Community needs assessment

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Needs Assessment

January 6 th 2011 Dr Jane Buxton

Consider what do we mean by need

• What is need? • How is it different from want?

• What is demand?

• How does supply fit in the picture?

What is need?

• A


is something that is necessary for organisms to live a healthy life • Need = factors which must be addressed to improve the health of the population

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1954)

Why are the determinants of health important?

• • Health care influences whether people get well when they are sick

Determinants of health influence why some people are healthy and others not

• Consistent correlation between life expectancy & health status with measures of social status

(Evans et 1994)

The Determinants of Health

• Social environment • Income and social status • Social support networks • Healthy child development • Education • Employment and working conditions • Physical environment • Biology and genetic endowment • Personal health practices and coping skills • Health and social services Gender and culture have cross cutting, influential effects on all the other determinants

(Health Canada, 2001)


- services the public request not knowing the costs


– services requested when costs are known; What the patient asks for


– expert opinion what ought to be provided


health services actually used


What is provided

• A/B for URT viral infections • Health promotion, some screening • Waiting list e.g. TOP

Death rates UK

Q. Why the decline?

Thomas McKeown 1979

• Decrease mortality infectious disease E & W 1938-70 was not due to medical intervention alone – Nutrition – Living conditions – Birth spacing

How has life expectancy changed over time globally?

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, The Joy of Stats - BBC 4

What is a needs assessment

• Is a process for determining and addressing


, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions • Why do a needs assessment?

– Discuss

Why do health needs assessment?

• Provides a rational basis for planning services and allocating limited resources – Including med student time and efforts • Identifies: – Service



of community/population patterns –


in service provision • Permits involvement of


of the health service in planning & avoids over-reliance on care providers’ perceptions • Identifies


for meeting these needs.

Consider this scenario:

• You are part of a team visiting a remote village in India. You are working with the local boarding school to improve the health of the children. • What steps would you take to

assess the needs

of this group? • How would you ensure that your actions are

culturally sensitive


• How would you ensure your actions are



Spiti Valley, India

• Over 400 children (kindergarten – grade 10) • Children stay in hostels, monitored by house mothers • Closest hospital 8 km away

Enter GHI

• To improve health care in a culturally sensitive and sustainable way • 2006: 3 UBC medical students and a family physician performed first needs assessment (and have continued doing so annually)

Year 2006

Spiti Project Needs Assessment

Action Key findings/concerns Conversation with locals Lack of healthcare Conversation with partner NGO’s Health screens Transmission of illness in boarding schools § Anemia, dental caries, intestinal disease, and skin disease. 2007 Health screens 88% of children were anemic

Year 2006

Spiti Project Needs Assessment

Action Key findings/concerns Conversation with locals Lack of healthcare Conversation with partner NGO’s Health screens Transmission of illness in boarding schools § Anemia, dental caries, intestinal disease, and skin disease. 2007 Health screens 88% of children were anemic

Year 2006

Spiti Project Needs Assessment

Action Key findings/concerns Conversation with locals Lack of healthcare Conversation with partner NGO’s Health screens Transmission of illness in boarding schools § Anemia, dental caries, intestinal disease, and skin disease. 2007 Health screens 88% of children were anemic

Year 2006

Spiti Project Needs Assessment

Action Key findings/concerns Conversation with locals Lack of healthcare Conversation with partner NGO’s Health screens Transmission of illness in boarding schools Anemia, dental caries, intestinal disease, and skin disease. 2007 Health screens 88% of children were anemic

Year 2006

Spiti Project Needs Assessment

Action Key findings/concerns Conversation with locals Lack of healthcare Conversation with partner NGO’s Health screens Transmission of illness in boarding schools Anemia, dental caries, intestinal disease, and skin disease. 2007 Health screens 88% of children were anemic

Spiti Project: Anemia

Integrated approach looking at linked causes Health screens Hemoglobin Measurement Blood smears Anemia

Spiti Project: Anemia

Integrated approach looking at linked causes • Researched all linked causes of anemia (as per WHO guidelines and resources) • Community surveys & focus groups: – Toileting behaviours – Vaccination practices – Hygiene practices – Water access – Greenhouse interest and knowledge – Women's health – Healthcare access in summer and winter – Nutrition analysis.

Spiti Project: Anemia

Integrated approach looking at linked causes • Explored cultural and religious issues – Consulted Tibetan experts in Vancouver (Ph.D student at UBC), and local community members • Explored gov't involvement in water and sanitation, food subsidy • Took in suggestions from locals on how to address individual causes of anemia

India project: anemia Integrated approach looking at linked causes Greenhouses Health screens Hemoglobin Measurement Blood smears Iron Supplementation Deworming Anemia Water Sanitation Health Education Infrastructure Hygiene Toothbrushing Handwashing Nutrition survey

Types needs assessment

Subtypes/terminology – Rapid needs assessment – Health needs assessment – Community needs assessment

Health needs assessment

systematic approach to ensuring the health services use its resources to improve the health of the population most efficiently

Community needs assessment

evaluate possible solutions taking problems/deficits/ weaknesses and advantages/opportunities /strengths into consideration* *Gupta, Kavita; Sleezer, Catherine M.; Russ-Eft, Darlene F. (2007-01-16).

A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment

(2 ed.).

If we don’t know where we are, we don’t know where to go next If we don’t know where we are going, we’ll get lost

Framework for planning*

• Working through Precede-Proceed model is like solving a mystery • Start with vision desired end, work back to identify forces influence attaining the vision • Phase 1:

Social assess. & situational analysis

; hopes, concerns, engagement, cultural relevance • Phase 2:

Epidemiologic assessment

; indicators, determinants of health, behaviour, life style. Environmental-economic, services • Phase 3:

Educational and ecologic

; predisposing, reinforcing & enabling; KAB, values, rewards and feedback *Health program planning; An educational and ecological approach. 4 th ed. Green & Kreuter pub McGraw Hill

Population Health

• Community assessment/diagnosis – Identify determinants of health problem ↓ • Intervention/program options – Appraise, decide, implement • Evaluate ↓

Community assessment/diagnosis



Crude rates; Cause specific rates Infant mortality Potential years of life lost Life expectancy Adjusted rates


Mental illness Functional status; Disability adjusted life years (DALYS) Quality adjusted life years (QALYS)

Health Conditions

Overweight Chronic conditions; Chronic pain Self-rated health;

INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES reflect the stages of life Child development

Low birth weight; Breastfeeding


High school graduation; Post secondary education Teen pregnancy rate


Healthy Choices Smoking; Physical activity; Heavy drinking Healthy eating High-risk sexual practices


PM 10 or PM2 air pollution Exposure to second-hand smoke


Water quality index including availability Watershed protection


Food sustainability Inspection of sources, distribution and retail


Availability and affordability

Exposure to hazards

Blood lead levels in children Sun Protection Programs


Greenhouse gas emissions Energy consumption


Public Health Services

Childhood immunization; Screening mammography; Smoking cessation services


Influenza immunization Pap smears Hospital bed availability from a facility Types of services Diagnostic Services Community Satisfaction Measures


Physician, nurses, lay practitioner etc.

Dental Unmet health care needs


Non-communicable diseases

Heart disease and stroke incidence and mortality Cancer incidence and mortality Respiratory disease;

Communicable diseases

Vaccine-preventable diseases Mental health Tuberculosis ; HIV infection; STIs Food and waterborne diseases


Unintentional injuries Hip fractures Domestic violence; Child abuse and neglect Illicit drug overdose; Suicide

Who is the data for?

• Whose perspective / who funds?

– Government, regional or local public health and healthcare organizations – Disaster relief organizations (Red Cross) – Law enforcement – Utilities (e.g. electricity, water) – Media, etc.

– Medical students to develop program

Process – Questions to be addressed

• Why?

What is the purpose of the needs assessment?

• Who are the stakeholders? • What types of data are required?

• How will the data be collected?

• How will the data be analysed?

Community engagement

• Who are the experts?

– Nothing about us without us • Not just service provision – Accessibility; acceptability, culturally appropriate • E.g. well • Community engagement in Spiti Valley

Context: micro/meso/macro

Literature search Global Region Community Medical students Clinic/school/church Pop.

Family Individual client

Community intervention:

Who are the stakeholders?

• Current or potential consumers of service • Service providers – Health care providers • Professional organizations & decision makers – School principal, community elders, pastors • Government organizations • Medical students

Types of data; how collected


• Literature searches – Medline, targeted sources WHO, UN Country Teams, OECD, Google, feedback from medical students


• Qualitative – Observation, Key informant interviews, Focus groups • Quantitative – Local details, service utilization etc – Survey


Qualitative vs. Quantitative


• Why?

Identify issues • How – Observation, field work – Key informant interviews – Focus groups Methods/principles/theory – Grounded theory, narrative inquiry • Semi-structured interviews – open ended Q, Interview guide, probes – Less is more • Descriptive, not generalizeable

Quantitative -survey

Numeric; How?

• In person – Interviewer administered (literacy levels) – Pen and paper (assisted) • By phone – RDD – Computer assisted • On computer – E-mail etc

What type of questions?

Y/N, Likert scale, open ended. Reflect purpose, what to do with answers. Pilot, valid. Theoretically based. HBM, Prochaska

Who? Sampling frame

Sampling Rapid Needs Assessment

• Based on WHO Expanded programme on immunization (EPI) • Used to estimate community impact of Hurricane Andrew in South Florida in 1992 • Also used after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks in NYC to assess needs in residents of Lower Manhattan

Cluster Sampling Methods

• Systematic sampling of 30 ‘clusters’ • Create a grid over the area to be sampled – ¼ mile squares on street map • Assign each square or ‘cluster’ a number • Determine interval e.g. 120 squares interval 4 (120/30) • Random start (btw 1 & 4) • Select 30 clusters

Cluster Sampling Methods

• Go to the centre of the first cluster (i.e. square) • Determine sampling unit (Us. people/ households) • Determine # of units to be sampled in each cluster (e.g. 10 households) • Proceed in a randomly picked direction to the first occupied household • Interview the first adult at the occupied residence • Go consecutively to the next occupied household until you have reached 10 in that cluster • If a multi-unit dwelling or apartment building pick first occupied unit for interview • Move to next selected cluster

Systematic sampling;

e.g. every 8th Source: D. Coulombier, Epicentre

Source: MSF


• Practical and standardized methods allow for rational assessment (not based on rumours) • Gives a picture of what needs are and helps direct relief operations – E.g. switch from mass casualty trauma services to primary care and preventive services • Can monitor over time

“Being roughly right is generally more useful than being precisely wrong”

Guha-Sapir, D. Rapid assessment of health needs in mass emergencies: Review of current concepts and methods. World Health Stat Q. 1991;44:171-181.

How will the data be analysed?

• Qualitative – Identify themes; recorded & transcribed, notes, highlighter; print and cut; qual program eg NVivo to organize, – Take back to participants (member checking) – Language challenges • Quantitative – Analyse survey statistical, based on theory • Write it up – Present it to community, get buy in,

Ethics, Collecting data for action