OAR Student Guide - University of Derby

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Transcript OAR Student Guide - University of Derby

School of Health
School of Health
Practice Documentation:
The Ongoing Achievement Record
Guy Collins
Setting the scene:
NMC (2010) standards for pre-registration nurse education
NMC (2008) standards to support learning and assessment in practice
In order to register required to evidence achievement of specific progression criteria; Generic and
Field specific competencies; EU Directive 2005/36/EC
University Derby practice documentation (contents & format) developed with practice partners 20112012
Engagement with mentors 2011-2012 series of roadshow events across Derbyshire
Commended as an example of best practice at the validation event in May 2012
Mentor updates (annual requirement); Triennial reviews
Practice Partnership Network
Support by Clinical Placement Facilitators employed by Trusts
Link Lecturers
Mentor website resources and example document http://www.derby.ac.uk/health/nursing/mentors
Sections of the OAR:
You need to be familiar with document in addition to mentor responsibility! Impacts on your own
Different OAR for each stage of the programme
Essential Skills document supplementary requirement/record (across programme)
User guidance at the start of the document and at the start of each section
Consists of:
Stage 1 Hub Core Documents
Essential Care Spoke Core Documents
Health of the Community (simulated practice) Spoke Core Documents
Practice Passport
Attendance Record
Mandatory Training Record
Additional Review & Action Planning Record
Link Lecturer Visit Record
Summative Generic & Field Specific Competencies Assessment
Summative Generic Progression Criteria Assessment
Hub Mentor Declaration Stage 1
Integrated Practice Module Leader Stage 1 Verification
Time line for summative assessment:
NMC requirement that students are assessed summatively at the end of each stage & then a sign
off mentor assessment at end of Stage 3
All stages must be passed in order to progress
All summative assessments must be completed by Hub mentor – can review evidence/testimonials
from elsewhere – but ultimately only one person summatively assessing you
Normally only 2 attempts at summative practice assessment – failure at second attempt would
result in discontinuation regardless of stage of programme
Practice assessments must occur in the identified progression point weeks
 See the identified weeks for your specific cohort
If referred at 1st attempt must liaise with mentor and link lecturer team
Action plan must be established and adhered to
If required only 2nd attempt must occur before the end of the placement/end of Stage
OAR must be submitted to University at end of Stage for verification by IANP module team
Ensure everything fully complete prior to submission otherwise will be returned
OAR is YOUR professional record of progress
Summative Generic & Field Specific Competencies
Competencies across 4 domains of practice:
 Professional Values
 Communication & Interpersonal Skills
 Nursing Practice & Decision Making
 Leadership, Management and Team Working
All competencies must have been assessed in practice by using a range of evidence and recorded
(see page 12 of OAR for types of evidence and codes)
All competencies must be achieved at the applicable ‘Bondy level’ – minimum of Bondy level 2 for
1st progression point (see OAR for level criteria)
OAR = Practice Assessment
Remember theoretical assessment is demonstrated in YOUR portfolio – can’t double count same
evidence for practice theory for each competency
Each competency must be signed and dated with outcome (both Hub mentor and student)
Summative Generic Progression Criteria Assessment
Separate specific NMC progression criteria
 Listed A-R - under following areas:
 Associated with safety and safeguarding people at all ages, their carers and
their families
 Areas associated with professional values and expected attitudes and
behaviour’s towards people, their carers and their families
Assessed using a range of evidence and recorded (see guidance in OAR for types of
evidence and codes)
Assessed at 1st as either Achieved/Refer 2nd attempt (if required only) as Achieved/Fail
Each progression criteria must be signed and dated with outcome (both Hub mentor
and student)
Hub Mentor Declaration Stage 1
Acts as summary and guide to provide progress overview
Additional record that person is suitable designation to assess an ‘active’ mentor
(advisable to clarify this with identified mentor during placement experience and not left
to progression point)
Aid to ensure all applicable sections completed
Record of total hours completed at Progression Point (will undertake further clinical
hours post progression point – this total hours will be checked by the IANP module
team during their verification of document
Inclusive of progress of working towards requirements of EU Directive 2005/36/EC in
practice only
Hub mentor will need to review Essential Skills Clusters for one statement
Separate 2nd attempt declaration (if required only)
Do not detach copies from Hub Mentor Declaration section
If still unsure seek guidance from your Personal Tutor the
Link Lecturer for your placement