07 Nov 2013 - Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development

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Transcript 07 Nov 2013 - Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development

Capacity Building and
Coordination for BCC
in support of HPNSDP
Donor Consortium Meeting
November 7th, 2013
SWAp Requires Coordination
 “Development of health sector requires direct involvement,
interaction and collaboration with policies and programs of other
ministries, agencies and a variety of different role players.
…participation of various technical organizations/agencies both
within and outside MoHFW is vital for the successful
implementation of the sector program.”
 “Insufficient coordination between various sub-sectors in health,
population and nutrition resulted in duplication, wastage and
missed opportunities both at the top as well as at the operational
level…increasing coordination and collaboration with other
ministries affecting health outcomes needs to be made to
streamline activities and improve efficiency.”
National BCC Practice in Bangladesh
 In order for BCC to be effective, messages need to be
consistent, cohesive, coordinated and well-planned, and
must reflect current MoHFW policies.
 Bangladesh has many ongoing health interventions, almost
all include BCC components. However there is little
coordination between them.
Goal of BCC Activities under HPNSDP
Motivation Unit
Institute of Public
Health and
Nutrition Unit
Bureau of Health
Planning, coordination, leveraging and execution of BCC activities
Improved health status in Bangladesh
BCC Activities under HPNSDP
BCC for FP
activities only
15-20 centrallevel officers
0.67% of total
Many BCC activities
Only 1 staff member
dedicated to BCC
7.55% of total
budget (BCC and
other activities)
• BCC for all other
health topics
• 128 positions (10-15
central-level; 70-80
district-level officers)
• Insufficient office
• 0.64% of total budget
Coordinating BCC Activities
MoHFW internal planning, coordination and
execution of BCC messages and campaigns is:
• accomplished through regular coordination
meetings between 3 units
• facilitated by a National Communication
Goal: coordination, cohesion, unity
Priorities for Building BCC Capacity
 Improved coordination among MoHFW units and donors
 Technical Assistance to support MoHFW in building staff
and institutional capacity in IEM, IPHN and BHE
 Ensure all partners working on BCC in Bangladesh are aware
of the MoHFW requirement to get approval from IEC
Technical Committee before launching campaigns
 Support the MoHFW IEC Technical Committee to
systematize their approval process and ensure transparency
 Apply Knowledge Management approaches to support BCC
Improved Capacity in MoHFW
 Staff have increased knowledge on how to plan, design and
implement BCC campaigns and activities
 Increased ability to follow strategic processes for developing
messages and materials
 Staff are improving their to organize, utilize and manage
data using Knowledge Management techniques
 Increased appreciation for M&E
 Improved motivation and leadership
BCC Working Group
 Forum for multi-sectoral coordination.
 Has been officially recognized by MoHFW, and is under
leadership of Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Laskar Additional Secretary
(PH and WHO), MoHFW
 Active participation from MoHFW, donors, project staff, private
sector, media
 Reviewed and analyzed 17 communication strategies and 4 OPs
 Drafted a National HPN Communication Framework
 In the process of identifying best practices for BCC in
How Donors Can Support and Sustain
MoHFW BCC Activities
 Hold partners accountable for coordinating BCC activities with
 Include in project descriptions and scopes of work
 Include in solicitations
 Include in project evaluations
 Participate – and encourage the active participation of
partners – in BCC Working Group
 Next meeting is November 11 from 11-12:30PM at IPHN
 http://www.bdbccgroup.org
 [email protected]
 Support the implementation of the National HPN
Communication Framework
Thank you!
Any questions?