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Towards delivery of the London Health Inequalities
London Public Health Network
21st May 2010
Helen Davies
GLA Health Policy Manager
High level ambitions for London
Improve the health ofHIS
all Londoners; promoting both
mental and physical well-being
Reduce the gap between Londoners with the best
and worst health outcomes
Promote the economic, social and environmental
changes that will improve quality of life for all
Empower individuals and communities to take
control of their lives and make healthier choices, with
a particular focus on the most disadvantaged
Preparatory work for strategy
Collation and analysis of published evidence
“Call- for- evidence” to 600 VCS groups
Outreach initiative to engage small / new groups
Policy and programme mapping to identify gaps
Ongoing stakeholder engagement
Publication of Issues, priorities and options discussion
paper and background documents
 Publication of Living Well in London draft for
consultation with London Assembly, GLA Group, NHS
London and the London Health Commission
 Public consultation on draft Health Inequalities Strategy
Mayor’s five strategic objectives
Empowering individuals and communities to improve health and
well being
Improving access to high quality health and social care services
Reducing income inequality and the negative consequences of
relative poverty
Increasing the opportunities for people to access the potential
benefits of work and other forms of meaningful activity
Developing and promoting London as a healthy place for all
Empowering individuals and
1. Promote effective parenting, early years
development and young people’s emotional
Motivate and enable Londoners to adopt
healthier behaviours and engage in life-long
Build knowledge about health and well-being,
tackling stigma and taboo in the process
Promote community development
approaches to improve health, and actively
support the role of the third sector
Build public sector capacity to engage more
effectively with individual, communities and
the voluntary and community sectors
Equitable access to high-quality
health and social care
6. Call upon local political leaders to champion action on
health inequalities and promote collaborative work
7. Lobby for a fair share of resources for London and
increase investment in public health, prevention, and
early years intervention
8. Influence the NHS and boroughs to make more
equitable allocation of resources and promote more
effective commissioning to improve services for
disadvantaged groups or areas
9. Improve the accessibility of health and social care
services and invest in advocacy, information, advice and
language support
10. Track and report on progress to improve the quality
and accessiblity of health and social care services
Income inequality and health
11. Tackle barriers to employment and promote
access to work for excluded groups
12. Maximise incomes for those not in paid
employment, raising awareness and take-up of
13. Work towards achieving levels of household
income necessary to sustain a healthy lifestyle
14. Improve financial inclusion and literacy and
increase financial security at points of transition
15. Improve the affordability of opportunities that
promote health and well-being
Health, work and well being
16. Invest in health at work, promoting equalities and building
capacity for mental and physical well-being
17. Promote effective ways to improve retention and in-work
support for carers and people living with illness or
18. Improve provision of timely, effective support to help
people with health problems back into sustainable
19. Support home-based workers, including unpaid carers,
to ensure they obtain the benefits of ‘good’ work
20. Promote the benefits of volunteering and increase
opportunities for Londoners to volunteer in a more diverse
Community groups
Small/medium businesses
Mayor’s Award for Active Travel
Healthy places
21. Ensure new homes and neighbourhoods are planned and designed to promote
health and reduce health inequalities
22. Improve the quality of London’s existing homes and neighbourhoods, especially
in areas with poorer health
23. Manage public places across London to be safer and more inclusive
24. Deliver new and improved opportunities for healthier lifestyles
25. Raise awareness of the health benefits of access to nature and green spaces, and
extend these benefits to all Londoners
Cross-cutting commitments
26. Provide regional leadership and support strategic
partnership action, tracking and reporting progress
towards improved health
27.Enhance local leadership expertise and capacity to
influence effective action to reduce health inequalities
28. Ensure health inequalities considerations are
systematically embedded in strategies, programmes,
and investment decisions
29.Specify intended health inequalities outcomes and
develop programme-specific targets for strategies
impacting on social and economic determinants of health
30.Build a stronger evidence base on effective
interventions and the economic case for action, openly
sharing learning
Mayor’s challenges to leaders
Promote wider access to employment
Maximise the benefits of ‘good’ work
Support the LLW and facilitate access to financial
Contribute to making London a healthier place for all
Develop high ambitions for health-related services
and work towards continuous improvements and
Develop integrated solutions for children, young
people, people living with long-term illness
Promote physical and mental health and resilience
Raise awareness of health issues and challenge
Make it easier for Londoners to make healthier
Next steps towards delivery
 Establish HIS Delivery Board, chaired by Pam
Chesters, Mayor’s Health and Youth Opportunities Advisor
 Establish HIS Delivery Partners Group to develop ‘First
Steps to Delivery’ Plan and lead coordinated action
Work with and through existing partnerships – including
London Health Commission and GLADA
Continue and conclude bilateral negotiations on specific
Convene expert round-table sessions on priority areas,
to further shape plans for delivery of Actions to 2012
Agree high-level indicators and prepare baseline report
Mayor’s Leadership Summit in Autumn
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