IGCSE-IB Presentation March2013

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Transcript IGCSE-IB Presentation March2013

Cambridge IGCSE (International General
Certificate of Secondary Education)
• the world’s most popular international curriculum for 14-16
year olds, leading to globally recognised and valued
Cambridge IGCSE qualifications.
• provides excellent preparation for the International
Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP).
Cambridge IGCSE curriculum
• encourages learner-centred and enquiry-based
approaches to learning.
• develops learners’ skills in creative thinking, enquiry and
problem solving, giving learners excellent preparation for
the next stage in their education.
Cambridge IGCSE curriculum
It develops learner knowledge, understanding and skills in:
 Subject content
 Applying knowledge and understanding to familiar
and new situations
 Intellectual enquiry
 Flexibility and responsiveness to change
 Working and communicating in English
 Influencing outcomes
 Cultural awareness
Cambridge IGCSE assessment
Assessment for Cambridge IGCSE includes written
and oral tests, coursework and practical assessment.
It is set and marked by the teacher and externally
moderated by Cambridge.
Each learner's performance is benchmarked using
eight internationally recognised grades (A*-G).
Cambridge IGCSE subjects
International Mathematics
Co-ordinated Science (Double Award)
Literature (English)
Global Perspectives
French (Foreign Language)
At the end of Grade 10 students may choose to:
1. Leave with a High School Diploma and enter local
Colleges or Universities
2. Continue on into the IB Diploma programme
3. Leave with the High School Diploma and IGCSEs to
continue schooling abroad
GRADES 11 and 12
What is the Diploma Programme?
The IB Diploma Programme is designed as an
academically challenging and balanced programme of
education with final examinations that prepares students,
normally aged 16 – 19, for success at university and life
GRADES 11 and 12
What does the Diploma Programme curriculum
Students study concurrently:
three subjects at higher level (HL)
(240 hours each subject).
three subjects at standard level (SL)
(150 hours each subject).
Core subjects – Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay
and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
GRADES 11 and 12
What does the Diploma Programme curriculum
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Course Offerings in MGIS
Group 1: Studies in Language & Literature
A literature course studied in the first language of the student or the
language in which the student is most competent
– English A: Literature (HL & SL)
– English A: Language & Literature (HL)
– Pilipino A: Literature (SL)
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Course Offerings in MGIS
Group 2:
Language Acquisition
Language ab inito (complete beginner) – in SL
- French ab initio
- Mandarin ab initio
Language B
(with some previous learning experience) - in SL & HL
- English B
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Course Offerings in MGIS
Group 3:
Individuals and Societies
(offered in SL and HL)
- Business and Management
- Psychology
Group 4:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Experimental Sciences
(offered in SL and HL)
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Course Offerings in MGIS
Group 5:
(offered in HL and SL)
- Mathematics
(offered in SL only)
- Mathematics Studies
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Core Requirements
Theory of knowledge (ToK)
• Interdisciplinary
• Explores the nature of knowledge across disciplines
• Encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives
Extended Essay
• 4,000 words
• Offers the opportunity to investigate a research question of
individual interest
• Familiarises students with the independent research and
writing skills expected at university
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Core Requirements
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
• Encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports
and community service
• Education outside the classroom
• Development of the learner profile
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Assessment
• Each subject is graded on a scale of 1 point (minimum)
to 7 points (maximum).
• The IB diploma will be awarded to a candidate provided all the
following requirements have been met:
a. Numeric grades have been awarded in all six subjects
registered for the IB diploma.
b. All CAS requirements have been met.
c. The final award committee has not judged the
candidate to be guilty of malpractice.
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP Internal Assessment
(moderated by MGIS IBDP faculty members)
Oral exercises in language subjects
Student portfolios
Class presentations
Practical laboratory work
Formative and summative assessments
GRADES 11 and 12
IB DP External Assessment
(graded by IB external examiners)
Written assignments for English A: Literature,
English A: Language & Literature, Pilipino A: Literature,
English B, French ab initio, Mandarin ab initio
Essays for Theory of Knowledge
Mathematical investigations & projects
Extended Essays
External Examinations