Friendly Names

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Friendly Name Overview
An overview of Friendly Name
What are CalTime Friendly Names?
 The Problem: How does an employee know where to clock and log hours
in CalTime, if the employee has multiple jobs or chartstrings (and that
may need different approvals)?
 The Solution: CalTime Friendly Names (FN) help non-exempt employees
choose which appointment and/or chartstrings they will charge their
hours to in CalTime. Without Friendly Names, employees with multiple
jobs or who have multiple funding sources would not clearly be able to
see which jobs or funding sources to pick in CalTime.
How are Friendly Names Used?
• Friendly Names will display in CalTime for non-exempt employees to choose and
track hours worked to the correct job or chartstring. This is particularly important for
employees who have multiple jobs or chartstrings that need different approvals.
• Friendly Names allow supervisors and/or “fund approvers” of non-exempt
employees with multiple ”fund approvers” to review hours and approve only the
hours the employee worked for them that are charged to particular grants, projects,
other funding sources.
• Friendly Names can be created to support reporting to identify number of hours
worked by:
– appointment
– chartstring
– location
– project
– event
• Friendly Names are a field in HCM. It will download into CalTime, and employees
who are Type C or S select which Friendly Name to charge their hours to.
Non-Exempt Employee’s Timecard
Example of Friendly Names on a timecard in CalTime. The Friendly Name appears in the
Transfer column. This drop-down field allows the employee to select which job or
chartstring to add their hours.
Roles and Responsibilities for
Friendly Names – CSS specific
Friendly Names need to be created by a local department team who can
identify which Friendly Name type should be associated with each
appointment or chartstring. This process may differ for departments who
have not joined Shared Services or who maintain different process.
Responsible Party
Local Department Team
Creates Friendly Names for department and
submits Friendly Name information to
appropriate party (CSS or non-CSS HCM
Service Delivery (including HR
Partners, HR Generalists, and
First Contact Resolution Team)
Works as liaison between department and
HRIM team and Payroll & Timekeeping team
HRIM Team or applicable CSS
HR/APS HCM Administrator
Enters and updates Friendly Names in HCM
Payroll & Timekeeping Team
Audits Friendly Names in CalTime
Friendly Name Types (1 of 3)
There are three types of Friendly Names. Types A, C, and S. Friendly Names are chosen
depending on the department’s needs and funding method.
• Type A = Appointment. Type A Friendly Name is recorded at the Appointment/Job
Level. Pay for the job is generated based on the existing Chartstring percentages
entered. This is similar to how pay was processed before CalTime.
• The majority of departments will use
Type A FNs.
Friendly Name Types (2 of 3)
• Type C = Chartstring. Type C requires a Friendly Name to be recorded for each
Chartstring. The Friendly Names are used by the employee on their timecard to
identify which projects or tasks they should be paid for. Payroll will use this
information to calculate pay determined by hours recorded to each Chartstring on
the timecard. Type C also allows a different “approver” to be added for each
• Departments that use Type C FNs include
departments and academic groups
with multiple funding sources or projects.
Friendly Name Types (3 of 3)
• Type S = Special Location. Type S is used by a few departments to create a hybrid of
Type A Friendly Name + specific location/project. These pre-defined locations and
projects are kept in a table in HCM.
• Departments that use Type S FNs are
UCPD, RSSP, Cal Performances,
Intercollegiate Athletics, and possibly
Rec Sports.
Creating Friendly Names
Friendly Name Default
• Default Friendly Name in HCM is Type A
• Combination of:
• Job Department Code (e.g., AZCSS)
• Job/Title Code (e.g., 4921U)
• HCM Employee Record #
 DeptCode-JobCode-HCMRecord#
• Examples:
• EAEDU-4921U-0 School of Education, Student Asst 2
• AZCSS-7397U-0 Campus Shared Services, HR Analyst 2
Entering/Editing Friendly Names
• 20 character limit, combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and/or spaces
• While Type A can be left with the default Friendly Name, Type C requires the HCM
user to manually enter or select a Friendly Name.
Standard Department Identifiers
A Standard Department Identifer (a.k.a the “unique identifier”) was developed in order for
employees to more easily choose the appropriate Friendly Name on their timesheet.
For instance, it is easier for an employee to identify the department as “UHS” rather than
by the department org ID “FYUHS” in the default friendly name.
Therefore, departments were given the opportunity through the LILs to create a standard
department identifier for their department. Whenever a FN is edited or added to the
setup table, the FN must begin with the unique identifier for that department.
For Campus Shared Services HR/APS, the FN for the
Benefits Analyst 2 in the Benefits team defaults to AZCSS7719U-0. When the FN is customized to CSS-HRBENEFITS, the standard department identifier that is used
is CSS. Using this method, an employee can quickly
identify that CSS-HR-BENEFITS is the appropriate Friendly
Name for them.
Friendly Name Setup Tables
Default Friendly Names can be added to setup (or lookup) tables to make them easier to enter
and to reduce data entry errors.
Friendly Names can be created as “on the fly” or added to the HCM lookup tables.
Once a FN is loaded into the HCM lookup tables, they are available for assigning to
appointments. The lookup will be based on an employee’s department and job code.
Once a name or is added to the lookup table, it cannot be deleted. However, it can be
inactivated by adding a row and an effective date.
Default Friendly Names are not added to the table.
Per the image below, different setup tables apply to different Friendly Name Types.
Friendly Names on a Timecard
Example of Friendly Names on a timecard in CalTime. The Friendly Name appears in the
Transfer column. This drop-down field allows the employee to select which job or
chartstring to add their hours.
Friendly Name Caveats
Idiosyncrasies and known issues with
Friendly Names
Type A: CT PPS Flag (1 of 3)
The CT PPS Flag check box was created to provide
a solution to a business need that was previously
hindered by a PPS interface issue.
The Problem: Departments sometimes need to
pay employees on more than 9 earnings
distributions. However, although HCM can handle
more than 9 earnings distributions, PPS can
sometimes have problems with this. When there
are too many earnings distributions, an
appointment may not pass to PPS! How do we
deal with this?
The Solution: CalTime can pay on the 9+ distributions, so long as PPS holds the appointment
(job code and salary) information. In order to ensure that the appointment information passes
to PPS properly, we need to select 9 or less distributions. The CT PPS Flag check box was
designed to allow the client and HCM administrator to select which of these earnings
distributions will pass to PPS.
CT PPS Flag (2 of 3)
Systems Flow
• Although only 9 distributions will pass to PPS, all the distribution lines will pass to
CalTime. CalTime then passes all distributions as a file submission in a “batch process”
to PPS.
• PPS pays on all the distributions through this method. This payment record is kept in
PPS and in the General Ledger.
• The CT PPS Flag check box does not exist on exempt employees or for Type S Friendly
Feeds appointment
information and all
9+ distributions to
Sends all 9+
distribution as file
submission to PPS
Feeds appointment
information and 9
or less distributions
(as selected by CT
PPS Flag check box)
to PPS
Takes HCM
information and
CalTime earnings
file submission
and pays
CT PPS Flag (3 of 3)
Distribution Sample Flow
Earnings Distribution 1*
Earnings Distribution 2
Earnings Distribution 3*
Earnings Distribution 4*
Earnings Distribution 5*
Earnings Distribution 6*
Earnings Distribution 7*
Earnings Distribution 8*
Earnings Distribution 9*
Earnings Distribution 10*
Earnings Distribution 11
Earnings Distribution 12
Earnings Distribution 13
Earnings Distribution 14
Earnings Distribution 15
* Indicates chartstrings selected using CT PPS Flag.
Earnings Distribution 1*
Earnings Distribution 3*
Earnings Distribution 4*
Earnings Distribution 5*
Earnings Distribution 6*
Earnings Distribution 7*
Earnings Distribution 8*
Earnings Distribution 9*
Earnings Distribution 10*
Earnings Distribution 1*
Earnings Distribution 2
Earnings Distribution 3*
Earnings Distribution 4*
Earnings Distribution 5*
Earnings Distribution 6*
Earnings Distribution 7*
Earnings Distribution 8*
Earnings Distribution 9*
Earnings Distribution 10*
Earnings Distribution 11
Earnings Distribution 12
Earnings Distribution 13
Earnings Distribution 14
Earnings Distribution 15
Supervisor vs. Delegate vs. Approver
Within the context of CalTime, the term “supervisor” does not always indicate the
employee’s true supervisor or even the supervisor of record in HCM.
The supervisor of record in
HCM or the employee’s actual
(Type C appointments only)
Individual who is responsible
for approving timesheets
according to chartstring from
“CT Supv ID” field. Sometimes
called Approver.
Suzy Supervisor is the supervisor of record for Eli
Sarah Supervisor is responsible for approving
time charged to a specific chartstring; while she is
a supervisor, she is not the employee’s actual
Erin Employee is responsible for approving time
charged to a specific chartstring but is not the
actual supervisor.
(Type C appointments only)
Individual who is responsible for
approving timesheets according to
chartstring from “CT Supv ID” field.
Erica Employee is responsible for approving time
charged to a specific chartstring but is not the actual
Is an individual who has the
responsibility of approving
timesheets on behalf of a
Suzy Supervisor is on leave and delegates
responsibility of approving timesheets to Daisy
Professor Peter is too busy to approve timesheets
and delegates responsibility of approving
timesheets to Dave Delegate.
Type C Supervisor Caveats
Issue 1 – Adding Rows to Type C Employees
• Problem: The “supervisor” listed in the CT Supv ID field will default back to the supervisor
of record in HCM, if a new row is added.
• Solution: Check the previous record and make sure that any “supervisors” listed in the CT
Supv ID field matches the chartstrings on the current row. If appropriate to the action type,
ensure that the correct “supervisor(s)” is listed in the CT Supv ID field.
Issue 2 – Approvers Getting Access to Timesheets
• Problem: If the “supervisor” listed in the CT Supv ID field is not already a supervisor of
record in HCM, they will not automatically be granted access in CalTime to approve
• Solution: Submit a ticket to the CalTime Systems Administrator requesting access for the
Retroactive Actions
Friendly Names fields were added in HCM on 9/1/2014. However, if you look at
previous records prior to 9/1/14, the Friendly Name field appears along with a Cal
Time Type Code of Y.
Cal Time Type Code Y is used as a placeholder for the Cal Time Type Code field for
records prior to the 9/1/2014 conversion. It is not a valid value and cannot be
selected by an HCM administrator.
If the appointment requires you to add a Friendly Name type to the appointment for
retroactive actions prior to 9/1/14, use Cal Time Code A and the default Friendly
Name as a place holder so that you may save your record.
Friendly Name Job Aids
CSS Knowledge Base
CalTime Information