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Transcript CCOT -

 This essay deals specifically with analysis of
continuities and changes over time covering
at least one of the periods in the course
 It addresses, for example, technology, trade,
culture, migrations, or environment.
 The CCOT questions require analysis of
process and explanation of causation with
specific examples
Example CCOT Essay
The time allotted for this essay is 40 minutes, 5
of which should be spent planning and/or
outlining your answer.
Directions: You are to answer the following
question. You should spend 5 minutes
organizing or outlining you essay. Write an
essay that:
Has a relevant thesis and supports that
thesis with appropriate historical evidence
 Address all parts of the question.
 Uses world historical context to show
continuities and changes over time.
 Analyzes the process of continuity and
change over time.
 Pick one of the following regions and analyze the
continuities and changes in the region’s
connections to the world trading systems from
1450-2000. Be sure to explain how alterations in
the framework of international trade interacted
with regional factors to produce continuities and
changes throughout the period.
Latin America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Middle East
Another Ex.
 Analyze major changes and continuities in
the formation of national identities in ONE of
the regions listed below from 1914-present.
Be sure to include evidence from specific
countries in the region selected.
 Middle East
 Southeast Asia
 Sub-Saharan Africa
From the Princeton Review
 Tend to deal with global issues
 Trade, technology, culture, migrations, biological
 You need to talk about how things were prior to
the change and them make it clear why things
 You must cover historical development
 Process the question
 Answer all parts of the question
 Build framework
 Baseline, impact, change, and continuity
Comparative Essay
 This essay focuses on developments in at least
two societies or regions.
 It relates to major themes in the course, such as
social and gender structures, interactions
between or among societies, political
organization, or economic systems.
 Comparative questions always require analysis of
reasons for the similarities and differences
 Students may have the opportunity to choose
different cases for comparisons
From the Princeton Review
 Compare how 2 societies responded to a
major event
 Usually the easiest, but students score the
lowest (fatigue)
 Include BOTH similarities and differences
 Address all parts of the question
Comparative Essay Ex.
 The time allotted for this essay is 40 minutes,
5 minutes of which should be spent planning
and/or outlining the answer.
 Directions: you are to answer the following
question. You should spend 5 minutes
organizing or outlining your essay. Write an
essay that:
 Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis
with appropriate historical evidence
 Addresses all parts of the question.
 Makes direct, relevant comparisons.
 Analyzes relevant reasons for similarities and
Unfree labor systems were widely used for
agricultural production in the period 14501750. Analyze the major similarities and
differences between TWO of the following
 Caribbean Slavery
 North American Slavery
 West African Slavery
 Russian Serfdom
Another Ex.
 Within the period from 1450 to 1800,
compare the processes (e.g., political, social,
and economic) of empire building in the
Spanish Empire with the empire-building
processes in ONE of the following.
 The Ottoman Empire
 The Russian Empire
 They tend to deal with global issues
 Technology
 Trade
 Culture
 Migrations
 Biological development
 You need to talk about how things were prior
to the change and then make it clear why
things changed
 Must cover historical development
 Answer all parts of the questions
What do they want from you?
 Your soul (kidding)
 Make connections
 In any given period of time/history, can you
explain what’s going on?
 What was the affect on the rest of the world?
 What changed about this society during this
time period?
 How did people interact with their
 What new ideas, thoughts, and styles came
into existence?
 How did different societies get along (or not)
within a time period?
 How did economic systems develop and
what did they depend on in terms of
agriculture, trade, labor, industrialization, and
demands of consumers?
 Who had power and who did not within a
given culture and why?
 Use transitional words
 Write neatly
 Try for correct spelling
 Use simple and compound sentences
 Watch your time
 Ask to have it posted
 Think before you write
 You won’t need to know much about
American History
 Understand how Enlightenment had impact
 What inspired revolutions?
 Influence?
 Type of gov’t created?
Multiple Choice Questions
 70 questions
 55 minutes
 Questions jump around
 4 answer choices
 Read question and put it in your own words
 Answer in your own words
 Process of elimination
 Use best guess
 You are assessed only on the total number of
correct questions
 Sometimes, it will be a picture, graph,
political cartoon, painting, or map
 It could also be a quotation for interpretation
 Who said it?
 Period 1: Technological and Environmental
Transformations 8000 BCE-600 BCE= 5%
Period 2: Organization and Reorganization of
Human Societies 6000 BCE-600 CE= 15%
Period 3: Regional and Transregional
Interactions= 600 CE-1450= 20%
Period 4: Global Interactions 1450-1750= 20%
Period 5: Industrialization and Global
Interaction 1750-1900= 20%
 Period 6: Accelerating Global Change and
Realignments 1900- Present= 20%