Transcript Document

Chaldean Timeline

625 BCE- Nabopolassar began his rule.

612 BCE- Nabopolassar won a war against Assyria and freed Chaldea.

605 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II became a military leader as a young man and concluded Nabopolassar ‘s rule.

606/605 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II served as a commander in chief and shattered the Egyptian army while securing Syria.

605 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II won the battle at Carchemish.

604 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II receives the submission of local states (Judah) and marched into Judah and destroyed the city of Ashkelon.

601/600 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II lost a war to the Egyptian army and Nebuchadnezzar II stayed in Babylonia to fix chariots. King Jehoiakim of Judah was faithful to king Nebuchadnezzar II until he later rebelled.

598/599 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II attacked Judah.

597 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II captured Jerusalem and King Jehoiakim of Judah was killed in battle.

594/593 BCE- the Babylonian chronicles breaks off (the Babylonian chronicles are, “a contemporary record kept by the Neo-Babylonians priests of the chief events for each year”).

587 BCE- Egypt and Judah attack again, Nebuchadnezzar besieged the city again for 18 months people are starving, vassal king Zedekiah tries to escape, his sons are killed he’s taken as a captive, he destroys Jerusalem Jewish exile begins .

586 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II armies destroyed Jerusalem .

562 BCE- Nebuchadnezzar II ended his reign as the king he held for 43 years.

137 BCE- Emperor Hispallus tried to banish Chaldean astrologers from the kingdom, instead it actually became more popular and was increasingly accepted by the public.