PowerPoint FYM - The Salvation Army

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Guide to this presentation
This presentation is designed to educate community
groups on some of the realities of homelessness in
Australia. We recommended that you:
• Familiarise yourself with the slides
• Do your own research and add in some interesting
• Encourage people to get involved and add your
name in the next slide
• Delete this slide before you present the whole thing
• Have fun – its great that your getting involved.
Homelessness in
Presenter Author Name
What is Homelessness?
Homelessness is more than just about having a roof
over your head. It’s also about the separation from
families and communities. Its about the lack of
access to social and economic tools and
opportunities that are so vital to the foundations of
adult life.
Homelessness in Australia
According to the last Australian Bureau of Statistics’
census report (2001 – 2006):
• A total of 104, 606 Australians are considered to be
• One third or about 32 000 are homeless young
people between the ages of 12-25.
• The number of homeless teenagers (12-18) has
doubled to almost 22 000 in the last 20 years.
Types of Homelessness
There are a variety of ways that people can be
homeless they are:
• Sleeping Rough’ – people who are living on the
streets, sleeping in parks, squatting in derelict
buildings or using cars or trains as shelter.
•‘Couch Surfing’ – people temporarily staying with
friends, relatives, family or even strangers until they
outstay their welcome and move on.
Types of Homelessness
• Crisis Accommodation – people who stay in
hostels, refuges or boarding houses for short
periods of time and move across crisis
accommodation services.
• Medium to Long Term Homelessness – people
living in support accommodation which does not
have a lease or ‘self contained’ facilities such as a
•Relationship/ family breakdown with parents,
and extended family
• Domestic violence/ child abuse
• Drug and alcohol abuse
• Mental health issues
• Financial difficulty or unemployment
• Eviction/ Accommodation ended
• Being kicked out or feeling unwanted
• Poor health and little access to medical treatment
• Low self esteem and increased anxiety
• Behavioural issues and mental illness
• May become involved in criminal or illegal activity
to survive
• No work experience or job training
• No support network – no social, recreational or
cultural ties
• Developing addictions to survive
Facts about Homelessness
• Homeless assistance services in Australia cannot
meet the demand for accommodation; One in
two homeless young people are turned away from
emergency accommodation each night.
• Youth homelessness is largely invisible – only
16% of homeless young people will be sleeping
rough. The data tells us that most homeless young
people are ‘couch surfing’ and living in other
unstable situations.
Facts about Homelessness
•Studies estimate that the number of homeless
people experiencing mental illness is 44% compared
with 19% of the general population.
• Studies estimate that 42% of homeless adults had
some experience of state care and protection
programs when they were young.
What can you do?
Everyone can do something to assist with this
problem. Here are a few suggestions.
• Provide support to local homeless services
• Raise awareness on the issue
• Write to local community leaders and encourage
them to take up the issue
• Further educate yourself to understand the issue
The information on these slides was provided by The Salvation Army OASIS and the ABS.