bionum - Medical Council

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The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
Biomedical Nanotechnology Institute
at the University of Miami
Richard J. Cote, M.D., FRCPath, FCAP, Director
Ram H. Datar, M.Phil, Ph.D., Co-Director
Sylvia Daunert, Ph.D., Pharm.D., Associate Director
BioNIUM Mission and Vision
Early detection and diagnosis
Targeted delivery and treatment monitoring
Restoration of tissue and organ function
Multidisciplinary collaboration and technology development
Integrate nanotechnology and medicine to:
– Develop and deploy devices and systems
– Interact with living tissue
– Provide size and physical property advantages
Educating the next generation of physicians, scientists and engineers
Overcoming Significant Barriers to Early Effective Treatment
Early detection of circulating tumor cells
Insensitive and expensive detection of serum biomarkers
Adverse drug effect on non-targeted cells and organs
Endocrine and Cardiac Diseases:
Inability to continuously monitor glucose or cardiac enzymes
Restore lost function
Neuromuscular Diseases:
Once disease is treated, full restoration remains distant goal
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Physicians, Biomedical Researchers,
Physicists, Chemists, Engineers, Material Scientists
 Link researchers from disparate disciplines to expand scientific knowledge
 Opportunities to exchange and expand novel ideas
BioNIUM Members: Multidisciplinary Leaders Converge
Richard J. Cote, M.D., professor and Joseph R. Coulter Jr. Chair of Pathology
Ram Datar, M.Phil., Ph.D., associate professor of pathology and biochemistry and molecular biology
Sylvia Daunert, Ph.D., Pharm.D., professor and the Lucille P. Markey Chair of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology
James M. Tien, Ph.D., DEng, NAE, dean School of Engineering
Richard Awdeh, M.D., assistant professor of clinical ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Leonidas Bachas, Ph.D., dean College of Arts and Sciences
Pirouz Daftarian, Ph.D., research assistant professor of microbiology and immunology
Sapna Deo, Ph.D., associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology
Jeffrey Goldberg, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of ophthalmology
Angel Kaifer, Ph.D., professor of chemistry
Sung Jin Kim, Ph.D., assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
Vincent Moy, Ph.D., associate professor of physiology and biophysics
Francisco Raymo, Ph.D., professor of chemistry
Paolo Serafini, Ph.D., research assistant professor of microbiology and immunology
Cherie Stabler, Ph.D., assistant professor of biomedical engineering and director of the tissue engineering
program at the Diabetes Research Institute
Onur Tigli, Ph.D., assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
Propelling BioNIUM Forward
 A leadership contribution of $7.5 million over five years will provide crucial support to:
Recruit leading experts
Equip and operate a state-of-the-art microfabrication and nanofabrication core facility
Launch ‘high risk-high yield’ pilot research projects
Educate the next generation of physicians, biomedical scientists and engineers
Support scientific leadership and oversight, and create scientific advisory boards
 University of Miami has committed additional funds of $4.8 million
 Provost - $2.8 Million
 Dean of the Miller School- $1 Million
 Dean of the College of Engineering- $1 Million
 Return on Investment: This grant will stimulate creation of over 85 new highly skilled jobs
in Miami-Dade County and result in over $100M in research funding.
Progress with Nanofab Clean Room
• Nanofabrication facility clean room space identified in Life Science &
Technology Park, 1st floor
• A 1200 Sq. Ft. Space within the Tissue & Bone Bank
• Equipment orders will begin shortly
• Support Staff recruitment planned for Fall of 2012
• Facility Business Plan ready
 The combination of recent and ongoing recruitments
presents an ideal moment for the establishment of the
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation BioNIUM.
 The resources provided by the Dr. John T. Macdonald
Foundation gift establish major programmatic support,
enhance recruitment efforts and allow for the build out
of critical infrastructure (nano/micro fabrication clean
room facility).
 With a critical mass of human and technological
resources, the BioNIUM will facilitate interdisciplinary
collaborations that will accelerate the pace of
Organizational Overview
• Led by a Director: Responsible for articulating and representing the
vision of the Institute, its overall leadership and management.
• The Director will report to and receive annual reviews from the
Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Miller
• Executive Committee: Advise the Director on issues related to
Institute operations.
• Advisory Committee: Assess the scientific progress of the Institute
and assist the Director in long term planning.
• Advisory Board: Representation from UM and the Dr. JT Macdonald
Foundation. Provide insight and recommendations
• Four Scientific Programs (led by Program Directors) and two
Shared Resources (led by Resource Directors).
BioNIUM Programs & BioNIUM Resources
• Programs
– Sensing & Molecular Diagnostics
– Molecular Assemblies and Characterization of
– Functional Restoration and Biomaterials
– Targeting, Delivery and Imaging Using Nanocarriers
• Resources
– Nanofabrication Facility
– Interdisciplinary Educational Resource
Research activities of the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
BioNIUM require a well-equipped fabrication facility, and office and
administrative space.
• Initially the main offices of the Institute will reside in the
Biomedical Research Building on the Miller Campus
• The state-of-the-art nanofabrication facility will be located at
the Life Science and Technology Park.
• Through its affiliate membership laboratories, the Institute will
have space on the Coral Gables and Miller School campuses.
BioNIUM Organizational Chart
Senior Vice President for
Medical Affairs & Dean
Advisory Board
Director, Dr. John T. Macdonald
Foundation BioNIUM
Associate Director
Program Director,
Program Director,
Program Director,
Program Director,
Sensing & Molecular
Molecular Assemblies
& Characterization of
Functional Restoration
Biomaterials, & Targeting,
Delivery and Imaging Using
Resource Director, Nanofabrication Facility
Resource Director, Educational Resources
BioNano Medicine: The Final Frontier– Science Fiction?
Now a reality!