Procurement to Contracts Presentation

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Transcript Procurement to Contracts Presentation

Procurement Services Presentation



Overview of Procurement Processes


What Procurement Services Does

      Vendor Budget/Commitment Control Vendor Setup and Maintenance Requisitions and Purchase Orders   Selectively review PO’s less than $10,000 for compliance Final review and approval of all PO’s greater than $10,000 Competitive Bidding and Request for Proposals Establish District Wide Contracts Procurement Policy Training 3

Purchases must follow Illinois law and Board policies

The Chair of the Board, Chancellor and Presidents are the only individuals authorized to sign and execute agreements on behalf of City Colleges of Chicago regardless of value. • No District officer or employee, without express authorization, shall make any purchases or enter into a verbal or written purchase contract on behalf of the Board • Any contract made in violation of State law, or Board rules, policies and procedures is VOID as to the Board 4 4

District Wide Spending Authority, Requirements & Conditions

The following purchasing dollar thresholds provide the requirements that are approved by the Board of Trustees: • Purchases of less than $2,500: Competitive bidding is not required. Such items may be purchased from any vendor offering the required goods or services at a reasonable price. Price comparison is highly recommended.

Purchases of $2,500 and up to $25,000 require three price quotations in writing. The quotations must be summarized on the bid recapitulation sheet and attached to the requisition form. At least one of the three vendors must be a certified MBE/WBE vendor. If a sole source vendor, attach an updated vendor letter.

Purchases in excess of $25,000 formal competitive bidding is required. Formal competitive bidding requires that the initiating department prepare written specifications describing the required goods or services. The specifications must be submitted via e-mail to the Department of Procurement Services ( [email protected]

) and with copy to the College Executive Director of Business Operations to ensure that the specifications are complete and in the proper form. Specifications shall be prepared as objectively as possible, so that the advantage provided to any particular vendor is based on the appropriateness of that vendor’s product.

The Procurement Policy remains consistent with Illinois Public Community College Act.


Bid Recap Sheet

Recapitulation of Bids Received Requisition Number: _________________ College/Department__________________ Date: ______________________ $2,500 - $25,000 Vendor Selected: __________________________ Bids were obtained in writing. The results were as follows:


1. ________________________________




___ 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ If the selected bidder for the purchase is an MBE or WBE, circle the appropriate code: Black 1 Hispanic 2 Asian/Pacific Islander 3 American Indian 4 Non-Minority Women 5 Purchases between $2,500 - $25,000 require three price quotations one quote should be from a certified M/WBE. Quotes should be attached to this form. For purchases of goods that available from a single source, a letter from the vendor justifying the sole source conditions should be attached to this form. ____________________________ Dept. Head ____________________________ College Executive Director/ District Office Business Manager ____________________________ Office of Contract Compliance 6

MWBE Contract Compliance

Bid Recapitulation requirements: 1. One quote from a certified MBE or WBE firm; 2. “Certified” means the firm is certified by one of the 11 agencies recognized by City Colleges

; 3. When requesting the quote, ask the firm to include their certification letter; 4. If you do not have a quote from a MWBE, you must request a wavier from the requirement including justification and backup, e.g. Searched databases and no MWBE firms were listed, item is a sole source. 7


M/WBE vendors can be found on the following websites:

City of Chicago’s website:

Central Management Service-State of Illinois (CMS)

• • • •

Select === Vendors Search Select === BEP Vendor Search Enter ==== The type of Good or Service you desire to purchase- i.e. printing note: under search criteria ensure all categories below are checked Press Search – Note: A new window will appear with the vendor(s) and contact information.

Cook County

• • ce%2C_office_of/285/vendor_directory/595 Select Directory of Cook County Certified MBE/WBE Vendors Select Show Me to view a tutorial on usage of the site.


Requisition Signature Work Flow District Office Dept. Manager/Business Manager/Designee Vice Chancellor

Note: All the signatures above are required regardless of dollar value 9

Requisition Approval Work Flow College

Requesting Department Dean/ Dept. Chair/Dept. Head College Executive Director of Business Operations College President Vice Chancellor or Associate Vice Chancellor 10

Vice Chancellor or Associate Vice Chancellor Requisition Signature Matrix

Types of Purchase

IT Hardware, Software and Services Purchases

Programmatic Vice Chancellor/ Associate Vice Chancellor

Jerrold Martin Non-Instructional Office Supplies , Janitorial Supplies, Facilities Supplies and Equipment, Furniture, Construction and Renovation Academic Books, Scientific Supplies, Nursing Supplies and Equipment, Cosmetology Supplies and Equipment, Instructional Supplies, Library Supplies and Equipment Advertising/Promotional/Outreach Items Athletic Supplies and Equipment Bookstore, Cafeteria and Vending Services Purchases Security Supplies and Equipment Purchases Memberships Diane Minor Vernese Edghill- Walden Laurent Pernot Michael Daigler Jeffrey Wong or Joyce Carson Beatrice O’Donnell Carole Wood 11


All vendors are entered into the PeopleSoft database by Procurement Services. Please allow a minimum of 10 business days for entry.

• All new vendors who will provide goods and services must complete a vendor packet. Which includes the following: •

Vendor’s List Application Form (2 pages)

IRS W-9 Form

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (Conditions of Purchase)

Acknowledgement of the District’s CCC Ethics Orientation for Contractors/Vendors

NIGP Commodity Codes Selection

• To update existing vendors the Vendor Form must be completed and supporting documentation must be attached i.e. Vendor address change notice, etc.

• Hotels and Membership organizations are only required to submit the IRS W-9 Form and Vendor Form (include telephone and fax numbers).

• To verify if your vendor of choice is in PeopleSoft, check with your College Business Office or District Office Business Managers who have vendor inquiry access.

The vendor forms are available from the internet via


District Wide Term Agreements

Colleges benefit from increased savings through combined purchasing volume through the use of Board approved vendors, procurement consortiums, and other sister agency contracts for District-wide purchases. • • • • • •

Examples of Board Approved Vendors:

Building and Maintenance Repair Scavenger Services Nursing Supplies Bus Transportation Uniforms • • • • • • Text (“Educational”) Books Trade Books Cafeteria and Vending Services Newspaper Advertising Computers and Printers Scientific Supplies Promotional Items 14

Consortium Vendors

• • • • • The U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance

Illinois Higher Public Education Cooperative (IPHEC) – cooperative/

Educational and Institutional Cooperative Purchasing (E & I)

National IPA

Items available to purchase include: – Maintenance /Janitorial Supplies – Office Supplies – – Office Furniture Scientific Equipment – Medical Supplies


A listing of District-wide general use Board Approved Vendors is posted on the CCC website under District Office Procurement.


Formal Bid Procedures

• • • • • Requesting Departments must prepare a detailed description of the goods or services to be procured.

The detailed description should be sent to the District Director of Procurement Services via [email protected]

for review and preparation.

Once assigned to a Buyer, the requesting department is notified and a draft document is forwarded for review and approval. Per State Law, formal bids are to be advertised for a minimum of 10 days.

Requesting Departments should


in advance for formal bids. 15

Formal Bid Participants/Roles

User Department – The User Department is responsible for the preparing an accurate and complete scope of services for the solicitation, serving on the Evaluation Committee, preparing the final recommendation for vendor selection, and preparing the Board report for review and approval by the Board of Trustees.

Procurement Services Buyer – Facilitates the bidding process. Prepares the bid document from the scope provided by the user department.

District Director of Procurement Services – Oversees the timely completion of the process.

Risk Management – Provides the appropriate insurance language for the bid project.

M/WBE Compliance – Reviews the submitted proposals for a commitment to adhere to our board approved compliance plan.

Chief Procurement Officer – Approves the selection of the recommended vendor.


Formal Bid Timeline

• • •

Sealed Bids (Goods only):

At a minimum, one month to draft and advertise Specifications. Two months for Board Approval process. Total of three months to plan and complete requests for goods, products, or equipment.

• • • • • •

Request for Proposal (“RFP”):

At a minimum, one month to draft and advertise RFP, and complete the Pre-bid conference.

Two weeks for proposal evaluation process. Two weeks if oral presentations are needed. Two months for Board Approval process. Total of two and half - three months to plan and complete request for services.

An additional 21 days, at minimum, for contract preparation and execution after board approval is obtained.


Sole Source Purchases

Definition - item(s) procurable only from a single/one source (i.e., manufacturer, authorized dealer/distributor, own patent or copyrights). • All Sole Source purchase requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis, that may include issuance of a formal bid solicitation to verify there is no competition.

• User must provide justification and demonstrate due diligence for Sole Source Request i.e., if the vendor owns the copyright or patent, the supporting documentation needs to be attached.

• All Sole Source purchases over $25,000 requires Board Approval .


• • • • • •

Procurement Services Key Personnel

Diane Minor

Vice Chancellor , Administrative and Procurement Services (312) 553-2636

Sheila R. Johnson

District Director of Procurement Services (312) 553-3336

Chasity Jackson

Buyer (312) 553- 3370

Stephanie Lewis

Senior Buyer (312) 553-2637

Marietta Williams

Buyer (312) 553-3331

Keisha Patterson

Assistant Buyer (312) 553-3355 • • • • • • • •

Christopher Kopp

Chief Procurement Officer (312) 553-3240

Debra King

Contract Compliance Officer (312) 553-2621

Lisa Lewis

Contract Compliance Officer (312) 553-2815

Robert Graham II

Senior Buyer (312) 553-2591

John Mc Garry

Buyer (312) 553-3466

Marcus Roebuck

Contract Compliance Officer I (312) 553-3366

Ralph Passarelli

Director of Risk Management (312) 553-3276

Procurement Services E-mail

[email protected]


Resources for Assistance

1. Local Campus Executive Director of Business Operations 2. District Office Department Business Manager/Designee 3. Procurement Services Staff a.

Check out Procurement Services department webpage for additional resource information.

