Transcript jc3iedm


Joint Consultation, Command, and Control Information Exchange Data Model

Simulation, Command, and Control

How do we tell people to do stuff in the military? It would be nice to have a standardized XML format for doing things like this, particularly when working in coalition or joint operations JC3IEDM is an attempt to create a command & control vocabulary that is generic enough to be used in any situation, and specific enough to be implemented. (A tall order)


Suppose we had a canonical way to describe orders. What are the implications for M&S?

Currently M&S is lightly used in the day-to-day operations world. It would be interesting if we could tap into the stream of live C4 data, pipe it into a simulation, and do what-if simulations of possible outcomes in near-real time

JC3IEDM Traffic

Concurrent Simulation

Normal Processing Decision Simulation Analysis Of Alternatives


We can tap into the stream of information, run what-if simulations concurrently with decision making, and use the results to make better decisions A sort of real-time wargaming, concurrent with operations Since the data in in XML, using web services is a possibility Demonstrated in concept at a JFCOM simulation a couple years ago


JC3IEDM is an XML vocabulary that revolves around “who, what, when, where, why”. The idea is that this is generic enough to express any idea that needs to be expressed, in theory JC3IEDM-Joint_C3_Information_Exchange_Data_Model/


JC3IEDM is a NATO standard MIP is a standards group from military C4I, from corps to battalion level, intended for joint and coalition operations JC3IEDM is XML-based (with a strong relational database heritage) Really, really big, and really, really complex


If we have information stored in a JC3IEDM database, we can extract it and use it in simulations alongside normal operations Ops M&S JC3IEDM database


Because JC3IEDM is so general, we can convert it (via XSLT or other mechanism) to other XML formats, such as JBML (Joint Battle Management Language)

mber=0438542 Pullen, Makineni, McAndrews Curt Blais does a lot of work in the area of XML dialects, JBML, and JC3IEDM