What`s New in ArcGIS 10.0 - Spatial Data Management Group

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Transcript What`s New in ArcGIS 10.0 - Spatial Data Management Group

What’s New in ArcGIS 10.0
Theresa Valentine
US FS PNW Corvallis FSL
[email protected]
Reference Material:
• What’s new in ArcGIS 10:
– http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/pdf/
• Desktop help:
– http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/i
• This Powerpoint: t:\commons\tvalentine
(what’s new in there also)
ArcMap Options: under customize
• Raster: raster layer options: re-sampling,
stretch type (min-max), set cache, clear cache,
• data interoperability: write log files;
• tables: set preferences;
• Metadata: set the metadata style to FGDC,
• General: many options
ArcMap: New design
• Toolbars under: Customize
• Many things went away… but can be added
back in: customize, customize mode
– Set selectable layers: I added that to the toolbar
• Geoprocessing tab: added back, you can add
your favorites to it: the results window is
under this tab now…
• New format: need to upgrade: use the Upgrade
geodatabase geprocessing tool or a python script.
– Six new topology rules are available.
• Polygon: contains one point
• Line: must not intersect with, must not intersect or touch
interior with, must be inside
• Point: must be coincident with, must be disjoint.
– You can create a current version or previous..
Create layers based on SQL queries: read only, you can
save out as a layer file or layer package.
New geometric network wizard (pg 34)
Editor toolbar re-designed
Two ways to start: clicking the editor menu on the editor toolbar or right click a
layer in the table of contents.
Feature templates: must create one to edit.
New pop-up mini toolbars (get in the way)
New snapping environment
You can go back to the “classic” editor
Attachments: add files to individual features and can be images, pdfs, text
documents, or any other type of file. Similar to hyper-links but allow you to
associate multiple files to a feature, can view from the identify window, the
attributes window (when editing), in the attribute table window, and thru html
pop-ups. Geodatabase must be in version 10.
Absolute XY dialog box: different units:
• Creating/splitting polygons: construct polygons and
split polygons: trace, modify features, etc…
– Intersect command removed from editor, but available in
customize dialog box
– Mirror features has been converted into a tool available in
customize dialog box
– Validate entire topology button removed from topology
toolbar, but available in customize dialog box
– Options for fillet tool and trace construction available by
right-clicking the map, or the O key
– Explode multipart features:
– Feature construction toolbar (tab/shift tab)
– Reshape feature tools/trace tool/select-edit vertices
Raster Data
• All raster formats at 10.0 use the GDAL library.
• All new pyramids are saved as OVR files
(exception of ERDAS IMAGINE format)
• New raster data model: mosaic datasets.
(personal, file, ARCSDE): functions
• New geoprocessing tools (pg 7 in book)
• Custom color schemes
• Image Analysis Window: Under windows tab
• Advanced labeling with the stretch renderer:
(labeling tab on symbology tab)
More Raster
• New Icons
– File-based data are yellow
– Geodatabase data are gray
– Data on the server are blue.
• Accelerated rasters: (do this via the image
analysis window)..right click on raster layer.
Tables and Attributes
• Table window displays all open attribute
tables. (tabs along the bottom): can undock
the tables to view more than one at a time.
• Field calculator has been enhanced to work
with Python scripting.
• New command in table options menu to
restore the field order in a table to its original
• There is an edit mode icon on the bottom
Tables continued
• Layer Properties
– Fields: options: (reset order)
• Also from the table pull down menu:
• Attachments: needs to be a geodatabase
– need to upgrade to 10.0 geodatabase
– In catalog, right click to enable
attachments…caused me to crash arcgis 10
Attachment manager (click on a row)
• New metadata editor dialog box
• New geoprocessing tools
• Can now validate on a metadata standard’s
xml schema.
• Now called “item description”
• Can view metadata from arcmap
• Customize pull down menu replaces tools menu
• Geocoding/adding xy data, and linear referencing events are in the
File pull down menu in a new pull down right click menu called Add
Data (I removed this because it made my machine run slower)
• Graphs and reports are now in the view pull-down menu
• My places has been moved to the data frame tools toolbar
• Added back geoprocessing menu: can add your own favorites:
select from customize, customize mode, tools and drag to toolbar.
• Dockable windows: I find them hard to dock…pg 77
• Table of contents now has buttons along the top instead of tabs on
the bottom. Can list by visibility
• You can specify the default geodatabase you want your map to use
• New search window: be careful about indexing…
• Catalog window:
Symbols and Styles
• Search for symbols (excellent tool, but still
lacking in actual search terms)
• You can group symbols, you can resize the
symbol selector window to see more symbols
at once.
• More info on page 89
• Customize on style manager under customize
Map Display and navigation
• Map Templates: (pg 84)
• Basemap layers have been added. (right click
under data frame)
• Quickpan mode
– Hardware acceleration: smoother refresh on pan
and zoom operations for basemap layers
– You can enable quickpan mode with the q key or
by holding down the middle mouse button.
– Fewer redraws..
Page layouts and data frames
• Data driven pages: map books and multiple
page products
• Dynamic text (insert menu)
• Clip to shape allows you to exclude individual
• Geoprocessing has been extended so you can
manipulate maps, layouts, and layers through
Python scripting.
– Interact with map documents in batch.
Temporal data:
• Time tab on properties
• Works in desktop and server
• Time sliders to view data
• Crystal reports Wizard is no longer included
• Report wizard under the view menu
• Exported to more formats, including PDF,
• Report designer
Selection tools/Graphs
• 4 new selection tools: select by polygon,
lasso, circle, and line.
• Graphs available in ArcGlobe and ArcScene
• Three new types of graphs: bubble, bar min
and max, and polar graph.
• New geoprocessing tools: (make graph, save
Geoprocessing and analysis
• Tools execute in background, letting you continue
working while the tool executes..
• Arctoolbox replaced by search window, the
catalog window, and the results window (not so
sure about this)…
• You can add tools to any menu or toolbar.
• Search and catalog window: want you to use this
to find things… (wish it worked better)
• Password protections for model and script tools.
Python and ArcPy
• Python version 2.6
• Python window replaces the command line
window (page 15)
• The ArcPy site package is installed with ArcGIS
• Seven model-only tools added: work only in modelbuilder:
calculate value, collect values, get field value, merge
branch, parse path, select data, and stop
• More than 50 core geoprocessing toos have been added
• You can import your *.py file into the tool
• Improved tools:
– Clip/identify: support point on point and line on line
– Buffer/clip/erase: support line features with vertical line
– Spatial join: process much larger datasets and most operations
will complete in shorter amount of time.
– More on pg. 115
Model Builder:
Toolbar and menu have been updated
Undo and redo are supported
Model elements now have tooltips
Iterators replace the series option in Model
• Twelve iterators have been added: Pg 16
• Default spacing between elements has changed
from 30 to 15.
The functionality to export a model to JavaScript
and VBScript has been removed
Spatial Analyst
• New python map algebra provides a rich and integrated way for
performing map algebra.
• Expressions can be entered into the new raster calculator tool or
directly into the python window
• Spatial analyst engine now has native read/write capability (not
copying everything to arc grids?): using arcobjects without
converting to grids.
• Focal statistics tool has a new algorithm to improve performance.
• Image classification toolbar
• New tools: starts pg 157:
Extract multi values to points (can use more than one raster)
Multivariate analysis tool: Iso Cluster unsupervised classificatio
Overlay: fuzzy membership and fuzzy overlay
Zonal: zonal histogram, zonal statistics as table update
Geostatistical Analyst
• See pg 145
• 11 new geoprocessing tools: 4 new
functionality, and 7 were previously only
available through the geostatistical wizard or
geostat toolbar.
• Quick tour available
Manage Services in ArcCatalog
Data Extraction tools
Feature Service: allows editing through API’s
MSD services support Maplex and new layer
• Time aware layers
• Expose feature attachments
• Pg 129