India as a British Colony

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The British Empire
in India
AP World History
Unit 4
India in
the 18th
and early
East India Company
East India Company activity limited to
coastal trading cities when the Mughal
Empire was strong.
In the mid-1700s, the Mughal Empire
broke apart.
East India Company leaders saw chance
to take over Indian lands.
Keeping India in Chaos
Manipulated rulers of Indian states.
Suggested each needed British support to
keep throne.
Played rulers against each other.
Chaos, chaos, chaos.
Company’s army took over much of
Claiming it had to restore order.
Changes in India
East India Company made changes to
Indian society
Introduced new education system.
English language.
British also invited Christian missionaries
to spread beliefs.
Some began to believe the British were
trying to destroy their society.
Changes in India
Banning customs.
Introduced British laws banning certain
customs, such as sati.
• Practice of Hindu widows throwing selves on
husbands’ funeral fires.
Straining relations.
Thought British wanted to eliminate Indian
customs, especially Hinduism completely
This created an increasing strain on relations
between Indians and British.
The Sepoy Mutiny
In 1857, strained
relations exploded into
Sepoys were Indian
soldiers who fought in
the British army.
The Sepoy Mutiny
Introduction of new type British rifle set off
To load the rifle, soldier had to bite off the end
of an ammunition cartridge greased with pork
and beef fat.
This offended Muslim and Hindu sepoys
Muslims did not eat pork.
Hindus did not eat beef.
Protest and Punishment
during the Sepoy Mutiny
Sepoys in Meerut refused to use cartridges.
Thought that it was a plot to make them abandon
Hinduism and Islam.
Sepoys punished for protesting.
In response, northern Indian sepoys rose up
against British.
Eventually gained control of Delhi.
Violence of the
Sepoy Mutiny
Violence of rebellion horrific.
Both sides committed atrocities.
Sepoys killed British officers, as well as
women and children.
Captured mutineers were strapped to
cannons and shot.
Villages were burned.
Fighting continued two years.
Results of the
Sepoy Mutiny
British ended the rule of East
India Company in 1858.
British government ruled India
British moved away from some
social regulations that angered
many Indians.
Distrust still continued between
British and Indians.
India as a British Colony
Considered the “jewel in the crown” of the British Empire.
Created political and financial rewards, as well as British national
For Indians, British rule was a source of frustration and
Frustration gave rise to powerful feelings of nationalism.
Many British thought they were superior.
• Segregated neighborhoods and exclusive clubs.
• Westernized Indians.
• Thought Indians incapable of governing themselves.
The Raj and the ICS
Era of British rule in India often called British Raj.
Hindi word meaning “rule”.
Administration carried out by government agency.
Indian Civil Service (ICS).
Though ruling India, most ICS officials were
ICS employed very few Indians.
Many educated Indians frustrated at having no
say in its own government.
Life under the
British Raj
Building Projects
Built railroads, roads, and canals.
By 1910, India had the fourth largest
railroad network in the world.
British invested in transportation to move
• Helped sell British products.
Life under the British Raj
India was a very important market for
British manufactured goods.
India was a source of raw materials.
• Especially cotton, tea, indigo, and jute.
Taxes from Indian landowners paid for
administration of India and the Indian army.
Life under the British Raj
Impact of British Commerce
British manufactured goods devastated
India’s pre-existing textile industry.
• Had been major exporter.
• British closed factories to prevent competition.
By the mid-1800s, India primary exported
raw materials, not manufactured goods.
The Rise of Indian Nationalism
Groups in India found British rule deeply
Indian elites and middle classes lacked
Indians had little power to influence
decisions at higher levels of
India’s Nationalist Movement
Nationalist movement did not take off
until Indians saw themselves as having
same rights as Europeans
Idea first expressed by reformer Ram
Mohun Roy in the 1820s
Felt British violating Indian’s rights.
Including free speech and religion
India’s Nationalist
Roy wrote texts and opened schools to spread
nationalist ideas.
Despite his efforts it took several decades for
movement to activate.
In 1885, the Indian National Congress was formed.
This was the first nationalist group.
Founded by English-speaking Indians.
Initial requests from the Congress to the British were
Example was a request for more positions for Indians in the
ICS and better representation on government councils.
India as a British Colony
Nationalism turned radical when British
announced plans to partition Bengal.
Officials claimed breaking it into two
provinces would make it easier to govern.
Nationalists thought partition attempt was
being done in order to break up Bengal’s
Hindu population.
India as a British Colony
Radicals in Congress
Called for boycotting British goods.
• Lasted three years.
Participants vowed to wear only Indian
made clothing.
• Burned British clothing.
Some militants attacked British officials.
• Were severely punished.
India as a British
British convinced to make concessions to
Indian people.
In the 1906, the Muslim League was formed
to protect the interests of Indian Muslims.
Indian National Congress and Muslim League
begin to led the fight for independence.