Using the Internet and Associated Communications Tools

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Transcript Using the Internet and Associated Communications Tools

Presentation to Irish Sports Council's
Code of Ethics Information Day ,
26 March 2011
Using the Internet and Associated
Communications Tools and Keeping Children
and Young People Safe
John Laffan
Executive Director
Office for Internet Safety
Dept. of Justice, Equality & Law Reform
 An Executive Office of the Dept. of Justice.
 Established by Government to take a lead responsibility in
….relation to internet safety in Ireland.
What is the Office for Internet Safety?
 Replaced the former Internet Advisory Board.
 Aims to build linkages and cohesion between all Departments
….and Agencies to ensure the safest possible internet
….environment in Ireland.
What is the Office for Internet Safety?
 Office became operational in March 2008.
 OIS is coordinator/managing authority for Irish Safer Internet
….Project under the EU Safer Internet Programme (which
….provides financial support to the hotline and the NCTE’s
….internet safety activities).
1. The Promotion of Internet Safety, particularly in relation to
combating child pornography;
Mandate/What We Do
Mandate/What We Do
1. The Promotion of Internet Safety, particularly in relation to
combating child pornography;
2. Oversight of the Internet Hotline ( – the system
for dealing with reports of illegal content on the internet;
Mandate/What We Do
1. The Promotion of Internet Safety, particularly in relation to
combating child pornography;
2. Oversight of the Internet Hotline ( – the system
for dealing with reports of illegal content on the internet;
3. Development of Internet Safety Awareness Campaigns;
 Funded by Internet Service Provider Association of Ireland
( and EU Safer Internet Programme.
 Hotline
provides a
contact point
for members
of the
for Reporting
public to anonymously report child pornography or other
illegal content that they have encountered on the Internet.
Hotline for Reporting Illegal Internet Content (
 Hotline accepts reports of such material and will seek to
identify the source. If the material is hosted in Ireland, it will
request the relevant ISP to remove it in accordance with the
Code of Practice & Ethics. Special protocols operate between
the Hotline and the police to maximise co-operation on law
enforcement issues so that offences in the area of child
pornography can be detected and prosecuted.
The Internet and Mobile Phones are incredibly valuable
resources which we all rely on, but there are associated
risks, particularly for children and young people.
 Bullying via the Internet
 Cyberstalking/Cybergrooming
 Inappropriate content – adult material, inappropriate
Internet - Risks
….commercial content
 Violent or racist content
Internet - Risks
Get With IT! – A parents’ guide
to filtering technologies
Internet - Risks
Get With IT! – A parents’ guide
to social networking websites
Internet - Risks
Get With IT! – A guide to
Similar in many ways to risks associated with the Internet
 Mobile use is usually private and unsupervised
 Mobiles are largely ubiquitous
- Risks
 Mobile operators
are currently
primary gatekeepers
… the Internet for phones - it might be noted that all Irish
… phone operators have in place filters to prevent
…..access to illegal child pornography on mobile internet.
Mobile Phones - Risks
 Mobile phones now with camera and video capability
….and internet access - images can be instantly recorded
….and immediately uploaded to social networking sites
….(e.g. Facebook, Bebo) or video sharing sites
….(e.g. YouTube)
 Bullying via mobile phone
 Irish Cellular Industry Association has produced a very
useful “Parents’ Guide to Mobile Phones"
Inappropriate or Harmful Content:
 Pornography
 Some interactive services, e.g. chatrooms, etc.
are and
the videos
risks to
and Young People?
 Music
adult content
 Spam (i.e. unwanted, often commercial, email)
 Games with violent or sexual content
What are the risks to Children and Young People?
 Gambling
 Some premium rate services
What are the risks to Children and Young People?
 Gambling
 Some premium rate services
Other Issues:
Financial pressure
Financial scams
International Research shows Irish children generally
in a good position in respect of Internet Safety
 EU Kids Online Research [surveyed 1000 parents and
children (9 top 16 yr olds) in all EU Member States] found:
Children in Ireland among the most responsible users of the internet
53% of children use internet daily
91% of parents mediate children’s internet use in some way (above EU av 87%)
72% of Irish parents stay close or watch children using internet
87% of Irish children use internet in a public room in the home, significantly
above EU avg 62%
More information:;
Issues particular to Sports Council and its affiliated
 Individual Club Websites
 Means by which clubs communicate with their members
Individual Club Websites:
Need to ensure website is managed carefully – keep
close eye on any links (cases have arisen where links
have been redirected to inappropriate material)
If site has a discussion board facility need to
ensure care in relation to moderation of comments
– moderation particularly desirable where minors are
Issues particular to Sports Council and its affiliated
Means by which clubs communicate with their
Texting service – would be preferable to ensure that parental consent is
obtained where children and young people are being contacted directly by
adults – perhaps consider texting a parent or guardian instead of or in
addition to texting a junior member.
Group on a social network site, e.g. Facebook, Bebo. BUT needs careful
consideration. Should be noted that under 13s strictly speaking not
“entitled” to membership of many social networking sites.
EU Safer Internet Day February each year
What is Safer Internet Day?
Safer Internet Day is organised by Insafe each year in February to
promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile
phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world.
New technologies has turned all of us, particularly young people, into
publishers online of information, pictures and videos. While this brings new
opportunities for personal expression and creativity, this can also lead to
embarrassing or even traumatic situations. E.g. photos once posted online,
remain online, and can be seen by anybody, even years after they have
been posted.
Therefore children and young people need to manage their online identity
in a responsible and safe way.
Useful Resources
 – Office for Internet Safety website – lots of useful
information and resources including comprehensive listings of useful
domestic and international links.
 – the Irish internet safety awareness node – particularly
useful for parents and younger children. Also
 – lots of useful information about how to
manage your online identity, e.g. on social networking sites, in a
responsible and safe way.
 – for reporting suspected illegal content
 – where children and young people can report if they
encounter material on the internet that they find distressing
 – EU-wide resource (with specific Irish section)
targeting families and internet safety (sponsored by UPC).