Maximally Stable Extremal Region

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Maximally Stable Extremal
Regions and Extensions
Medical Image Processing Course
Loris Bazzani, PhD Student
Department of Computer Science,
University of Verona, Italy,
Supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Murino
I. Maximally Stable Extremal Region
II. Maximally Stable Volume: 3D Extension
o Segmentation of volumes
III. Maximally Stable Colour Region: RGB
o Objects of interest modeling
IV. Conclusions
I. Maximally Stable Extremal Region
II. Maximally Stable Volume
III. Maximally Stable Colour Region
IV. Conclusions
Maximally Stable Extremal Region
(MSER) [Matas2002]
• Set of all thresholdings of
to a binary img:
• MSER = connected region in
with little
size change across several thresholdings
• Margin = the number of thresholds for which
the region is stable
MSER (1)
[Images from Matas’ presentation]
Math. Details
I. Maximally Stable Extremal Region
II. Maximally Stable Volume
III. Maximally Stable Colour Region
IV. Conclusions
Maximally Stable Volumes (MSV)
New interpretation/formulation of MSER (2D):
•Find the level sets
of a connected, weighted graph
• Node: pixel
• Edge: connection relationship (e.g. 4-neghborhood)
• Weight: pixel intensity
contains a set of nodes that have a weight above a given
• Build a component tree from a connected, weighted graph
• Nodes: the connected components
• Edges: inclusion relationship between
MSV (1)
Extension to the third dimension: spatial or temporal
•Find the level sets
of a connected, weighted graph
• Node: voxel
• Edge: 3D connection relationship (e.g. 6-neghborhood)
• Weight: voxel intensity
contains a set of nodes that have a weight above a given
• Build a component tree from a connected, weighted graph
• Nodes: the connected volumes
• Edges: inclusion relationship between
MSV (2)
• A connected volume fulfills:
is the set of all boundary voxels of a volume
•A connected volume
is son of
i.e., an inclusion relationship between connected volumes
MSV (3)
• MSVs are identified as the connected volumes with
high stability:
• Local minimum along the path to the root of the tree
• Computation of the tree:
number of edges + nodes
inverse Ackermann function
3D segmentation (1)
• Applied to simulated brain MR images
• Size:
, with different noise
MSV detection result of brain segmentation.
Images from [Donoser2006]
3D segmentation (2)
3D visualization of human brain,
which was detected as a single MSV
Images from [Donoser2006]
3D segmentation (3)
• Applied to paper fiber network images
• Sequences of cross-sectional images with max resolution of
Images from [Donoser2006]
3D segmentation (4)
Segmented fiber detected as MSV
Images from [Donoser2006]
I. Maximally Stable Extremal Region
II. Maximally Stable Volume
III. Maximally Stable Colour Region
IV. Conclusions
Maximally Stable Colour Region
(MSCR) [Forssen2007]
• Novel colour-based affine covariant region detector
• Extension of the MSER to colour
•Look at successive time-steps of an aggloramerative
clustering of image pixel, based on proximity and
similarity on colour
•Modelling of the distribution of edge magnitudes
•Novel edge significance measure based on a
Poisson image noise model
• Perform better than MSER and other state-of-the-art
blob detectors
Original set of images
MSCR representation
• Applications:
3D object recognition and
view matching
MSCR (1)
• Evolution process over the image
that successively clusters neighbouring pixels
with similar colours
• For each time step , the evolution is a map
of labels
• Any two positions are connected by a path of
which are smaller than
MSCR (2)
Evolution Process with agglomerative clustering
is all zeroes
is constructed from
by assigning
new regions to all pair of pixel with
• If one pixel of the pair already belongs to a
region, the non-assigned pixel is appended to
the region
• If both pixels belong to regions the
corresponding regions are merged
MSCR (3)
• How the distance
is defined:
• Sensors count the number of photons
• Noise follows the discrete Poisson distribution
• For high , good approximation is a Gaussian:
• Measure of edge significance: probability that a pixel has
a larger mean than its neighbour:
Chi-squared distance
MSCR (4)
• Dynamically adapt the threshold
• Linearly increasing: very fast image evolution in the
beginning and very slow at the end of the evolution
• Change
according to the inverse Cumulative
Distribution Function (CDF)
• Observation: edge significance measure follows a Chisquared distribution:
• Evolution thresholds:
MSCR (5)
• Detecting stable regions:
– For each region in the label image, we store the
and the distance threshold
– When the area increases more than a threshold
are re-initialized
– The slope of the area and distance function is
used for the detection
is the best (smallest), the region is stored
MSCR (6)
• Descriptor for the MSCRs:
– Region area
– Centroid
– Inertia Matrix
– Average colour
• These measures define an approximating
ellipse for the detected region as:
Tracking-by-detection (1)
• Tracking: spatial and temporal localization of a mobile
object in an environment monitored by sensor(s)
• Multi-target (MTT): keeping the identity of different
• Reliable: insensible to noise and occlusions
• Detection: identify all the objects of interest into the
• Tracking-by-detection:
• targets are detected for every frame
• IDs are associated from frame (t-1) to frame (t), with
a data association process
Tracking-by-detection (2)
• Tracking-by-detection using the MSCR descriptor
• Our method extracts the MSCR from the foreground of
the detected objects
• We define a distance measurement in order to compare
the objects at time (t-1) with the objects at time (t)
• For each pair
of blobs, we have:
• Color distance:
• y distance:
• Distance between the objects
Euclidean distance
Qualitative Results (1)
Image in the
Qualitative Results (2)
Quantitative Results
Tagging error
Rate for each t
Total Tagging
Success Rate
Tagging error Rate
for each N of ped
Person Re-identification (1)
• Multi-camera scenario with (non-)overlapping
fields of View (FoV)
– Objective: recognize an object, when it is being seen in
different FoV
– Challenging problem with non-overlapping FoV
• Idea:
– Keep a database of all the history of the seen objects
– Once a new object enters in the scene, the method
retrieves the IDs of the object from the database (if it is
being seen before)
– If the object is not in the database, a new ID is given to it
and it is added to the database
Person Re-identification (2)
• The method is the same used for tracking-bydetection problem
• Compute the distance
• Extraction of part-based HSV histogram
– Divide the image in three parts: legs, torso, head
– Compare the hist. of each part using the
Bhattacharyya distance
• MSCR and HSV hist. distance are combined:
Quantitative Results (1)
• Evaluation in term of:
– Cumulative Matching Characteristic (CMC): represents the
expectation of finding the correct match in the top n
– Synthetic Recognition Rate (SRR): represents the
probability that any of the m best matches is correct
• Using challenging publicly available datasets:
VIPeR and iLIDS Dataset
– pose variation and shape deformation
– illumination changes, camera movement, and occlusions
– noise and blurring
Quantitative Results (2)
VIPeR dataset
Thank to M. Farenzena and C. Cristani
Quantitative Results (2)
iLIDS dataset
Thank to M. Farenzena and C. Cristani
• Two extensions of the MSER feature had been
– MSV that deals with 3D segmentation and modeling
of medical images
– MSCR that deals with hard problems in very different
applications: tracking-by-detection, and person reidentification
• MSER and extensions seem to be good features
for representing and segmenting of object of
interest in different kind of application
[Matas2002] J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urban and T. Pajdla,
Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable
Extremal Regions, In BMVC, 2002.
[Donoser2006] M. Donoser and H. Bischrof, 3D
Segmentation by Maximally Stable Volumes (MSVs), In
ICPR, 2006.
[Forssen2007] P. Forssen, Maximally Stable Colour Regions
for Recognition and Matching, In CVPR, 2007.