Presentation by Dr. Geoffrey C. Mrema FAO.

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Transcript Presentation by Dr. Geoffrey C. Mrema FAO.

Managing Post-harvest Systems to Enhance Agricultural Productivity Competitiveness and Markets in Western and Central Africa by Dr. Geoffrey C. Mrema Director Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Effects rise in food prices and financial crisis

  Because of high food prices, the import bill for cereals of African countries rose substantially by 49 percent in 2008 alone.

The financial crisis led to a slow down in economic growth from 6.0% in 2007 to 5.1% percent in 2008.


Ratio of Share of Agri-enterprise and Agriculture in GDP Agriculture Based Countries Transforming Countries Share in GDP Agriculture (1) Agri-enterprise (2) 0.39




Ratio of (2) to (1) 0.57


Urbanized Countries USA 0.08







Structural Changes and Agro-industries Development Empirical data show that:

 In agricultural countries that have not undergone a structural transformation, 63% of the value added in the agri-food system was created on the farm.  In the USA, by contrast, farming accounted for only 7 percent, with the remaining value being created by input producers, agro-industries, transport firms, retailers, restaurants, and others in the agribusiness system.


Capital Requirements to Overcome Hunger

Cumulative Investments over 44 year period to 2050

in billion US$ ITEM 1. Primary Production (including mechanization & other power sources) 2. Downstream Support Services (storage; markets & first stage processing) TOTAL Sub-Saharan Africa 496 444 940 Source: Capital Requirements for Agriculture in Developing Countries to 2050, FAO, Rome, 2009 US$ 15 billion/year in additional investment needed


Post-harvest Losses (PHL)

  Assuming very conservative estimates of quantitative PHL of 10% in cereals, 30 percent in fruits & vegetables and 20% in root & tubers, and using 2007 production data for the 22 CORAF/WECARD countries, quantitative losses in the region are:  5.37 million tonnes of cereals  2.43 million tonnes of fruits and vegetables and  27.59 million tonnes of roots and tubers This amounts to a total monetary value of US$17.46 billion. 6

Regional and Local Market Opportunities

   Demand for agricultural commodities and high value products across Africa is expected to grow from US$ 50 billion in 2000 to US$150 billion in 2030. The potential income that farmers could derive at the farm level from increased trade in domestic and cross-border markets is expected to grow to US$30 billion in 2030; Developing the necessary market links could increase rural incomes by up to another $60 billion.


Population Figures for CORAF/WECARD Countries

    Population of the 22 countries considered together will increase from current level of 417 million to 527 million in 2020 and over 883 million in 2050. By 2020, an equal number of the population will live in rural and urban areas.

Beyond 2020, the urban population is projected to rapidly outgrow the population in rural areas. By 2050, 67% of the region’s population will live in urban areas.


Population Centers in West and Central Africa


Africa in Global Trade and Value Addition

      African countries contribute less than 10% to global value addition. Africa’s share in world agricultural trade declined from 15% in the 1960s to 5.4% in the 1980s and 3.2% in 2006. Africa’s international trade is dominated by primary commodity exports - almost 60% of total export value, remaining 40% being fuels/petroleum. Non-fuel primary commodity exports, agricultural products account for more than 25% of trade revenues Intra African trade barely 10% of Africa’s total agricultural trade.

Intra-regional exports averaging US$ 3.8 billion between 2000 and 2005 while imports of agricultural commodities from outside Africa averaged US$ 33 billion. 10

Rice Import Figures RICE IMPORTS IN SSA AND WCA REGIONS 2005 (in 1000 MT) Global Rice Imports SSA Total Imports (% global) West & Central Africa Region (% global imports) 29,580 11,050 7,756

Benin Cameroon Congo (Bra) Cote d’Ivoire Gambia Ghana Guinea Liberia Mali Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Lone Togo

Sub-total WCA Region (as a % SSA)

710 751 92 1160 116 627 158 168 173 60 1841 1319 108 473

7,756 37.4% 26.4% 70.2%

Source: World Grain Statistics (2007), International Grain Council, London (August 2008)


Key Intervention Areas Four main areas of support are essential for development of post production agro-enterprises and agro-industries:

1. Enabling policies & public goods; 2. Value chain skills & technologies; 3. Post-production institutions & services; 4. Reinforced financing & risk mitigation mechanisms 12

Enabling policies and provision of public goods

      Sector Strategies & Plans; Legal and Regulatory Frameworks; Grades & Standards; Agricultural Mechanization; Markets & Trade Infrastructure; National & Regional Trade Policies 13

Skills & technologies

 Development of skills & technologies needed for post production segments of agricultural value chains should address:  Producer, Commodity & Industry Associations;  Value Chains Facilitation;  Business Development Services  Producer & SME Skills Building;  Technology Development & Transfer;  Vocational, Business & University Training 14

Innovative Institutions and Public Services

     Contract Farming & Out grower Schemes; Business Incubators, Hubs & Clusters; Research, Technology & Agro-Food Parks; Product Labeling & Certification Schemes; Commodity Exchanges & Market Information 15

Finance & Risk Mitigation

     Public-Private Partnerships Loan Guarantees Investment Funds Value Chain Finance Risk Mitigation Products 16

HLCD-3A Co-organizers

• • • • • • •

Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Hosts) African Union Commission (AUC) African Development Bank (AfDB) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

3ADI Main Objective

To increase private sector investment flows going into the agriculture sector in Africa by mobilizing resources for agribusiness & agro-industrial development from domestic, regional & international financial systems 18

3ADI - What the Initiative will do?

Specifically the Initiative will:

1. Leverage current attention to agriculture in Africa to accelerate the development of agribusiness & agro-industries sectors that ensure value addition to Africa’s agricultural products; 2. Support a well coordinated effort to share knowledge & harmonize programmes in ways that capture synergies, avoid fragmented efforts, & enhance developmental impacts; 3. Support

an investment programme that will significantly increase proportion of agricultural produce in Africa that is transformed into differentiated high-value products.