G-TELP Speaking Test, GST

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G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
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G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
수험자는 40분 동안 11개 Parts의 약 30여 개의 질문들에 대해 답변하게 됩니다.
수험자의 답변은 Contents(내용), Grammar(문법), Fluency(유창도),
Vocabulary(어휘), Pronunciation(발음), Interaction(상호응대) 의 다섯 가지 기능
분야에 대해 훈련된 2인의 Rater에 의해 교차채점 과정을 거칩니다
시험 방식
Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview
시험 시간
약 40분
성적 통보
약 3주(정기 시험 기준)
전체 문항
11개 Parts 30여 개 질문
Contents(내용), Grammar(어법), Fluency(유창도),
Vocabulary(어휘), Pronunciation (발음)
평가 등급
하위 No Mastery(11) 등급부터 상위 Level1(Authentic)
까지 11단계 등급시험
평가 점수
100점 평균
G-TELP Speaking Test 채점 기준
질문이 요구하는 의도에 맞는 답을 하는지, 적절한 연결어를 사용하여 이야기
의 흐름을 잘 이어가는 지에 대한 표현력을 평가합니다. 만일 시간이 부족해
과제를 완수하지 못하면 이 영역의 점수가 감점됩니다.
수험자의 품사나, 시제, 어순의 배열, 완전한 문장의 사용여부 등 어법적으로
정확한 문장을 만들어내는지를 평가합니다.
과제와 관련된 의미가 뚜렷하고 구체적인 단어를 문맥과 상황에
맞게 사용이 가능한지를 평가합니다.
수험자의 강세, 억양, 리듬 등을 평가합니다.
수험자의 말하는 속도와 답변의 흐름을 평가합니다. 답변 중간중간에 “음…”와
같은 filler 소리가 자주 나오면 유창도를 떨어뜨려 듣는 이의 이해를 어렵게
하거나 방해하므로 감점 대상이 됩니다
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Part 1
Giving personal information
개인 신상에 관한 정보 제공
Lesson Focus
• 간결하고, 깔끔한 문장 구성, Complete Sentence
• 답변에 필요한 핵심 표현, 구문
• Paraphrasing tips
Giving personal information
Directions: In a moment you will answer some questions about yourself.
Answer them as best as you can. Please speak clearly and loudly.
Q1. First of all, what is your name? (8’)
Q2. Is that your full name? (8’)
Q3. And how do you spell your family name? (12’)
Q4. When were you born? (8’)
Q5. And where were you born? (8’)
Q6. Where do you live now? (8’)
Q7. Describe the weather where you live. What’s it like this time
of the year? (25’)
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Directions: In a moment you will answer some questions about yourself. Answer them as best as you
can. Please speak clearly and loudly.
Q8. What holiday or special occasion do you always celebrate with your family? (20’)
Q9. How do you usually celebrate this occasion? (20’)
Q10. Tell me about the most difficult assignment or work you have performed. Why do you
consider it the most difficult? (25’)
Q11. What do you like doing best when you are at your home? (20’)
Q12. Where do you like to go for a walk? Why do you like to go there? (20’)
Giving personal information
Giving personal information
Key Expressions
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Giving personal information
Q1. First of all, what is your name? (8’)
A. My name is Sung-won Kim.
Q2. Is that your full name? (8’)
A. Yes, it is my full name.
Q3. And how do you spell your family name? (12’)
A. It's K. I. M.
Key Expressions
• A is my first name and B is my last name.
• My family name is spelled K.I.M.
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q4. When were you born? (8’)
A. I was born on August 25th, 1980.
Q5. And where were you born? (8’)
A. I was born in Seoul, the capital city of Korea.
Q6. Where do you live now? (8’)
A. I live with my parents in an apartment in Jamsil, Seoul. It's a very
active place to live.
Key Expressions
• month/ day/ year
I was born on March 1st, 1990.
• I was born in
• I live with
in an apartment
, Seoul. It's
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q7. Describe the weather where you live. What’s it like this time
of the year? (25’)
A. The weather where I live is very cold in winter and hot
in summer. We have clear four seasons. Right now, it is
winter. I love to go snowboarding during winter time.
Key Expressions
• The weather where I live is
. We have clear four seasons. Right now, it is winter.
• The weather in this time of the year is
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q8. What holiday or special occasion do you always
celebrate with your family? (20’)
A. I always celebrate Korean New Year's day and
Chusuk with my family. Other than that, we also
celebrate family birthdays together.
Key Expressions
• I always celebrate
. Other than that, we also celebrate
• I always celebrate Chusuk. This is like a Thanksgiving day in Korea.
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q9. How do you usually celebrate this occasion? (20’)
A. During the national holidays, we usually gather
together at a place talking about each others concerns
and eat all kinds of traditional food.
Key Expressions
• During the national holidays, All the family and friends usually
meet up at a place to celebrate the day and eat traditional food. We
visit our ancestor’s grave and most of the people visit their
hometown, too. So, there are bad traffic congestion during the
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q10. Tell me about the most difficult assignment or work you
have performed. Why do you consider it the most difficult? (25’)
A. The most difficult assignment I have ever performed was a
university graduation thesis. I consider it the most difficult because,
I had to survey many people in various categories.
Key Expressions
• The most difficult assignment was
I consider it the most difficult because
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q11. What do you like doing best when you are at your home? (20’)
A. I like to listen to music the best when I'm at home. I
think it's the best way to manage the stress. I prefer soul
and R&B music.
Key Expressions
• I like to
the best when I'm at home. Because,
I like to watch movies the best when I'm at home Because I can
see the world that I haven't seen before and It makes me exciting.
Giving personal information
G-TELP Speaking Test, GST
Q12. Where do you like to go for a walk? Why do you like to go
there? (20’)
A. There's Han river park near my town. I like to go there
for a walk with my dog. The reason why I like there is
that it's very clean and I can see a lot of people relaxing
and playing. It's fun for me to see the people around me.
Key Expressions
• I like to go to
for a walk. I like to go there because