's leave
low-interest loans
package of retirement pension
expanded medical services
support in one's caring of family members (child, elder
co-fund cultural and sport events
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Work life balance policy requires not only an awareness of the
company’s board members but also cooperation between
managers and staff in:
communication concerning needs and capabilities
identifying real requirements with regards to results and
benefits of performing tasks
sharing responsibilities and tasks
being responsible for one's own activities as well as team's
*„Innowacyjne formy zatrudnienia, równowaga między życiem osobistym a pracą – narzędziem skutecznej motywacji”/ prezentacja,
Jolanta Jaworska, IBM Polska, http://www.asmpoland.
Work life balance Conference in Prague
What if a company does not care about work life balance?
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An employee:* „Pracoholizm a neurotyzm”
is not able to work in an effective and flexible way
is not able to concentrate on his/ her tasks
makes mistakes, even causes accidents
may not respect some procedures and regulations
is often on a sick leave
may avoid changes and new challenges
may leave the company
Work life balance Conference in Prague
From my experience I may say that not always it is the
company that is responsible for not obeying to the rules of
work life balance. There are many people who want work
beyond "the regular hours", breaking their own emotional and
physical "immunity". It may depend on many different aspects,
but some of researchers underline one's special
predispositions to be addicted to work.
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Being a workaholic may mean:
losing control over one’s behaviour (in terms of assessment of
the amount of working hours and tasks)
inability to refrain oneself (cessation of working)
growth of engagement in work – more tasks, more hours time,
more higher demands towards one’s professional
expectations and job’s results
concentration only on a job, lack of concentration on others
aspects of life
less job satisfaction
higher probability of illness
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Job is one of the most important aspects of one’s life (equally
with a personal life, a family life, material issues), but for
workaholics it is the most important thing and – as others
addictions – causes a deformation of personal life (lack of time
for the family, divorces, etc.), subsequently – also of a
professional life (imposibility to fulfil one’s own duties,
approach to confrontation/ conflicts, lack of ability to take a
rest, on-going tension, pressure of doing job, lack of job
satisfaction, perfectionism, etc.).
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Addiction to work is caused by neurotic features of
personality: a neurotic need of love, a sense of inferiority, a
fear against failure, striving for recognition and acceptance.
Workaholism is supposed to drive out/ reduce a fear, a sense
of uncertainty and grow up one’s selfesteem as well as other
people’s acceptance.
Workaholism is a way of confirmation of one’s own selfesteem
by searching external symptoms of acceptance and
Workaholics wants to achieve an ideal image of themselves
and other people’s acceptance, it causes a „motivation to
achieve” that appeals in on-going job’s engagement.
*„Pracoholizm a neurotyzm”, Dorota Kozak,
Work life balance Conference in Prague
What workaholics can do?
Should check:
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Job, family, friends are equally important
Your personal priorities are in harmony with your
professional priorities
When you are at home you are in „a home state of
Your personal and professional life suplement each
You are able to be satisfied with your job, the family
and others‘ company
You are able to overcome a failure
You are happy with what you do and you feel useful
You feel good, satisfied and not concerned too
You fulfill your duties without problems and too
much effort, being happy with your job
All aspects of your life seem to be ok and make
Job, family, friends are not equally important
Your personal priorities are not in harmony with your
professional priorities
When you are at home you are charging your battery
for work
Your personal and professional life do not suplement
each other
You are not able to be satisfied with your job, the
family and others‘ company
You are not able to overcome a failure
You are not happy with what you do and you do not
feel useful
You do not feel good, satisfied and you are
concerned much
You have problems at work and take many efforts,
not being happy with your job
All aspects of your life do not seem to be ok and do
not make sens * „Idealna równowaga”
Work life balance Conference in Prague
So: stop, then: feel and think.
What is important for you? What would you like to achieve?
Who would you like to be?
Expand your imagination. Change your perspective. Take your
decision. Be calm. Specify your goals. Find a balance.
Take your first step 
*„Idealna równowaga”, Paul Wilson, Laurum, 2010
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Economical changes = personal and professional changes
Personal and professional changes = disorder in work life balance
Disorder in work life balance = companies + individual
predispositions towards willingnes to get benefits and „crossing”
Sometimes disorder in work life balance is not a result of companies ‘
determination towards benefits and profits, sometimes it’s a result
of employess’ approach and individual neurotic predispositions in
terms of addiction to work.
We should care about ourselves, knowing our aspiration and goals.
Work life balance Conference in Prague
My presentation is based on my professional experience in consulting as well as on:
„Idealna równowaga”, Paul Wilson, Laurum, 2010
„Pracoholizm a neurotyzm”, Dorota Kozak,
„Problem równowagi między pracą a życiem osobistym (WLB) na tle tendencji w
zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi”/ prezentacja, Aleksander Pocztowski, Akademia
Ekonomiczna w Krakowie, 2007, (http://www.asmpoland.
iem_osobistym _A_%20Pocztowski.ppt)
„Innowacyjne formy zatrudnienia, równowaga między życiem osobistym a pracą –
narzędziem skutecznej motywacji”/ prezentacja, Jolanta Jaworska, IBM Polska,
Work life balance Conference in Prague
Thank you