The Breathcall from Dwyer Precision

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The Breathcall®
from Dwyer Precision Products, Inc.
Disinfection and Sterilization
Breathcall® Disinfection
• Use a tuburculocidal / Virocidal solution to achieve disinfection. We
suggest Citriguard II made by Healthlink, Inc.
• Citriguard II is a tuberculocidal, virocidal, disinfectant and fungicidal with
proven kill times against bloodborne pathogens including tuburculosis,
HIV, Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatatis C (HBC), E Coli, Staphylococcus,
Salmonella, Streptococcus, MRSA, etc.
• This product will disinfect the Breathcall®. It does not sterilize.
Citriguard II by Healthlink, inc
• Do not steam sterilize unit. High heat will destroy vinyl parts. Maximum
Temperature 150° F.
• You will need to use a Glutaraldehyde-based or an OPA cold sterilization
solution (a 0.55% orthophthalaldehyde solution).
• The following link from NIOSH (National Institute Occupational Safety &
Health) states: “trade names
for Glutaraldahyde-containing formulations include Cidex®, Sonacide®,
Sporicidin®, Hospex®, Omnicide®, Metricide®, Rapicide® and Wavicide®. “
Cidex also makes an OPA solution. These products have instructions and
time requirements necessary to achieve cold sterilization.
Cidex® OPA
• photo
Remove the mouthpiece / straw
• Each Straw contains a 100 micron filter for the prevention of internal
• Use a new mouthpiece with each new patient. Each Breathcall® comes
with a starter pack of 12 mouthpieces.
Mouthpiece / Straw
Notes before submerging Breathcall®:
• Whether disinfecting or sterilizing, follow the instructions for your brand
of disinfection or sterilization solution to achieve the necessary kill times.
• Always hold, maintain and keep the wall switch plug higher than the
cleansing solution when you immerse the Breathcall®. Everything can be
submerged with the exception of the wall switch plug. We suggest our
green clips (Item number #D56499) to assist your staff to keep the wall
switch plug elevated.
• Submerging the wall switch plug could create a possible malfunction. The
wall switch plug uses a high precision steel ball inside of a matched silver
sleeve and any corrosive or dirty solution(s) could cause the ball to stick
and the switch’s contact to fail to operate.
Do not cold sterilize wall plug switch
Do not put
Contact into
Submerge the Breathcall®
• Always hold, maintain and keep the wall switch plug higher than the
cleansing solution when you immerse the Breathcall®. Everything can be
submerged but the wall plug. We suggest our green clips (Item number
#D56499) to assist your staff to keep the wall switch plug elevated.
Clear soaking pan used for demonstration purposes, only. Notice the green
clip keeps wall switch plug elevated so no fluid can flow into it. This elevation
must be maintained after removing the Breathcall® from the solution and
throughout the entire drying cycle, as well.
Wall switch plug up close with clip
Removing Breathcall® from solution
• After disinfection or sterilization and while continuing to keep the plug
elevated, remove the Breathcall® from the solution. Hang the Breathcall®
so the wall switch plug is the highest point allowing all cleansing fluids to
empty allowing the inner tubing to dry. Considering the length of the
tubing, you may have to work the fluid out of the tube. Allow necessary
time for drying.
Dwyer Precision
• The Breathcall® is tested and suitable for use in oxygen-rich
atmospheres. Due to air activation, they are also suitable for
use by patients when ANY CONTACT WITH ELECTRICITY can
present a danger to the patient.
* We do not determine what is sterile. We do provide a
product that is ideal in an oxygen rich environment and for
disabled, or otherwise injured or impared patient (s) that
can’t otherwise call, depress or alert hospital staff of their