Percent yield

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Objective: learn to calculate actual yield as a
percentage of theoretical yield.
Using stoichiometry we found the amount of
product that could be formed.
This is the Theoretical Yield.
The teeoretical yield is very rarely obtained.
This is the amount of product actually
The comparison of Theortical and Actual is
called the PERCENT YIELD
Actual yield
X 100 = percent yield
Theoretical yield
Methanol can be produced by the reaction
between carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Suppose 68.5 Kg(6.85X104g) of CO(g) is
reacted with 8.60 Kg (8.60X103g) of H2
A) Calculate the theoretical yield of Methanol
Step 1:
Balanced equation
2H2(g) + CO(g)  CH3OH(l)
Step 2:
Find the limiting reactant
Solve for the amount of methanol that can be
produced with each reactant.
H2 is limiting
You now have the theoretical yield for
Calculate the number of grams of Methanol
theoretically produced.
6.86X104 grams of CH3OH
If 3.57 X 104 g of CH3OH is actually produced
what is the percent yield of methanol?
Actual yield (grams)
Theoretical yield (grams)
3.57X104 gCH3OH
6.86X104 g CH3OH
X100 = 52.0%
Solid titanium(IV) oxide can be prepared by
reacting gaseous titanium (IV) chloride with
oxygen gas. A second product of this
reaction is chlorine gas.
TiCl4(g) + O2(g) TiO2(s) + Cl2(g)
A. Suppose 6.71 X103 g of titanium (IV)
chloride is reacted with 2.45 X103g of
oxygen. Calculate the maximum mass of
titanium (IV) oxide that can form.
2.83 X103g TiO3
If the percent yield of TiO2 is 75% what mass
is actually formed??
Actual yield (grams)
Theoretical yield (grams)
2.12 X 103g of TiO2 is actually obtained
 Practice!!!!