Tropical Rainforest

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Transcript Tropical Rainforest

Carson D., Aaroon O., Cooper S.
Where is ecosystem located?
South America
North America
Central America
Describe the abiotic factors of
your ecosystem
80 inches (200 cm) of rain a year
The air is moist
The rainforest is very humid
Temperatures range from 64 degrees F to 95 degrees F
The rainforest gets about 12 hours of sunlight every day
Producer: Bromeliad. How does your
producer rely on other organisms in
the Tropical Rainforest to survive?
The producer is the bromeliad
Gets nutrients from tadpole droppings
Nutrients from leftover (not eaten) poison dart frogs
How do other organisms of your
ecosystem rely on your producer to
Tree frog, snails, tiny crabs live inside the bromeliad
The bromeliad is pollinated by nectar gathering birds
Bird monkey and bat droppings is full of fruit seeds and
plant more bromeliads
Tree frogs lay their eggs in pools of water in the
How do humans affect your
People eat the bromeliad
People are working hard to prevent tropical rainforest
from extinction
Poisoning animals and plants
Burning plants and trees
Choose one biotic or abiotic factor
in your ecosystem & describe how a
change in one of these could your
Cut down all the Sapodilla trees
There would be no gum in the world because the bark is
called “chicle” which makes gum chewy.
The Sapodilla tree is also a home to many small animals
Other interesting facts
Rarely in some Tropical Rainforests you can find pink
The Tropical Rainforest holds the record for the biggest
flower, it’s in southeast Asia, measures three feet across
and smells like rotting meat
The Amazon rain forest has been called the lungs of our
planet because it produces about 20 percent of the
worlds’ oxygen
Sources Used
Levy, Janey. Discovering Rain Forest. New York: The Rosen
Publishing Group, 2008. Print.
Aspen-Baxter, Linda. Rain Forests. New York: Weigl Publishers ,
2007. Print.
Allaby, Michael. Biomes Of The World. Danbury, CT: Grolier
Educational, 1999. Print.
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