Concept of HRD

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Transcript Concept of HRD

HRD: Conceptual Frameworks
Human Resource Management
Concept of HRD
Evolution of the concept of HRD
HRD as a total system
Functions of HRD
HRD & Personnel Management
Concept of HRD
Human Resource Development is a positive
concept. It is based on the belief that an
investment in human beings is necessary and
will invariably bring in substantial benefits to
the organization. It aims at overall
development of the human resource in order
to contribute to the well being of the
individual, organization and the society at
Concept of HRD
It is rooted in the belief that human beings
have the potential to do better. It places a
premium on the dignity and tremendous
latent energy of people. Where balance
sheets show people on the debit side, HRD
seeks to show them as assets on the credit
HRD – A Humanistic Concept
• People can do better; they can do wonders.
• Involve them, trust them, empower them.
• Focus on their strengths & help them
overcome their weaknesses.
• Integrate the needs & aspirations of
individuals into the strategic goals of the
organization for better results.
• Encourage individual initiative.
Evolution of the Concept of HRD
• The commodity concept – labour to be bought
and sold, wages based on demand and supply,
no governmental protection to the labour
• The factor of production concept – like money,
material, land etc. Workers are like tools.
• The goodwill concept – welfare measures like
safety, lunchroom, first-aid etc. introduced
• Paternalism – management assumes fatherly
responsibilities & protective attitude
Evolution of the Concept of HRD
• Humanitarian concept – physical, social and
psychological needs of the workers are met
• The human resource concept – most valuable
assets; conscious effort by the organization for
their needs and aspirations to be satisfied
• The emerging concept – employees must be
accepted as partners (decision-making,
opportunities for growth & self-fulfillment
Objectives of HRD
HRD aims at developing:
1. The capabilities of each employee as an
2. The capabilities of each individual in relation to
his or her present role
3. The capabilities of each employee in relation to
his or her expected future role(s)
4. The dyadic relationship between each employee
and his employer
5. The team spirit and functioning in every unit
6. Collaboration among different units of the
7. The organization's overall health and selfrenewing capabilities
Characteristics of HRD
It is a process by which the employees of an
organization are helped to help themselves.
1. HRD is a system with several interdependent
parts (procurement, appraisal, development).
2. It is a planned, systematic and continuous
process of development.
3. It involves development of competencies at 4
levels – individual, interpersonal, group and
organizational levels.
Characteristics of HRD
4. HRD is an interdisciplinary concept,
borrowing ideas, principles, concepts and
practices from psychology, anthropology,
political science, sociology, economics etc.
5. HRD improves quality of life by not only
giving the employees meaningful and
challenging work but also by implementing
various employee welfare policies.
HRD as a Total System
Performance appraisal
Potential appraisal
Training & development
Organization development
Career planning
Employee welfare & quality of work life
Human resource information system
Performance & Potential Appraisal
• Evaluating performance
• Performance targets are
• Actual performance is
measured objectively
and accurately.
• Picture of current and
past performance
through appropriate
• Evaluating potential
• Latent talents are
• Assessment of future
roles that can be
• Picture of abilities to
assume challenging
responsibilities through
appropriate methods
T & D and OD
• Training is a learning
experience designed for
permanent change in
individual that will
improve his abilities.
• Development is a futureoriented training process
focusing on the personal
growth of the employee.
• OD is a planned change
effort on an entire org or
on a large subsystem.
• Change agent is usually a
third party well versed in
behavioral sciences.
• The change agent studies
the psychological climate
before charting a course
of action.
Career Planning & Rewards
• A career is a sequence of • Intrinsic rewards come
positions held by a person
from the job itself such
in the course of a lifetime.
as feeling of pride and
• CP does not guarantee
success but without it
• Extrinsic rewards are pay,
employees are rarely able
promotions, increments
to encash various
and benefits.
opportunities that come
• Rewards should have
their way.
external, internal and
individual parity.